‘’SYLTARE - The resonance of all worlds in space and time.
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

2 years ago

?SYLTARE Update Maintenance Completion Notice?

Greetings from the SYLTARE operation team.

February 7th (Tue) update maintenance completed.

We inform you of the patch contents according to the completion of the maintenance.

■ Guest Mode
- When accessing the game, you enter in guest mode without login.
ㄴ If you want to proceed with additional betting, you need to login.
ㄴ You can connect your wallet at the top right corner, just like the previous login method.

■ UI/UX Improvement
- Improved the visibility of the challenge button in Dungeon of Courage.
- Dungeon of Courage can be played with the keyboard buttons on the computer.
ㄴ Advance : Q
ㄴ Pass : W
ㄴ Flee : E
- The Element Wheel which shows elemental advantages has been added in the Elemental Battle.

■ Server Stabilization and Bug Fix
- Server stabilization completed and security enhanced.
- Fixed some errors and bugs.

We will do our best to provide more stable service.

Thank you!

2 years ago

?SYLTARE Update Maintenance Notice?

Greetings from the SYLTARE operation team.

On February 7th (Tue), update maintenance will be conducted.
Users who are currently playing in Syltare should leave the game before the maintenance time.

Please refer to belows.

■ Server Maintenance Guidelines
- Date and time: [UTC] February 7th (Tue) 6:00 to 7:00 (1 hours)
*The time may vary depending on the progress.

More information can be found in the patch notes after the update check.

Thank you.

2 years, 1 month ago

?SYLTARE Update Maintenance Completion Notice?

Greetings from the SYLTARE operation team.

January 18th (Thur) update maintenance completed.

We inform you of the patch contents according to the completion of the maintenance.

■ Dungeon Of Courage Hard Mode Release
- "Hard Mode" has been released to receive higher rewards at higher levels.
ㄴ You can freely select Easy / Hard mode by pressing the button in the top, and it cannot be switched while the game is in progress.
※ Existing difficulty of DoC can be played in Easy Mode.
※ Card types and composition in Hard Mode are the same as in Easy Mode.

■ Server Stabilization and Bug Fix
- Server stabilization completed and security enhanced.
- Fixed some errors and bugs.

We will do our best to provide more stable service.

Thank you!

2 years, 1 month ago

?SYLTARE Update Maintenance Notice?

Greetings from the SYLTARE operation team.

On January 18th (Thur), update maintenance will be conducted.
Users who are currently playing in Syltare should leave the game before the maintenance time.

Please refer to belows.

■ Server Maintenance Guidelines
- Date and time: [UTC] January 18th (Thur) 6:00 to 7:00 (1 hours)
*The time may vary depending on the progress.

More information can be found in the patch notes after the update check.

Thank you.

2 years, 1 month ago

? SYLTARE Update Maintenance Complete Notice ?

Greetings from the SYLTARE team.

The update maintenance was completed early on January 10th (Tue)

We inform you of the patch contents according to the completion of the maintenance.

■ New mode : Dungeon of Courage release
- You can start the game with any amount of wUSDC you want.
※ Maximum bet amount per round: 200wUSDC, Minimum: 0.1wUSDC
※ You can challenge for free with 0wUSDC.

- At the beginning of the game, you start with a total of 10 HP, and you move forward by choosing one of advance / pass / flee.
ㄴ Advance : Move forward to the next level.
ㄴ Pass : Move forward to the next level ignoring card effects.
ㄴ Flee : Get wUSDC by multiplying the initial amount by the current level multiple

- You can advance by flipping over 28 cards placed in random order among 34 cards, and run away at the desired timing or multiple times to get rewards.

[Deck Composition]
- The start (1 card) : appears at Level 1
- The road (16 cards) : no effect
- The wound (10 cards) : HP is reduced by the number written on the card (numbers are from 1 to 8, and there are three 1 number cards)
- The burn (3 cards) : If a wound card appears after that, loses 2x HP (In case of overlap, it doubles.)
- The blessing (3 cards) : Increases HP by 3 (Increases by 3 even if the HP exceeds 10.)
- The death (1 card) : Player dies regardless of remaining HP

- When the game ends, the level you ended (died or fled) is displayed on the mini-map and one more card for the next level of the level you died will be displayed too.

■ SYL Platform Key Currency Change Notice
- key currency (SYL / wSYL / KP) will be changed to (USDC / wUSDC)
- You can request to swap wUSDC for USDC on [Claim] tap , and it will be approved on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, and Fridays, excluding public holidays.
- Existing KP and wSYL according to the key currency change will proceed as follows.

[KP, wSYL locked up on November 17, 2022 (Thu)]
- Depending on when the lock-up is released, if wSYL exists on the SYL platform, it will be paid in wSYL, and if there is no wSYL, it will be paid in SYL Token.

[Current holdings of KP, wSYL]
- After the KP and wSYL snapshots taken as of the maintenance on January 10, 2023 (Tuesday), it will be paid in SYL TOKEN on January 11 (Wednesday).

In addition, SYL TOKEN is steadily being prepared to secure various roles and uses as a currency on the platform, and sales generated from the product will also be used to boost the value of SYL TOKEN.

■ SYL Lottery
- SYL Lottery sale has ended.
- Winners will be drawn through an upcoming AMA.

We will do our best to provide more stable service.

Thank you.

2 years, 2 months ago

?SYLTARE Update Maintenance Completion Notice?

Greetings from the SYLTARE operation team.

Update maintenance has been completed on Thursday, December 22nd.

We inform you of the patch contents according to the completion of the update maintenance.

■ Add SYL Lottery
- SYL Lottery will be sold until Tuesday, January 10, 2023 before the update maintenance.
- Each item can be purchased for 5KP, and 70% of the total sales amount is accumulated as SYL TOKEN prize money.
- After the sale ends, one person will be drawn by lottery among users who have purchased SYL Lottery, and the prize money will be paid in SYL TOKEN.

■ Server Stabilization and Bug Fix
- Server stabilization tasks have been completed and security has been enhanced.
- Fixed some errors and bugs.

We will do our best to provide more stable service.

Thank you!

2 years, 2 months ago

?SYLTARE Update Maintenance Notice?

Greetings from the SYLTARE operation team.

On December 22th (Thur), update maintenance will be conducted.

Please refer to belows.

■ Server Maintenance Guidelines
- Date and time: [UTC] December 22th (Thu) 8:00 to 9:00 (1 hours)
*The time may vary depending on the progress.

More information can be found in the patch notes after the update check.

Thank you.

2 years, 2 months ago

?SYLTARE Update Maintenance Completion Notice?

Greetings from the SYLTARE operation team.

December 15th update maintenance completed.

We inform you of the patch contents according to the completion of the maintenance.

■ Sit & Go
- As the season comes to an end, all rating scores will be reset.
- 2-person 10KP mode will be re-opened.
- As the season event is also over, we will be posting the rankings after the final inspection over possible abuse points.

■ Server Stabilization and Bug Fix
- Server stabilization completed and security enhanced.
- Fixed some errors and bugs.

We will do our best to provide more stable service.

Thank you.

2 years, 2 months ago

? SYLTARE Update Maintenance Notice ?

Greetings from the SYLTARE operation team.

On December 15th (Thur), update maintenance will be conducted.

Please refer to belows.

■ Server Maintenance Guidelines
- Date and time: [UTC] December 15th (Thu) 8:00 to 9:00 (1 hours)
*The time may vary depending on the progress.

More information can be found in the patch notes after the update check.

Thank you.

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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago