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11 months, 4 weeks ago
All the presentations from Clear Skies …

All the presentations from Clear Skies Conference are now available as individual videos! ?

Watch them directy on our website:

or our new Rumble channel:

12 months ago

What an amazing community is present again at the Clear Skies Conference live stream! I've created a Telegram group, so we can keep the conversation going also after the conference! Join here:


Clear Skies Conference

Henna Maria invites you to join this group on Telegram.

What an amazing community is present again at the Clear Skies Conference live stream! I've created a Telegram group, so …
12 months ago
**Today is the big day guys! …

Today is the big day guys! Clear Skies Conference will be streamed live in exactly 90min from now, at 18:00 CET - 12pm EST!
Let's dig deep into geoengineering, learn from each other and get activated!!

There are many accomplished geoengineering researchers out there already, but a lot of them fail to provide any tangible solutions, and this is what this conference is all about.

We are going to show you how to mitigate and remedy the damage caused by SAI fallout and non-native EMF radiation to your body and your living environment. I will be introducing a blood purification therapy to filter out environmental toxins and metals from your plasma. We are going to show you how to actually neutralise the hostile frequencies and repair the frequency fluid we live in with home made energy devices. We will introduce to you the future of construction, and show you what geoengineering resistant homes look like. We are going to talk about how to minimise the effects of SAI to your crops and natural medicines. And lastly, we will share with you the Lawful Remedy, the golden key to actually putting an end to geoengineering.

Join me at the conference and bring some love into the live stream! ?

1 year ago
Have you ever considered that we …

Have you ever considered that we are intricately tuned bio-electric beings? That we are actually living in an ocean of frequency, and that even the slightest disturbance to the natural ionisation of our living environment would also affect us? Then what happens, if there are colossal changes to the vibration of our atmosphere, through deliberate bombardment of conductive metallic particles and non-native EMF radiation?

Mitchell Joseph has made hundreds of energy devices which can actually restore the natural frequence of the Earth and bust the chemtrails above. In this interview, Mitch is going to walk us through the basic steps of becoming a geo-reparation activist!

Streamed LIVE from 6pm CET - 12pm EST
**Feb 24th & 25th

Mitchell Joseph**, aka “Mitch The Orgone Donor,” is an Orgone Energy researcher and Orgone device creator, bridging the realms of geoengineering, life energy and consciousness, EMF, and the universal theme that connects them all; frequency.

Fascinated by the work of the late Wilhelm Reich, Mitch is on a mission to demonstrate that deserts are not natural, and the weather of this realm is an energetic process; including natural acts by Mother Nature, as well as manipulation and blatant control by the artificial frequency network weaved throughout the fabric of our reality, which he calls the Frequency Fence. With his nontraditional approach to research and truth seeking, Mitch creatively applies his Orgone technology to counter this frequency fence with a philosophical, energetic, and etheric approach to his work; specifically in his applied practice of orgonite gifting, cloud busting, environmental and etheric repair, and desert restoration.

Taking cues from Reich and his cloud busting efforts to re-green the Arizona desert, Mitch plays a highly active role combating the geoengineering agenda and weather war through large-scale Orgonite gifting strategies and cloud-busting projects, including his Earth Pipes Across Arizona Project.

1 year ago
**Due to popular demand, here’s our …

Due to popular demand, here’s our schedule in U.S. Eastern Standard Time!Streamed online at:

Sat 24th of February 2024:

12:00pm - Weather Manipulation, A Century Old Fact - Presentation by Franz Fraitzl

1:00pm - Part 1: Contrails Matter, the science that corrects the science & Part 2: Weaponised Weather, the story that corrects history - Presentation by Raphaëlle O'Neil

2:30pm - We Are Nature - Geoengineering: chemtrails and HAARP, the attack on our world and how to overcome - Presentation by Amandha Vollmer

4:00pm - Fires, geoengineering and disaster capitalism - Panel discussion with Matthew Dakin and Mike Winner

5:15pm - How the frequency of our living environments and bodies is changing through technology - Presentation by Rinat Strahlhofer

6:50pm - The Dark Side of SAI - Presentation by Franz Fraitzl

7:45pm - Clear Skies - Musical piece by WILLPOWER

8:00pm - End of Day 1

Sunday 25th of February 2024

12:00pm - A Paradigm paving, culture-changing foundation, framework & formula for ultimate self-healing - Presentation by Polla Pratt

1:30pm - Heavy metals, environmental poisons & Inuspheresis - Presentation by Henna Maria

1:45pm - Orgone devices, a geo-reparation solution - Interview with Mitchell Joseph

3:40pm - Remedies for outdoors - Presentation by Franz Fraitzl

4:15pm - Biochar and geoengineering resistant construction - Interview with Christopher Gardner

5:25pm - Growing food as a solution for freedom - Presentation by Jim Gale

6:00pm - The Lawful Remedy to geoengineering - Interview with Cal Washington

7:00pm - End of Day 2

1 year ago
What if the reason that geoengineering …

What if the reason that geoengineering is happening, is because we have given implied consent through our silence? What if there was a way for us to get out of this contract, and put an end this attack on all life?

