النجاح والتميز

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- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

2 months, 3 weeks ago

🌍 Best of the ßest channel 🌎


#أجمل_شروق_لكوكب_الأرض على سطح القمر في النهار

على سطح الأرض نرى شروق الشمس وكذلك شروق القمر.

لكن لو كنت على سطح القمر فهكذا سيكون منظر شروق الأرض ( بعدسة تلسكوب القمر الصناعي الياباني كاغويا ).

انظر الى منتصف الفيديو حيث الأفق ، سترى كرة زرقاء ترتفع ببطء نحو الأعلى.... إنها الأرض كوكبنا الأزرق المضيء...

تذكر أنك جزء من هذه الكرة الزرقاء التي تصعد في السماء ببطء...

هل ادركت عظمة خلق الله... ؟

... سبحان من خلق ... فابدع ... فأدهش.

Earth rise on Moon (taken by the lense of the telescope of the Japanese satellite KAGUYA).


2 months, 3 weeks ago

English: Shaykh Ibn ' uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

"That in spreading knowledge you spread the religion of Allah
It consists of the mujahideen for the sake of Allah
The struggle for God's sake opens the country country by country
Until religion spreads in them , and you open hearts
By knowledge, the law of Allah will be published therein."

📕 (Explanation of Dua qanut chord 12)

# Favor_publish_science
Sheikh # Al-Fawzan, may Allah protect him


Shaykh Ibn ' uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

My commandment to myself and to you is to make sure that science is spread
Among people, and do not achieve anything if you know
We humanized one issue and worked it out, then did another
And the last and the last, all that gets paid by work
What you spoiled people for, you like it.  

📕Open door meeting: P( ٨٦ )

2 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months ago

Good Morning


You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere.

Why did you spill the coffee?

"Because someone bumped into me!!!"

Wrong answer.

You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup.

Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea.

Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.

Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled.

So we have to ask ourselves... “what's in my cup?"

When life gets tough, what spills over?

Joy, gratitude, peace and humility? Or
Anger, bitterness, victim mentality and quitting tendencies?

Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it.

Today let's work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, resilience, positivity; and kindness, gentleness and love for others.

Good morning and a blessed day to you and yours ☕️?

6 months ago

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اسال الله ان يفقهنا في ديننا آمين
أي سؤال في الشرع جوابه هنا أي سؤال يخطر ببالك موجود
اضغط على السؤال واسمع الإجابة بصوت الشيخين عبدالعزيز بن باز أو محمد بن عثيمين رحمهما الله تعالى أكثر من ١٨.٠٠٠ سؤال
‏⁦ **

نور على الدرب

الفتاوى الشرعية فتاوى نور على الدرب عبد العزيز بن باز محمد بن صالح العثيمين

7 months ago

May Allah give you the good news of a joy you never thought possible, and may He light your path and way, and make everything difficult easy for you, and fulfill your wishes, hopes, and desires, and protect you from all evil, all fatigue, and all worries, and may He make the coming days full of happiness and joy for you, and may your sweet smile never fade, and may He make you happy, grant you success, and satisfy you, then satisfy you, and provide for you from where you do not expect, and may He cover you above the earth and under the earth and on the Day of Judgment, and may He expand your chest with faith, and may He make you among the people of the highest Paradise, and your parents... I wanted to make you happy with this supplication in these virtuous days. Let it go around and come back to me and come back to you, and let people pray for me and for you ?❣️?

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- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago