Alek Yerbury

The official Telegram page of British nationalist Alek Yerbury. DM me if desired @Ayerbury

Leader of the National Rebirth Party

Registered 2024
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2 Tage, 10 Stunden her

Manchester Branch has concluded its first official branch meeting, and plans have been made for regular meetings in future, centrally located in Manchester and open for attendance from both members and supporters. Anyone wishing to come to future meetings should contact:

Birmingham Branch is holding another formal branch meeting next Saturday, the 3rd August. Anyone wishing to attend should contact:

2 Tage, 13 Stunden her

Back from a productive branch meeting in Manchester. Catching up on events elsewhere for the day.

Seen some videos and pictures from London. Thousands of people there, dozens of speakers, multiple problems with society and the system identified...

Not one actual solution put forward. What a waste.

3 Tage, 9 Stunden her

The Manchester Branch inauguration of the National Rebirth Party will take place Saturday 27th.

Anyone interested in attending should contact:

Read the 20 Demands of Our Agenda, and if you agree, why not come along?
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1 Woche, 1 Tag her

Party Update - July 2024

The Party and its Officers have been busy over the summer growing and organising their branches, and planning future activity that you can get involved in. The primary developments are as follows:

Birmingham Branch

Birmingham Branch now holds regular meetings, both formal branch meetings and more informal social gatherings. These are usually held in the centre of Birmingham. Anyone wanting to attend these should contact and the Branch Leader will get you involved. Birmingham Branch has also established a Nationalist Women's Group - the Sisterhood of the Wolf - who regularly meet to socialise and are now expanding into activities such as keep fit classes.

Manchester Branch

Manchester Branch will be holding its inaugural Branch meeting on Saturday 27th July, at 11:30. Anyone wanting to attend this should contact Following on from this, Manchester Branch will meet regularly.

Leeds Branch

Leeds Branch will be holding its inaugural Branch Meeting shortly. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Leeds Branch has also planned to, in coming months, begin engaging in charitable and community based activities such as soup kitchens and veterans causes, as well as investigating and tackling problems in some of Leeds' most deprived neighbourhoods.

Hull Branch

Hull Branch now holds regular (fortnightly) gatherings. Not all of these are formal branch meetings. There are future plans to engage in social activities such as visits to places of historical interest. Anyone wanting to attend activities with Hull branch should contact

Glasgow Branch

Glasgow Branch is planning to host a non-partisan nationalist meet-up by the end of summer. Anyone wanting to attend this should contact

Other Developments

The Party is currently building Membership Packs (membership cards, parchments and accessories) that will be sent in the mail to all existing members, as well as members who join in future. We will let everyone know when these are on their way.


The Party is now spending more money on things such as printed material, flags, IT administration and mail. Any contributions are generously received.

Anyone wishing to donate should visit our donate page here at:

Stewarding and Security

There is an opportunity for supporters of the Party who want to engage in stewarding and security functions to learn how to do so, in liaison with trained personnel. Anyone wanting to get involved in this should contact the Party enquiries line with this as the subject, and they will be directed from there.

The Party will continue to add to our list of activities and events that you can get involved in over the next few months. Be sure to regularly check our social media channels as well as the Party Website.
Facebook | Telegram | Twitter | Tiktok | Youtube

The Party | Contact | Donate

1 Woche, 1 Tag her

Understand this: I am not going to expel people from my chat who want to go on about 'enclaves', go on about 'withdrawing' from their own cities, or try to tell me that what they are doing is somehow benefiting anybody but themselves personally.

BUT those people will be constantly reminded, EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY I GET, that they are cowardly, selfish, greedy and mentally weak. So if they aren't prepared to accept such castigation on a regular basis, in front of everyone else in the forum, then they should leave, because I will never stop doing it.

1 Woche, 1 Tag her

Someone asked why the left are so much better at inciting uproar:

It's because the left, for all their twisted ideals, actually fight for each other rather than fighting for themselves.

Whenever the left have issue with how society is, they will almost universally organise to change it.

Compare that to the way that some 'nationalists' took umbrage at me telling them that they shouldn't just run away from society's problems in a totally selfish attempt to save themselves personally.

And when these 'nationalists' extend it to 'I'm not just saving myself, I am looking after my family', all I can say is this: No, you are not helping your family by isolating and marginalising them from society, nor by rendering them totally politically powerless, nor by taking away any opportunities they might have, nor by actively reducing them to the status of a persecuted, dissident minority. The only way it helps their family is by sparing them the effort of digging a grave.

It's painful to recognise, but deep down, the advocates of this course of action know that this is true.

2 Wochen, 1 Tag her

The people who endlessly talk about 'unity' and 'infighting' are, without meaning to be, damaging the entire movement.

The reason why is because, even though well intentioned, they actively resist or shut down any discussion of the fact that something is failing, in order to 'preserve the peace.'

Let me make this clear here and now: I will never prioritise 'unity' over actually achieving a result. Anyone who would is incompetent to be in a position of leadership, because they would lead their people to ruin for the sake of 'not rocking the boat.'

2 Wochen, 2 Tage her

It is unsurprising that white nationalists have failed to gain any meaningful political or social momentum in the last decade but instead fall deeper into obscurity and continue to repeat the same failures. The vast majority appear to be incapable of conceiving any form of effective strategy. It has lacked any leadership that are not shameless grifters or dim-witted idiots. White Nationalism has been infiltrated by psychological agents that nudge toxic ideas and ideals into the domain which are the feverishly adopted by the sheep like morons in these circles who desperately wish to appear that they agree with whatever they think is the stance of the group to be accepted and approved of even if it is absolutely toxic to the mjority of decent humans like inceldom and white sharia. Then, there is the reinforcement of failure and the endless repeating of ineffective, no impact activities that hold no value towards achieving any sort of legitimate aim like putting up stickers, doing streams in echochambers, prioritising social media likes over real world capabilities, going on hikes and other types of passive ineffective wastes of time. The weak, flawed so called strategies of run away, form enclaves which is nothing more than isolating to form a strange cult that nobody will oppose being destroyed when the state decides it wishes to. I could go on with pointing out all the factors that cause ethno-nationalist politics to be pushed further into obscurity when it should be at a stage where it is growing in capability and influence but I have to return to working on real world solutions and putting an end to one type of grift activity that is highly detrimental to our overall objectives.

2 Wochen, 3 Tage her

It was an epiphany over the issue of Farage, Tories and nationalism. I realised that the way in which nationalists see the Conservatives as the 'recruitment pool' for nationalism, that is a major miscalculation, and it's actually Labour or socialist-leaning people. With a party like Reform, apart from the slightly stronger stances on immigration, in virtually all other respects it has nothing whatsoever in common with any kind of ethnocentric, nationalist worldview. It's Thatcherite Conservatism with racism.

Conservatism and the traditional right espouses principles like individual freedom, small government, low tax, capitalism, liberalism etc.

These values are basically OPPOSITE to the kind of values required to create a functional ethnocentric society (collectivism, big government, centralisation, group before individual, militarism etc)

The only people who will simultaneously support the traditional 'Conservative' right whilst also being ethnocentric will inherently be people who can somehow rationalise a bipolar set of values and ideals. Only a tiny portion of people could ever rationalise that, which is why there's no growth there, and why the views of most nationalist factions over the last two decades have been incoherent and full of contradictions.

3 Wochen her

And this point above is why it's incomprehensible the way that nationalist leaders were endorsing Reform. They did so on the basis of shared policies but opposing values, which is senseless

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