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بالنسبة الى محطة السلايدات بالاوسكي
ف هذا ملف ماكلويد فقط سلايدات ووية كل سلايد موجود اسم الحالة او العلامة
هذي الملفات مبسطة و جدا مفيدة للاكزامنيشن للاوسكي حاولو تقروها
📋 Respiratory percussion findings on Examination#Clinical_medicine
📋 How to assess a heart murmur
✏️1- when does it Occur?
( its systolic or diastolic )
✏️2- How loud ( intensity ) of murmur ?
( soft , moderate , loud , very loud )
Diastolic murmur are very rarly above grade 4
✏️3- location of best site heard?
✏️4- where its radiation? ( neck , axilla , back )
✏️5- Sound like?* ( pitch and quality )
📋 Respiratory Auscultation Examination Findings
*📋* Difference between Empyema and Emphysema
📌1- Empyema:
• It refers to the collection of pus** in the pleural cavity .
✏️• It is usually a complication of an infection, like pneumonia, tuberculosis, or lung abscess.
✏️• Symptoms often include fever, chest pain, cough, and SOB.
✏️• Treatment typically involves antibiotics and drainage of the pus through a chest tube or surgery.
📌2- Emphysema:
• It is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that involves the damage of the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs caused by the destruction of the alveolar walls and pulmonary capillaries required for gas exchange.
*✏️Risk Factors or causes usually by long-term smoking* or exposure to harmful pollutants. ,
✏️• Symptoms include SOB, chronic cough, and reduced ability to exercise.
✏️• Treatment focuses on managing symptoms with medications, inhalers, and lifestyle changes but the damage to the lungs is irreversible.
🔗In summary, empyema is an infection involving pus in the pleural space, while emphysema is a chronic condition where lung tissue is damaged, primarily due to smoking.
Physical Signs in COPD
👁tripod position
👁Barrel chest
👁Use of accessory muscles
👁Congested neck veins
👁Pursed-lip breathing
👁Tobacco staining
👁paradoxical chest movement
✋Reduced chest expansion
✋Reduced cricosternal distance (less than 3 cm )
✋Tracheal tug =
✋Peripheral edema
🔨Reduced cardiac dullness
🩺Decreased breath sounds or air entry
🩺Rhonchi (wheezes) with a prolonged expiratory phase
🩺Silent chest in severe cases
⚠️clubbing is NOT a sign of COPD, look for lung ca (same risk factor 🚬)
*🔗 Quick Questions*
📋 Patients may develop COPD even without a smoking history, especially in middle age?
Yes, Congenital COPD ( Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)
📋 Most important steps of Auscultation of Lung
1- comparism
2- vocal resonance
3- coughing
📋 Fine crackles causes
- Lung fibrosis : late fine crackles
- Pulmonary edema : mid fine crackle
(indicating interstitial lung disease)
📋 Coarse crackle causes
with infection ( local )
e.g : Bronchitis
📋 How to differentiate between fine and coarse crackles?
By coughing
Coarse crackles will disappear
📋 Important Question with pt. of jaundice ?
- Colour of stool
pale stools may indicate obstructive jaundice.
Dark or Normal-Colored Stool , hemolysis breakdown of RBC or liver cell disease (such as hepatitis).
- Iteching#Clinical_medicine
📈 All the latest updates on the Stock Market: signals, news, and everything that might move the narrative — all in one place.
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Buy Ads: @JamesCookTg
Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago
The official Yescoin™
Probably something.
Play🕹️: @realyescoinbot
Player support: @yescoincare
Business: @advertize_support
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Fast transfers & trading, send meme gifts 🎁 and earn 100x returns — fun and flexible crypto app!
Incubated & invested by Binance Labs