Muwahideen Matrimony

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This group is strictly for marriage according to Qur'an and Sunnah.
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3 weeks, 3 days ago

ID Number: FBA2
Niqab:Yes with Gloves
Marital Status: Single
Any Children :No.
Country of Residence:Bangladesh
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Disability: No.
Scholars you take from:. .:
Sayekh Turki āl bināli,Sayekh Ahmad mūsa Jibreel,Imam AAA (Rahimahullah)...
Living with Parents after Marriage even temporarily:No
Revert or Born Muslim : Born Muslim

Getting married: Asap
Would you like to have kids:In sah Allah.
How often do you travel out the house:Don't go out unnecessarily.
Age Preference: 21-30

Hobbies/Interests:Being an ideal mother of future children.
Marry outside Your Country:No
Marry outside Your Ethnicity:No
Introvert or Extrovert :Introvert.

About Me:Open minded, love to read books, love to help people, love Salaf lifestyle. I want to learn Quran Hifaz and Arabic language. * Willing to sacrifice the highest for Deen and Ummah. In Sha Allah.

Values and Beliefs:The Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat.

Quran Memorisation:There is a desire to imitate. In Sha Allah

What I’m Looking for in a Partner:Hereafter Must be monotheistic. Must be muwahid.Must have Aqidatul Wala Al-Bara. There should be compassion for the Ummah. Will always be ready to sacrifice life and property for the religion of Allah. Must be taqwaban. Riziq must be halal.Will always watch out and help me keep my deen and veil.
* Never compromise on obeying all the laws of Allah.


3 weeks, 4 days ago

ID Number: FBA1
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5'4"
Weight: Don't know.
Complexion: Brown
Niqab: Yes with Gloves
Marital Status: Single
Any Children : No
Country of Residence: Bangladesh
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Ethnicity: Bengali
Location: Bangladesh
Disability: No
Occupation: Student
Scholars you take from: Sayekh Turki āl bināli, Sayekh Ahmad mūsa Jibreel, Shayekh Khalid Ar Rashid, shayekh sulayman al awlan, shayekh naseer al fahad, Shayekh Ali Al Khudayer, Imam AAA رحمه الله and other scholars of haqq on aqeeda of Al Wala wal Bara.
Living with Parents after Marriage even temporarily: After marriage I will stay with my husband in sha Allah
Revert or Born Muslim : Born Muslim, and started practicing at 16 Alhamdulillah
Getting married: Asap
Would you like to have kids: Yes, as many Allah will give.
How often do you travel out the house: Do not go out of the house unless necessary.
Age Preference: 21-30
Hobbies/Interests: I love to read, to cook. and love to help people.
Marry outside Your Country:Yes
Marry outside Your Ethnicity:Yes
Introvert or Extrovert : Introvert

About Me: Just a normal Muslimah Allhamdulliah, trying my best to practice islam and learning about deen everyday. Alhamdulillah, I am a girl from a very simple family. I have many plans for deen. Trying to work accordingly. And Trying to learn Arabic

Values and Beliefs: Aqeedah of the real salaf, Al wala wal Bara.

Quran Memorisation: Between me and my lord

What I’m Looking for in a Partner: He who will be a pure muwahhid, will love my Deen and Ummah, Who loves martyr*dom on the streets of Allah. Who will always be ready to sacrifice his life and wealth for the deen of Allah and who will love me more and will inspire me to be steadfast on my deen. Unworldly, and a very ordinary person, and also have mindset for hijarah. Knowing arabic is a very plus point as well as having memorised Quran.


3 weeks, 4 days ago

It is Written
إنه مكتوب
Your rizq is already written for you. The spouse that Allah has written for you will reach you even if you are in the farthest part of the earth. No one can take whatever Allah has decreed for you. So مهلا! Take it easy. Do not burden your soul with excessive worry and sadness.

Upon you is a sincere intention, dua, taking the necessary steps and having Tawakkul in Allah after you have exhausted all the measures in your reach. May Allah grant you khayr in ways that is a coolness to your hearts آمين

3 weeks, 5 days ago

ID Number: MTU1
Gender: male
Age: 28
Height: 175
Weight: 73
Complexion: white
Beard: Yes
Marital Status: Single
Any Children : none
Polygamy: none
Country of Residence: turkey istanbul
Nationality: Lebanese
Ethnicity: arab lebanese
Location: istanbul turkey yenibosna
Disability: none
Occupation: sales manager at real estate company
Scholars you take from: Sheikh ahmad al assir
Sheikh khaled al rashid
Sheikh nasir al fahd
Living with Parents after Marriage even temporarily:no
I Born as aMuslim
Getting married: Couple of months till 1 year
Would you like to have kids: yes
How often do you travel out the house: everyday
Age Preference: 17-25
Hobbies/Interests: reading sport quraan
Marry outside Your Country:Yes
Marry outside Your Ethnicity:Yes
Introvert or Extrovert : extrovert

About Me:
I’m omar i born in lebanon and I studied there, at 21 years i moved to istanbul i worked hard there and i built my self but am planning to move out to another country because of racism and problems in turkey
I know english turkish and full arabic language, i’m professional in closing deals and marketing

Values and Beliefs:
I believe in allah as quran and sunnah said without adding or removing
Tawhid is the most important thing that I learned it well

