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Last updated 2 months ago
? .. ׄ﹙? .. @REKBERCAPiEL
owner : @rtante
list admin : https://t.me/REKBERCAPIEL/64664
testie : @proofcapiel 14kt+
pp : @ppcapiel
laporan : @rcplhelp_bot
connected : @jastipyoca
- since 09 / 08 / 2024
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
Silesian Gorals 🇵🇱🇨🇿
The Silesian Gorals are a West Slavic ethnic group living on the Polish-Czech border and a subgroup of the Gorals. They speak Cieszyn dialects and Jablunkau dialects of the Polish Silesian dialect, with Czech influences.
The group shares many cultural traits with other Gorals of the Western Carpathians, stemming from a common way of living from shepherding in mountainous pastures, but they are also characterised by various different cultural and spiritual elements like dialect, beliefs, customs, costume, etc.
Wincenty Pol in his survey of Gorals in the middle of the 19th century subdivided Silesian Gorals into four groups:
Breniacy – in Brenna.
Wiślanie – in Wisła.
Jabłonkowianie (Jablunkov Gorals) – in mountain villages around Jabłonków
Morawianie (Moravians) – in the villages of Krásná, Morávka and Pražmo. Their dialect is transitional between the Polish and Czech language.
Miroslav Gospel🇷🇸
Miroslav Gospel is a 362-page Serbian illuminated manuscript Gospel Book on parchment with very rich decorations. It is one of the oldest surviving documents written in the Serbian recension of Church Slavonic. The gospel is considered a masterpiece of illustration and calligraphy.
The Miroslav's Gospels was commissioned by the Serbian Župan Miroslav of Zahumlje, around 1086, probably in Kotor. It was intended for the Church of St Peter on the Lim in Bijelo Polje, a foundation of Miroslav.
To protect it from Ottoman raids, the manuscript was kept in the Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos. In 1896, it was brought to Belgrade on the occasion of a visit by the Serbian King Alexander I Obrenović, where it was added to the collection of the Serbian National Museum.
Another, equally interesting case was given by Jakub Kazimierz Rubinkowski. Describing the Vienna campaign of 1683, he stated that his father Wojciech, who was 95 years old at the time, took part in it. Interestingly, Wojciech Rubinkowski served in Prince Aleksander Sobieski's hussar troop of great merit, which at Vienna became famous, among other things, for its ‘suicidal’ charge (in fact, this was to test the terrain to see if it was suitable for a charge by the mass of Polish cavalry), throwing itself in just over a hundred horses against the entire army of the vizier Kara Mustafa. And although the unit suffered unusually heavy losses in the battle, although Wojciech Rubinkowski himself was wounded twice, he survived and returned home. And when we add the fact that this Wojciech Rubinkowski sired a son, Jakub Kazimierz, at the age of 80, the admiration for the vital forces of this hussar reaches the zenith.
Krasnodar Krai, Russia?*??***
The Maly Bambak Ridge in Krasnodar Krai extends from the valley of the Maly Elbe River to Mount Sunduki, reaching an altitude of 1,813 metres above sea level at its highest point, Mount Shapka.
"Polish eagle" in the Lipusz forest district, Poland???
Planted on 20 October 2018 as part of the celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence. The eagle was created during the restoration of a forest that was destroyed by a hurricane in 2017.
The seedlings were planted within 6 hours according to the pattern.
About 3,000 people took part in the planting, including about 1,200 scouts, but also bushcrafters, runners, residents, local government officials and other volunteers who travelled from all parts of Poland especially for the event.
Species and number of trees planted?
Pine (background): 67 thousand pcs.
Birch (eagle): 23 thousand pcs.
Larch (claw and crown): 400 pcs.
The area of the eagle alone is about 4 ha. This is a Polish record for the size of a tree pattern.
Baduk-Lakes in Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia??
Hluboká Castle, Czech Republic??
Hluboká Castle (Czech: Zámek Hluboká) was originally founded as a guard castle in the middle of the 13th century by Czech kings and as a royal property it was often pledged. Several noble families took turns in possession.
At the end of the 16th century, the owner of the estate was the Malovec family from Malovice, but as Protestants they lost the estate in 1619 and four years later, as compensation for war debts, the estate was confiscated from Emperor Ferdinand II. and given to Baltasar of Marradas, who had it re-Catholicised.
In 1661, the castle became the property of the Schwarzenberg family. The current appearance of the chateau complex, including the park and the surrounding landscape, was inspired by the trips of Prince Jan Adolf II. Schwarzenberg to Great Britain, who as a representative of an important and wealthy family participated the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1838.
The castle was nationalised in 1947.
[欢迎] ???????? ????? ALSTER LAKE STORE
[ JAM OPEN : 07.00 - 00.00 ]
Order : @AlsterLake_Bot
Testimoni : @AlsterTestimoni
Mutualan : @AlsHelpBot
Bot Laporan : @AlsterReportsBot
Arsip : @ArsipAlster
Sub Unit : @Alteriarch @Artthetic @Lasterium
Last updated 2 months ago
? .. ׄ﹙? .. @REKBERCAPiEL
owner : @rtante
list admin : https://t.me/REKBERCAPIEL/64664
testie : @proofcapiel 14kt+
pp : @ppcapiel
laporan : @rcplhelp_bot
connected : @jastipyoca
- since 09 / 08 / 2024
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago