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?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

3 years, 7 months ago

Speak of the Devil

? Meaning:
when you see someone/something happens unexpectedly while talking about them

? Example:
Speak of the devil Jenny! We were just talking about your new car.


3 years, 7 months ago

Careful of, with or about, not for.

Don't say: Elke's very careful for her health.

Say: Elke's very careful of/about her health. Or: You should be more careful with your money.

? Note: Take care of: He takes care of his money.


3 years, 7 months ago

Give an example, not bring an example.

Don't say: Can you bring a better example?

Say: Can you give a better example?


3 years, 7 months ago

Give or deliver a lecture, not make a lecture.

Don't say: He made an interesting lecture.

Say: He gave an interesting lecture. Or: He delivered an interesting lecture.

▪️ Note: We say : He made an interesting speech.


4 years, 4 months ago

?How to Say , I'm Sorry ?

?رسائل تقال للإعتذار ?

1️⃣I regret the delay in reaching your place. There was a lot of traffic today.

‎(آسفُ للتأخيرِ في وُصُول مكانِكَ. كان هناك الكثير مِنْ الازدحام اليوم)

2️⃣Forgive me for being so rude. I was very upset at that time.

‎(سامحني على كونى وقحاً جداً أنا كُنْتُ جداً منزعج في ذلك الوقتِ)

3️⃣I apologize for all the trouble. My train was running late by an hour.

‎(َأعتذرُ عن كُلّ هذه المشاكل. قطاري كان متأخراُ ساعة)

4️⃣I am sorry if I hurt you in any manner. I did not intend to.

‎(أَنا آسفُ إذا آذيتُك بأي شكل. أنا لَمْ أَنْوَ أن أفعل ذلك)

5️⃣I am ashamed to say that I lied to you. I am really sorry.

‎(أنا أخجل أن أقول بأنّني كَذبتُ عليك. أَنا حقاً آسفُ)

6️⃣I am sorry for not being able to make it to the party. I wouldn't have missed it If it had not been an emergency.

‎(أَنا آسف لعدم مقدرتي على المجيء إلى الحفلة. لم أكن لأغيب عنها، لو لم تكن حالة طارئة)

7️⃣My apologies for misinterpreting things.

‎(اعتذاراتي لإسَاْءة فهم الأشياءِ)

8️⃣I still feel guilty about what I said yesterday. Please forgive me.

‎(أنا ما زِلتُ أَشْعرُ بالذنب بشأن ما قُلتُ أمس. رجاءً سامحني)

9️⃣I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience. I am at a party right now. Can I call you back?

‎(أَنا آسف جداً على الإزعاجِ. أَنا في حفلة الآن. هل أستطيع الاتصال بك لاحقا ؟)

Key words to remember: Regret, Guilt, Apology, Forgive, Ashamed, Sorry

4 years, 5 months ago

مصطلحات اسلامية لرمضان

Ramadan Month شهر رمضان
Fasting الصوم
To abstain from food and drink يمتنع عن الطعام والشراب
Break one's fasting ينقض صيامة
Month of mercy شهر الرحمة
Month of forgiveness شهر المغفرة
Month of freedom from Fire شهر العتق من النار
To be exempted from fasting يعفى من الصيام
Alms giving ايتاء الزكاة
Alms الصدقة
Charity الاحسان
Pillars of islam اركان الاسلام
Feeding the needy إطعام المساكين
Prayer الصلاة
Congregational prayer صلاة الجماعة
Call for prayer ينادي للصلاة
Minerate مأذنة
Prostrate يسجد
Kneel down يركع
Ablution الوضوء
Islamic conquests الفتوحات الاسلامية
Orthodox caliphs الخلفاء الراشدين
The night-journey الاسراء
Ascension المعراج
Piety التقوى
Pious تقي
Revelation الوحي
Repent يتوب
Remit the sins يمحو الذنوب
To recite the Quran يتلو القران
Faithful مؤمن
Faithless كافر
Adopt/ embrace islam يعتنق الاسلام
Renegade from one's religion يرتد عن دينه
Backbiting الغيبة
Gossiping النميمة

4 years, 5 months ago

English vocabulary
? Farther :beyond
? Further : additional
? Emigrate : to leave a country
? Immigrate = to enter a new country
? May be :something may possible
? Maybe : perhaps
? Allude : to intrude in other people's affairs,interfere

? Reputedly : according to general belief
? Delude :mislead the mind ,to deceive
? Legitimate :
in a manner conforming to recognized principles or accepted rules or standards
? Consummate : extremely skilled and experienced
? Overdue : late
? Mettle : courage ,fortitude ,spirit
? Diligently : to do something with careful attention

4 years, 5 months ago

كل رمضان وأنتم ..
أجد عملا وأكبر أملا ..
وألم شملا وأسعد حالا ..
وأفر حلالا وإلى الفردوس أقرب منالا ..

/ https://t.me/Zaid_Alsulaihy



ندر الوفاء فلا تفرط في يد***🌸******🙊******🌸*** مدت اليك محبة وصفاء

4 years, 5 months ago

Rain Vocabulary ☔️**

• It's drizzling (very light rain)

• It's raining ?(normal rain)

• It's pouring ☔️(heavy rain)

• It's lashing ?(heavy, intense rain)

• It's bucketing down ?
(very heavy rain - bucket of rain)

• It's raining cats and dogs?? (heavy rain - idiom)

• It's wet outside? (it's raining)

• To get wet/to get soaked (to become wet, very wet)

- "It was bucketing down this morning and I got soaked on my way to work.

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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago