IUT Student Council

The one and only base of Student Council at INHA University in Tashkent.

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1 month ago
**The 1st CAU Economica Debate Cup …

The 1st CAU Economica Debate Cup is Here!

Central Asian University Business School is thrilled to announce the launch of its FIRST-EVER CAU Economica Debate Cup! This is more than a competition—it's a platform where bold arguments meet groundbreaking solutions for real-world policy challenges.

💼 Prepare to Debate. Lead. Impact.
Step into the shoes of future policy leaders and showcase your ability to think critically, strategize under pressure, and make a lasting impression. Compete in front of a panel of renowned local and international business experts and prove your skills.

💰 Prizes Await the Best Minds:
🥇 1st Place: 20 million UZS
🥈 2nd Place: 10 million UZS
🥉 3rd Place: 5 million UZS

📍 How to Join:
1️⃣ Form a team of 2 students.
2️⃣ Apply now via the link

🎯 Eligibility Criteria:
- Open to students from universities across Uzbekistan.
- Members must be from the same university with fluent English.
- Only 2 teams from one university can participate.
Note: Gender-balanced teams are highly encouraged!

Application Deadline: February 15, 2025.

🔥 Don’t miss your chance to test your limits, showcase your brilliance, and make history in this unmissable debate challenge. Start your journey toward becoming tomorrow’s policy leader today!

Good luck, challengers! 💡 Let the debates begin. 🗣️

1 month ago

Final Evaluation of the Taewoong Travel Logo Design Contest Among Students is Complete! 🎉

🏆 Congratulations to the winners! 🏆

All award recipients have been contacted regarding the upcoming awards ceremony.

A heartfelt thank you to every student who participated with enthusiasm and creativity. Your dedication was truly inspiring! While we wish we could recognize everyone, we deeply appreciate each and every effort.

Keep creating, keep dreaming, and we look forward to seeing your talent shine in future opportunities!

1 month, 1 week ago
Debate Club is back at INHA! …

Debate Club is back at INHA! 🎙️

Want to sharpen your critical thinking, improve your persuasion skills, and express your ideas with confidence? Great news – the Debate Club at INHA is making a comeback!

📢 What to expect?
•Engaging discussions on relevant topics
• Developing argumentation and public speaking skills
• Intellectual debates and friendly conversations
• Meeting like-minded people
• Debates between universities.

No prior experience needed – just curiosity and a passion for discussion!

🔜 Stay tuned for the first meeting announcement. Join us and be part of the new debate era at INHA!
our group: https://t.me/iutdebates

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***?*** "UNIVERSITY VOICE" Music Competition is …

? "UNIVERSITY VOICE" Music Competition is Here!?

If you're eager to showcase your talent, this competition is just for you! ?

? Registration Deadline: November 25
? Preliminary Round: November 29, 3:00 PM
? Quarterfinal: December 6
? Semifinal & Final: December 13

? Open to students of AJOU University and other universities!

Experience diverse genres, live performances, and dynamic staging!
Come and share your talent with the world!

? Prizes: Free song arrangement and composition by Vagif Zakirov's studio for the winners!

? Learn more about the competition rules:
In Uzbek
In English
In Russian

Register now via the link: LINK

3 months, 3 weeks ago
On November 21, the very first …

On November 21, the very first meeting of our new president - Sergey Yan and his team was held at AUT with the president of Ajou University in Tashkent.

During the meeting, university leaders congratulated each other on stepping into new positions as presidents and discussed future partnerships and cooperation between Inha and Ajou universities.

Stay tuned on further announcements and updates on joint events with Ajou University in Tashkent.

21 ноября в УАТ состоялась первая встреча нашего нового президента — Сергея Яна и его команды с президентом Университета Аджу в Ташкенте.

Во время встречи руководители университетов поздравили друг друга с вступлением в новые должности президентов и обсудили будущее партнерство и сотрудничество между университетами Инха и Аджу.

Следите за дальнейшими объявлениями и новостями о совместных мероприятиях с Университетом Аджу в Ташкенте.

21-noyabr kuni TAUda yangi prezidentimiz – Sergey Yan va uning jamoasining Toshkent shahridagi Ajou universiteti prezidenti bilan birinchi uchrashuvi bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Uchrashuvda universitet rahbarlari bir-birlarini prezident sifatidagi yangi lavozimlarga qadam qo‘yganliklari bilan tabriklab, Inha va Ajou universitetlari o‘rtasidagi kelajakdagi hamkorlik va boshqa imkoniyatlarni muhokama qilishdi.

Toshkent shahridagi Ajou universiteti bilan qoʻshma tadbirlar haqida keyingi eʼlonlar va yangiliklarda kuzatib boring.

4 months, 1 week ago
**On November 6, elections for the …

On November 6, elections for the post of president of the “Student Council” took place at IUT. As we reported earlier, 3 candidates put forward their candidacy:

Yan Sergey
Ozodbekova Feruza
Akhmedova Malika

From the total number of students who had the right to vote, only 47% of students were participated

Of which, Sergey Yan 41% (209 votes)
Feruza Ozodbekova 22% (105 votes)
Malika Akhmedova 37% (191 votes)

Based on the results of the voting, the winner is Yan Sergey course of the faculty of SBL (Junior student)

Congratulations to Sergey and good luck in your endeavors??

6 noyabr kuni “Student Council” prezidentlik lavozimiga saylovlar boʻlib oʻtdi. Avval xabar berganimizdek, 3 nafar nomzod o‘z nomzodini ilgari surdi:

Yan Sergey
Ozodbekova Feruza
Ahmedova Malika

Ovoz berish huquqiga ega bo'lgan talabalarning umumiy sonidan, saylovda ishtirok etganlar 47% ni tashkil etdi

Hususan, Sergey Yan 41% (209 ovoz)
Feruza Ozodbekova 22% (105 ovoz)
Malika Axmedova 37% (191 ovoz)

Ovoz berish natijalariga ko'ra SBL fakulteti 3 bosqich talabasi, Yan Sergey g'olib deb topildi

Sergeyni tabriklaymiz va ishlariga omad tilab qolamiz ??
*** *6 ноября состоялись выборы на пост президента в “Student Council”. Как мы сообщали ранее, 3 кандидата выдвинули свою кандидатуру:
Ян Сергей
Озодбекова Феруза
Ахмедова Малика

Из числа общего количества студентов которые имели право голосовать, в выборах проголосовали 47% студентов

Из которых, Сергей Ян 41% (209 голосов)
Феруза Озодбекова 22% (105 голосов)
Малика Ахмедова 37% (191 голосов)

По итогам голосования победил Сергей Ян, 3 курс факультета SBL

Поздравляем Сергея и желаем удачи в своих начинаниях??

We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

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