Quran Memorisation:
Alhamdulilla i’m hafiz Full 30 juzzu with tajwid

What I’m Looking for in a Partner: i’m looking for a beautiful partner who will help me to build a good family as allah want at sunna and quraan want
I would like to help her to memorize quran and tajwid and sunna

3 weeks, 6 days ago
Muwahideen Matrimony
3 weeks, 6 days ago

ID Number:MAU2
Gender:  M
Age: 27
Height: 170
Weight: 80
Complexion: White
Beard: Yes
Marital Status: Single/Divorced/Widowed: Divorced
Any Children : 1
Country of Residence: Australia
Nationality:  Australian
Ethnicity: Turkish
Location: Australia
Disability: No
Occupation: Self employed
Scholars you take from: Sheikh Ahmad Musa Jibril, Sheikh Ebu Hanzala, Sheikh Anwar al Awlaki, Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab and classical scholars.
Living with Parents after Marriage even temporarily: No 
Revert or Born Muslim: Learned Tawhid in my late teenage years.
Getting married: After getting to know each other.
Would you like to have kids: Yes
How often do you travel out the house: Every day
Age Preference: 18-27
Hobbies/Interests: Gym and perfumery.
Marry outside Your Country: No
Marry outside Your Ethnicity:Yes
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

About Me: Born and raised in Australia. I'm a mature minded man seeking to get married for the sake of Allah. Im a respectful person and give great importance to manners. I have a secure fulltime job. My goals are to be a business owner in the near future, to get married and live an islamic lifestyle with my wife, to raise our children with quran and sunnah in their lives. I'm laid back, serious when i need to be and have a good sense of humour when i need to be. I try to keep healthy by working out. I'm concious and honest of my short comings and try my best to work through them.

Values and Beliefs:
I want to work hard for my wife and kids and become the best version of myself. I'd want to be a good role model for my children and teach them what it means to be good Muslim through my actions.

Quran Memorisation: My arabic is terrible and InshAllah I will put in more effort.

What I’m Looking for in a Partner: Just a simple sister that is nice and has good manners. Feminine and dresses according to the Quran and Sunnah. Understands the value of marriage and family. May Allah aza wa jal grant us what is best for our dunya and akhira.

3 weeks, 6 days ago

ID Number:MQ1  
Gender: male
Height: 5'6 F
Complexion: black
Marital Status: Single
Any Children : 0
Country of Residence: Qatar
Nationality:  Kenyan
Ethnicity: Swahili
Disability: no
Occupation: full time customer service
Scholars you take from: Shaykh Ahmad and his father( Hafadhakumullah) Imam @@@ ( Rahimahullāh)others to manny to mention
Living with Parents after Marriage even temporarily: no
Revert or Born Muslim ( Born muslim)
Getting married: Asap
Would you like to have kids: yes
How often do you travel out the house: everyday
Age Preference: from between 17and 28
Hobbies/Interests: soccer, to walk, Swim
Marry outside Your Country:Yes
Marry outside Your Ethnicity:Yes

About Me: insha'allah I will give the more information to the intended person...

Values and Beliefs:

Islam is my top priority and it is very important, we take it as the guiding principle in our lives and we build everything further from there.  We follow the path of the salaf

Quran Memorisation:

Between me And Allah

What I’m Looking for in a Partner:

a sister who likes to learn and supports her husband in the good and motivates him and is competent with him in the good and wants to build a strong community based on the Quran and the sunnah and fears ALLAH

4 weeks ago
4 weeks, 1 day ago

The words of Ibn Al-Qayim, almost 700 years ago...

Read carefully and take heed!

“There is no doubt that allowing for the women to mix freely with the men is the origin of every trial and evil, and it is from the greatest reasons for the descending of punishment which encompasses everyone just as it is from the reasons for corruption of the general and specific affairs.

Mixing between men and women is the reason for the increase of fawaahish (lewdness) and fornication, and it is from the reasons for general death and contagious diseases.

When the prostitutes mixed with the hosts of Musa and began to commit acts of faahishah (prostitution) amongst them, Allah sent the diseases to them so that in one day 70,000 people died. And the story is well known in the books of tafsīr.

So from the greatest reasons for general death is the abundance of al-Zināʾ (fornication) brought about by allowing women to mix freely with men and walk amongst them beautified wearing makeup. If the rulers knew what that contained from corruption of the dunyā and the people under their custody with regards to the religion, then they would be the most stern in the prevention of that.

ʿAbdullāh ibn Masʿūd (may Allāh be pleased with him) said: “When al-Zināʾ spreads in a village then Allāh permits its destruction.”

4 weeks, 1 day ago
‎ في الدنيا والآخرة ان شاء …

‎ في الدنيا والآخرة ان شاء الله
In this world and the hereafter, By the Will of Allāh 💖

Many people do say:
"I want a spouse who will hold my hands to Jannah."

The bridge of Sirāt is not an easy bridge that requires just a hand to help you cross it, everyone is for himself, so Jannah is not earned by mere Duā, you need to both work for it..
And if you see your spouse being not persistent with his or her Ibādāt, do not feel despair. Be the glue of the union. And before asking him or her to join you in prayers and Ibādāt, be the best example of the muslim BY YOUR ACTIONS. Act in line with Qur’ān and Sunnah. Be kind, honest & caring..Strive together on Haqq, till you reach your final Abode in Jannah together بإذن الله تعالى ..

May Allah grant us all the best partner for this Dunyā and Ākhirah.

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