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Ismaeel Books مكتبة إسماعيل

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Last updated 1 month ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

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Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

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1 week ago
‌‎[#يصدر\_قريبا](?q=%23%D9%8A%D8%B5%D8%AF%D8%B1_%D9%82%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A7) بعون الله تعالى

‌‎#يصدر_قريبا بعون الله تعالى

خزانة الفقه

للإمام الفقيه أبي الليث السمرقندي
( ت 373 هـ)

حقق على إحدى عشر نسخة خطية

وبحاشيته التعليق المسمى
نسمات الغيث على خزانة أبي الليث

حققه وعلق عليه
د. أبو سهل محمد سعد رحمت الله
عبد الله محي الدين الحفري

1 week, 5 days ago

بشرى سارَّة

إن شاء الله يصدر قريبًا ولأوَّلِ مرَّةٍ عن مكتبة إسماعيل: (كتاب الأربعين) لمُؤلِّفه الإمام المُحدِّث الفقيه أبي عبد الله فَضْل الله بن الحَسَن التُّوْرِبِشْتِي، صاحب: (المُيسَّر)، بتحقيق الشيخ عثمان بن فيروز.


2 weeks, 2 days ago

مطلب الناسك في علم المناسك للتوربشتي

While the works of Manasik and Hajj are many, most focus on masa’il and ahkam.
This work, by Allamah Torpushti (d.661ah) (Turibishti in Arabic) is unique as:

-It is a really early work.
-The author focusses more the actions and awrad to be carried out in each place, with special focus on the etiquettes and adab to be considered.
- The book is filled with ahadith, narrated with their asanid.
- Fiqhi ikhtilaf are discussed with utmost respect, with the dalil of each side presented, followed by the author sometimes showing one seems preferable to him and why
- It is filled with fawaid, many you probably wouldn’t find elsewhere. Anyone who has used his sharh on al-Masabih, would know the amazing insight he has and his ability to explain a difficult concept or reconcile seemingly contradictory adillah.
- This book combines Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and Tasawwuf.
- It is filled with discussions into the madhahib of fuqaha, munaqasha, questions and answers, as well as lughawi and tarikhi fawaid.

Inspite of the great value of this book, you hardly find any quotes from it in earlier works, as the manuscripts of it seemed to have been really scarce. It is a really rare work, with just one known manuscript of it in all the manuscript catalogues we have available!

Just printed for the first time, this is a beautiful, mulawwan edition, edited under the supervision of Mf Abdullah Nana, printed in one a thick volume, nearly 1000 pages!

Described by
Mufti Husain kadodia

2 months, 3 weeks ago
تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال

تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال

2 months, 3 weeks ago


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Ismaeel Books - مكتبة إسماعيل (@Ismaeelbooksuk) on X

#صدر\_حديثًا منظومة لفضيلة الشيخ المفتي أيوب محمد إبراهيم المدني منظومة حوت آداب الاختلاف، وذم الخلاف، وبيان أسبابه، وطريقة اجتنابه ومعالجته، ومنهج التعامل مع سائر الناس، من العالِم وذوي المراتب العلية، إلى العامي ومن له شرُّ سجية، لا سيما عند اختلاف الآراء.…

Ismaeel Books مكتبة إسماعيل
3 months, 3 weeks ago


صدر حديثا من سلسلة النفائس الأشرفية

كتاب [ آداب المعاشرة ]
للإمام أشرف علي التهانوي رحمه الله

محمد طاهر أشرف
قدم له
د. خالد مرغوب

#رمضان          ‎#رمضان_على_السعودية          ‎#مبارك_عليكم_الشهر#رمضان_معانا          ‎#Ramadan          ‎#شهر_مبارك#رمضان_مبارك          ‎#كل_عام_وانتم_بخير

4 months, 3 weeks ago


From Friday 9th Feb until Monday 19th Feb

NOTE: You can still place your orders during those days but they will only be dispatched after 19th of Feb

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News and announcements of the library. No books here.
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🌐 https://z-library.sx
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🐘 https://mastodon.social/@Z_Lib_official

Last updated 1 month ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

For feedback and business enquiries

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

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