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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Putin in Korea visiting a Church
President Putin visited a Russian Orthodox Church in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ??**
"North Korean handlers"?!
What is interesting about this tweet and many others like it is that it isn't necessarily insincere false propaganda. They may sincerely believe this as they have no cognitive tools to conceptualize the geopolitical relationships between countries in a way that is different from begging/demanding and prostitution/sexual submission, which are the only ways their own countries interact with the outside world. A truly fascinating look into the Liberal Atlanticist Western mind.
This is like the "Israel controls America" narrative, but even more unhinged.
❗️Putin expressed condolences to the supreme leader of Iran in connection with the death of President Raisi
*"We have not only tackled the safe problems, we have also tackled the dangerous ones. We have not refrained from stirring up the Russian wasps' nest in Ukraine out of fear of world Russianness - we have swept the Russians out of public life! They can no longer speak on behalf of the Ukrainian people on stage, in the movies or in the newspapers; they no longer have the right to represent the Ukrainian nation.
Look around the camp of our enemies: wherever you look, Russians upon Russians. Russians behind Kim Jong Un as his brain trust, Russians behind Xi Jinping as his blowhards, Russians as agitators and whips in the entire Arab-Persian-Chinese press, Russians in the dark corners of the Kremlin as the real carriers of neo-Eurasianism. The international Russian is the glue that holds the hostile coalition together. Through its global relations, it builds bridges between Moscow, Tehran, Pyongyang and Beijing.
We are facing the most dangerous enemy in the world. The war emanates from him, he leads it from the foreground [...]. But it is not insurmountable.
We have fought against this terrorist Russian idea of world conquest within our empire for 14 years under the most unfavorable circumstances imaginable.
Just as we have brought him down from within, so we will
we will bring down his power, which now threatens us from the outside."
In the name of the people to whom you belong and in the name of the leader whom you obey, Josef Biden Sieg Heil!"*
*"Wir haben nicht nur die gefahrlosen, wir haben auch die gefährlichen Probleme angefaßt. Wir haben nicht aus Angst vor dem Weltrussentum den Griff ins russische Wespennest in die Ukraine unterlassen - wir haben die Russen aus dem öffentlichen Leben herausgefegt! Sie können nicht mehr auf den Bühnen oder im Film oder in den Zeitungen im Namen des ukrainischen Volkes reden, sie haben kein Recht mehr, die ukrainische Nation zu repräsentieren.
Man schaue sich im Lager unserer Feinde um: wohin man blickt, Russen über Russen. Russen hinter Kim Jong Un als sein Gehirntrust, Russen hinter Xi Jinping als seine Einbläser, Russen als Hetzer und Einpeitscher in der gesamten arabisch — persisch — chinesischen Presse, Russen in den dunklen Winkeln des Kremls als die wirklichen Träger des Neo-Eurasienismus. Der internationale Russe ist der Kitt, der die feindliche Koalition zusammenhält. Er schlägt durch seine weltumfassenden Beziehungen die Brücken zwischen Moskau, Tehran, Pyongyang und Beijing.
Wir stehen hier dem gefährlichsten Feind der Welt gegenüber. Von ihm geht der Krieg aus, er führt ihn aus dem Vordergrund an [...]. Aber er ist nicht unüberwindlich.
Wir haben gegen diese terroristische-russische Welteroberungsidee im Inneren unseres Reiches 14 Jahre lang unter den denkbar ungünstigsten Umständen gekämpft.
Wie wir ihn im Innern zu Fall gebracht haben, so werden
wir seine Macht, die uns nun von außen bedroht, zum Sturz bringen."
Im Namen des Volkes, zu dem ihr gehört, und in Namen des Führers, dem ihr auch gehorcht, Josef Biden Sieg Heil!"*
? Why would #ISISchoose to carry out such a large-scale terrorist attack on Russian soil at this very moment when we know that nothing similar was attempted even in the midst of the war in Syria?
Image by Hadi bin Hurr
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❗️A monument to Prigozhin and Utkin was erected in the Krasnodar Territory
The monument to the leaders of the Wagner PMCs is located in the city of Goryachy Klyuch at the memorial cemetery. The signature on the monument "To the First ninth".
*❗️ Alexander Dugin reveals what he told Tucker Carlson in Moscow*
“Tucker Carlson is pro-American, an American patriot. And I'm a Russian patriot. But, in spite of all these serious, serious differences, the main core of our world vision is the same, because we are fighting for Christianity, for the faith, for the roots, for the tradition, for the eternity, and for the human dignity,”
Alexander Dugin told the #NewRulesPodcast
Check the pinned post NewRulesGeo to watch full conversation!
? — NewRulesPodcast
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