Alek Yerbury

The official Telegram page of British nationalist Alek Yerbury. DM me if desired @Ayerbury

Leader of the National Rebirth Party

Registered 2024
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2 months, 2 weeks ago

I won't deal with Conservatives unless they renounce their ideology, because their ideology is the cause of all their problems. It would be like trying to help a homeless drug addict whose condition for working with you is that he is allowed to continue taking drugs.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

I might write an article before Christmas on this:

Eliminating the dependency on immigration - why economic, political and social reforms within our own people are key to dealing with the problem.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

The National Rebirth Party wishes you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and thanks you for your work and support towards our cause throughout the year. In a short amount of time, we have successfully established Branches of the Party that are already having a positive impact on their towns and cities, and many of the places we have achieved this, are places where most other parties, mainstream or otherwise, ignore and abandon.

Our people desire change, and it is down to us to lead the charge.

I thank those who have supported us through either donations or by becoming official members. Your financial and time support has been a key driver of our growth and success.

I thank those who have become regular subscribers to our monthly Party Magazine, Rise Britannia, as well as those who have provided written contributions. Few, if any, other parties have printed magazines of this kind, and by having a written magazine it enables us to give people something to show to friends, family and colleagues.

I particularly thank those who have stepped up as leaders and organisers. Without these people, the advance of the Party would be impossible. It is a daunting task to take a position of responsibility, but our leaders have stepped up to the mark and led by example.

I look forward to carrying on our great works in the New Year, as we hope to add MORE Branches to the Party manifest, and expand our influence in the areas we have already taken root.

For anyone who is not already, I encourage you to become an OFFICIAL MEMBER of the National Rebirth Party (, and take a pro-active role in bringing about the National Agenda.

With my most sincere regards,

**Alek Yerbury

Party Leader, National Rebirth Party**
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2 months, 3 weeks ago

'Speaking out' against problems isn't enough anymore. Maybe in times gone by it was, but it isn't now.

Political mobilisation is the only thing that makes any difference.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

This is why I said something else that I did in the same space, which was that people who are motivated to do things for OTHERS (their nation/party/people/group), even if the things they want to do aren't necessarily what we agree with, are more workable and able to be made useful than people whose political/social views are exactly in agreement, but who don't care about anyone but themselves. People whose entire pattern of behaviour is governed by self-interest will invariably destroy any collective enterprise they get involved with, EVEN IF they agree with it.

2 months, 4 weeks ago

The point I made in the space which I think is the single most important:

Anyone who says, 'Support me and I will help you,' is a liar. They can't. I don't say it either. Neither I nor the National Agenda will solve your problems for you, instead we give you the means to help yourselves.

3 months ago

Civic nationalism is, unintentionally and ironically, MORE discriminatory and genuinely unfair than any racial nationalism. Why? Because its definitions of belonging to a group are totally abstract, impossible to quantify and solely based on the random opinions of a random person.

'You belong as long as you adhere to British values.'

How on Earth can anyone be honestly expected to conform to a standard that nobody can accurately define, and which changes depending on who you ask, and is entirely based on opinions rather than hard evidence? Obviously, they can't.

In a society in which belonging was defined by 'values', you would see people spend their entire lives being told that they belonged, only to be told randomly one day that they didn't, because they went against 'values' that nobody can actually specify.

'You don't belong anymore because someone randomly decided that they didn't like something that you did'

At least with a racial definition, EVERYONE knows exactly where they stand to begin with, can plan their lives accordingly, and isn't living in constant fear that their situation might arbitrarily change at a moments notice based on something random that they did.

3 months ago

Many people in political circles are constantly proclaiming 'support' for parties, causes or people online:

The bottom line is - if you aren't physically supporting something with time, money or manpower, then you aren't supporting it at all.

Online proclamations of support aren't worth anything to anyone, and in many cases only lead to wasted time.

3 months ago

By the time of the next General Election, the 'Right' (I don't count the National Rebirth Party as part of this, because it exists in a genuine third position) will look like this:

The Conservatives will still be chugging along. The parties of the 'alt-right' (Reform, UKIP, Homeland etc.), will have manifestos which, as a whole, will be so similar to each other that the voter base they cater for (ethnocentric conservatives) will effortlessly bounce between each one depending on who happened to say the last thing that they liked. Thus the voter base they cater for will be so unpredictable that nobody can accurately plan anything they are doing.

It will create a state of equilibrium in which none of those parties can fully overcome any of the others, but also can't be defeated themselves, creating a permanent fragmentation.

The only way out of that fragmentation at that point, will be for the parties involved to totally rebrand themselves into something radically different (NOT just in immigration policy) from ALL the others, BUT the first Party to do that takes in inevitable short-term hit as it loses a good chunk of its present support base. Thus creating a toxic paradox whereby in order to move forward in the long-term, they have to move backwards in the short-term.

Now all of this can be avoided, by being RADICALLY different NOW rather than a few years down the line, but, again, that still means being prepared to make short-term sacrifices, which most aren't prepared to make.

3 months, 1 week ago

Written by a Latvian; I agree with the sentiments expressed here with regard to military life and how it changes your thinking.

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