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UPSC PressNote-CSP-23
Important instructions for CSE Pre 2023
All the best ✌️?
Largest Lakes by Surface Area
[Caspian Sea Excluded in all facts]
1-Lake Superior – North America
2-Lake Victoria – Africa
3-Lake Huron – North America
4-Lake Michigan – North America
Largest Lakes by Volume
1-Baikal – Asia
2-Tanganyika – Africa
3-Superior – North America
Deepest Lakes in the World
1-Lake Baikal – Asia
2-Lake Tanganyika
**UPSC Annual Calendar 2024
CSE PRE- 26 may
CSM- from 20 September**
The new book, “The Maverick Effect” narrates the formation of
which Indian institution?
[A] NITI Aayog
India State of Forest Report (ISFR 2021) revealed that the total forest and tree cover of the country is 8,09,537 square kilometres (which is 24.62 percent of the geographical area of the country) compared to 7,94,245 sq km (24.16 percent) in ISFR 2015. T
his is an increase of 15,292 sq km of forest and tree cover of the country.
*?*Directive Principles Of State policy DPSP
✅ The constitution of India aims to establish not only political democracy but
also socioeconomic justice to the people to establish a welfare state.
✅These provisions are given in Part IV of Indian Constitution.
✅ Directive Principles of state policy are in the form of instructions to the governments at the centre as well as states.
✅Though these principles are non justiciable, they are fundamental in the governance of the country.
✅ The idea of the Directive Principles of State Policy has been taken from the
Irish Republic .
✅The Directive Principles of State policy were incorporated in our constitution in order to provide economic justice and to avoid concentration of wealth in the hands of few people.
✅ The constitution covers from Article 36 to 51 as Directive Principles of State
✅They are unique blend of socialistic, liberal, democratic and Gandhian Principles.
✅ They describe as the ‘conscience of the constitution’.
✅ In the “State of Tamil Nadu etc. Vs L.Abu Kavur Bai” case in 1984 , the Supreme court held that although directive principles of State Policy are not enforceable, yet the court should not avoid them**
**List of countries by length of coastline
1) Canada's coastline is world's longest, measuring 202,080 km (includes the mainland coast and the coasts of offshore islands)
2) Indonesia (99,083 km)
3) Norway (58,133 km)
4) Greenland (44,087 km)
5) Russia (37,653 km)
6) Philippines (36,289 km)
7) Japan (29,751 km)
8) Australia (25,760 km)
9) United States (19,924 km)
10) Antarctica (17,968 km)
11) New Zealand (15, 134 km)
12) China (14,500 km)
13) Greece (13,676 km)
14) United Kingdom (12,429 km)
15) Mexico (9330 km)
16) Italy (7782 km)
17) India (7516km)**
#SargassoSea **is a region of the Atlantic Ocean bounded by 4 ocean currents forming an ocean gyre.
1) Gulf Stream on the west
2) North Atlantic Drift on the north
3) Canary Current on the east
4) North Atlantic Equatorial Current on the south
Unlike all other seas, it has no land boundaries. It is the only sea in the world which has no coast. It is distinguished from other parts of the Atlantic Ocean by its characteristic brown seaweed called Sargassum and often calm blue water.
Sargasso Sea is famous for its floating seaweed that covers large swathes of ocean. But it also boasts an astounding wealth of biodiversity that has earned it the nickname "The Floating Rainforest of the Sea."
The four ocean currents together forming a clockwise-circulating system of ocean currents termed the North Atlantic Gyre. Bermuda is near the western fringes of the sea.
The four ocean currents deposit the marine plants and refuse which they are carrying into this sea, yet the ocean water in the Sargasso Sea is distinctive for its deep blue color and exceptional clarity, with underwater visibility of up to 61m**
Coal Gasification is one of the clean coal technologies and involves the process of converting coal into synthesis gas/ syngas.
• Syngas is a mixture of hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
• The by-products of coal gasification include coke, coal tar, sulfur, ammonia and fly ash, all having their own potential uses.
• CO2 and ammonia are further reacted to produce urea.
• Syngas can also be used in a variety of other applications such as in the production of electricity, fuel for IC engines, making plastics, cement etc
Environmental Impact Assessment or EIA is the process or study which
▪️predicts the effect of a proposed industrial/infrastructural project on the environment.
▪️prevents the proposed activity/project from being approved without proper oversight or taking adverse consequences into account.
▪️compares various alternatives for a project and seeks to identify the one which represents the best combination of economic and environmental costs and benefits.
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Last updated 5 Monate, 2 Wochen her
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Last updated 1 Monat, 3 Wochen her