Books Review

?‍? Komron Abduraxmonov;
? IELTS 7.0 (S - 7.5)

"I don't know about others, but I can always better my best" :)

? This channel is mainly about General English

?‍? Owner: @Fireside_Band
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News and announcements of the library. No books here.
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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago

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8 months ago


? English Idioms Commonly Used in Daily Language

?Kick the bucket - to die/no longer work (ishlashdan to'xtash texnik vositaga nisbata) - Damn it, my phone just kicked the bucket!!!

*?Kill two birds with one stone - accomplish two things with at once (bir o'q bilan ikki quyonni urish)* - Really? Then I am killing two birds with one stone, that is great!!

?Laid back - relaxed (o'zini bosgan) - You ain't seem surprised, you are laid back!

?Last shot - last chance (oxirgi imkoniyat) - The final exam is my last shot to get an A in the class!

P/S: Share with your fellas

*? Location:* Books Review

8 months ago


? George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss

? Location: Books Review

8 months ago


?? Musiqa bilan to'lganimda, hayot hech qanday harakat qilmasdan davom etayotganga o'xshaydi ...?

? George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss

? Location: Books Review

8 months ago


? English Idioms Commonly Used in Daily Language

?Feeling blue - feeling sad (o'zini hafa his qilish) - I couldn't help her, I am feeling blue.

?I am out - I am leaving (men ketdim) - That is bullshit! I am out.

?In the nick of time - when something happens at the last possible moment (ohirgi lahzalarda sodir bo'lgan ish/voqea) - The firefighter saved the baby from the burning building in the nick of time.?It is all flooding back to me - beginning to remember something you once forgot (qachondir unutgan narsangizni eslashni boshlashingiz)
- When I saw my childhood toys memories all came flooding back to me.

*? Location:* Books Review

8 months ago


?‍? I need an admin for my second channel 'Books Review'


- IELTS 7.0 (or at least 6.5)
- Need to know Grammar well
- Need to know how to teach students
- Need to be able to conduct online live streams
- Need to be able to create posts
- And should be active

? Advantages of being an admin in my channel:

- I will pay 50.000 uzs for every Live chats
- I will help him/her to open an Online Course (Grammar) in 2-3 months
- I will help him/her with IELTS as a partner)

If you are interested and think you can manage all of the above contact me: @Fireside_Band

P/S: wanna work with me?

*? Location:* Fireside Study Online

8 months ago


? Know the differences between 'in the end' and 'at the end'

P/S: Leave Reactions ?

*? Location:* Books Review

8 months ago


? English Idioms Commonly Used in Daily Language

?Inside scoop - the details (detallar) - I need some inside scoops about the case.

?In the bag - will definitely happen (aniq sodir bo'ladigan) - My channel's subscribers will get 7+ IELTS score. It is in the bag!

?Knocked on one's heels - surprised (hayratda qolgan) - I was knocked on my heels when I saw her boxing.

?To toss around ideas - to casually suggest an idea to people (qayta-qayta fikr bildirish) - He is tossing around some ideas for the project during the lessons.

*? Location:* Books Review

8 months, 1 week ago


? 100 verbs you should know

*? Location:* Books Review

8 months, 1 week ago
9 months ago

Okay, here you can find some useful synonyms and antonyms ... (Highly recommended)

We recommend to visit

News and announcements of the library. No books here.
??Official Chinese channel:

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

For paid promotions and feedback contact us at @CEOofBelarus

Last updated 2 weeks ago

?Welcome to the best book channel of Telegram.

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