In this interview, Cal Washington is going to show us the name of the game, and reveal how to use ancient law to hold the men and women responsible for geoengineering liable for their crimes.

Streamed LIVE Feb 24th & 25th
From 6pm CET - 12pm PST

Cal Washington is the Co-Founder, CEO and Notice of Liability Author of InPower movement. He is an empowerment advocate who, "has stumbled into knowledge leading to an extraordinary experience within the systems of commerce and justice". As co-founder of the, InPower Movement he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge to help people truly take back their power, and hold accountable those involved in agendas causing harm. 

Cal explains how men and women, worldwide, can hold public officials and CEO’s accountable for causing  widespread harm with trespassing technology. He has co-authored a new commercial liability action to solve the 'smart' meter problem, as well as the looming 5G rollout, mandatory vaccination, and geoengineering. Learn how it works, why it works, and how each of us can participate in the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

In honour of the conference, InPower is giving the Clear Skies Conference audience $50 off their yearly membership. The offer ends on Sunday. Grab your spot NOW at

1 year ago
What if the weather warfare is …

What if the weather warfare is actually forcing us to become more ingenious with the construction of our houses? Are the manipulated hurricanes, fires and earthquakes only showing us how unsustainably, how far out of touch with Nature’s intelligent design we have been living?

In this interview, Christopher Gardner is going to introduce the wonderful properties of biochar, both in gardening and in building, and give us a glimpse of the future of construction.

February 24th & 25th
From 18:00 CET - 12pm EST

Christopher Gardner is a professional sculptor of curved ferro-cement buildings and the human body. His chiral phenomenology has led him into the Permaculture world where the BioDynamic principles of Rudolf Steiner predominate. Making deep black soil with the carbon amendment of BioChar, which is pyrolised carbon, he gives the ground the correct substrate for beneficial micro-organisms. His goal is to appropriately signal the Natural World as to induce a higher quality life.

1 year ago

All times are in Central European Time.

Sat 24th of February 2024**

18:00 - Weather Manipulation, A Century Old Fact
- Presentation by Franz Fraitzl

19:00 - Part 1: Contrails Matter, the science that corrects the science & Part 2: Weaponised Weather, the story that corrects history
- Presentation by Raphaëlle O'Neil

20:30 - We Are Nature - Geoengineering: chemtrails and HAARP, the attack on our world and how to overcome
- Presentation by Amandha Vollmer

22:00 - Fires, geoengineering and disaster capitalism
- Panel discussion with Matthew Dakin and Mike Winner

23:15 - How the frequency of our living environments and bodies is changing through technology
- Presentation by Rinat Strahlhofer

00:50 - The Dark Side of SAI
- Presentation by Franz Fraitzl

01:45 - Clear Skies - Musical piece by WILLPOWER

02:00 - End of Day 1

Sunday 25th of February 2024

18:00 - A Paradigm paving, culture-changing foundation, framework & formula for ultimate self-healing
- Presentation by Polla Pratt

19:30 - Heavy metals, environmental poisons & Inuspheresis
- Presentation by Henna Maria

19:45 - Orgone devices, a geo-reparation solution
- Interview with Mitchell Joseph

21:40 - Remedies for outdoors
- Presentation by Franz Fraitzl

22:15 - Biochar and geoengineering resistant construction
- Interview with Christopher Gardner

23:25 - Growing food as a solution for freedom
- Presentation by Jim Gale

00:00 - The Lawful Remedy to geoengineering
- Interview with Cal Washington

01:00 - End of Day 2

1 year ago
What if the diagnoses we get …

What if the diagnoses we get labled with are actually generated by an industry that is seeking to profit from our sickness? What if the treatments and medications prescribed by the allopathic doctors are inherently toxic and can only ever numb the signals of dis-ease, which are here to teach us and guide us towards homeostasis?

Polla Pratt is going to take you on a paradigm sifting journey to timeless wisdom and true medicine. By exploring the bioterrain model, German New Medicine, somatics and the intelligence of oxygen and ozone, Polla shows you that healing is not only possible, it is what we are born to do!☁️☁️☁️☀️☀️☀️☁️☁️☁️
Streamed live 6pm CET (12pm EST)
on the 24th & 25th of February Polla Pratt is a Sovereign Systems Designer; Ozone, Oxygen & Somatic Trauma Therapist; Akashic Record Reader; Bio-Cosmic Channeler; Remote Viewer; Author, Speaker and Permaculture Designer who is a pioneer in Organic Transhumanism, Ozone Therapy, Somatics & Parallel Systems Development.

Polla is passionate about ending the malpractice of Ozone Therapy that is 99.9% based on fraudulent Germ Theory “science”. And, she is leading a new Superpowered Self-Healing Movement that empirically honors (Therapeutic Ozone) as the omnipotent and sacred self-healing substance that it truly is and for how it truly works.

Polla is the author of The Innate Intelligence Imperative Call to Action & Guidebook series for Trailblazing the Transition into the New Free World Destined to be Created. She is currently designing and facilitating trainings and custom community processes which are leading parallel societies & economies development through self-organizing, somatically self-governing, bottom-up, ground-swell movements.

1 year ago
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