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Hold to earn.
If you can't hold, you won't be rich!
Announcements: @Holdcoin_Channel
Chat: @Holdcoin_Group
Game Bot: @theHoldCoinBot
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@holdcoingo

For collaboration @coinmuch

Last updated 4 days, 8 hours ago

🚀 GhostDrive is a Web3 data guardian, focused on privacy and secure decentralized storage. Stay connected for last updates!

Support Chat: @ghostdrive_web3_chat
Cooperation: @Hash_GD

Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago

Last updated 2 years, 5 months ago

11 months, 1 week ago
*****📌**********📌**********📌***** **Pikalong Live AMA Anouncement*******➡️***** **We'll …

*📌*📌*📌 *Pikalong Live AMA Anouncement*➡️ *We'll Creat 2 Contest In Live Ama At 13:50 UTC, October 13*🎁 *Reward Pools: $600*🔥*Big hype - Big comunity - Big Pikalong*⚡️ *Contest 1: ASK PIKALONG*🟢 *Rules: In this part of the contest, you will ask our host questions directly. Host will answer and select the best questions and receive rewards*🔣*Reward: 300$/ 10 Question*⚡️*Contest 2: Lucky Buyer*🟢 *Rules: In this contest we will choose 5 random tx buy slots within AMA min 0.1 BNB. The lucky buyer will receive a secret gift from the total pool of $300*🔣*Reward Pool: 300$*⚡️*** Website*⚡️***Telegram*⚡️***Twitter

11 months, 1 week ago
***👀*** Pikalong innovations utilize blockchain technology …

👀 Pikalong innovations utilize blockchain technology alongside in-depth knowledge from its team to proffer solutions for effective management of finances in the crypto space. Backed by Decentralization and fully fledged DAO governance structure 📌

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Hold to earn.
If you can't hold, you won't be rich!
Announcements: @Holdcoin_Channel
Chat: @Holdcoin_Group
Game Bot: @theHoldCoinBot
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@holdcoingo

For collaboration @coinmuch

Last updated 4 days, 8 hours ago

🚀 GhostDrive is a Web3 data guardian, focused on privacy and secure decentralized storage. Stay connected for last updates!

Support Chat: @ghostdrive_web3_chat
Cooperation: @Hash_GD

Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago

Last updated 2 years, 5 months ago