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Last updated 2 дня, 1 час назад

Last updated 1 месяц, 3 недели назад

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Last updated 1 месяц, 3 недели назад

1 month, 3 weeks ago

LPT: If you can't see the driver, the driver can't see you.

It is common knowledge, however, blind spots can be dangerous, as drivers may be unaware of vehicles and people around them when they change lanes or turn or even move forward. Use this rule to understand where the possible blomdspot of a huge vehicle should be and stay safe buddies.



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LPT: If you can't see the driver, the driver can't see you.
1 month, 3 weeks ago

LPT: Use chat (and save transcripts) instead of calling companies when possible.

I'm currently arguing with a phone company AbouT Their S24 Ultra trade in. As I've saved their chats, I can correct them when their stories don't match up. Wish me $1,000 worth of luck.

Hope that helps you in your endeavors.



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LPT: Use chat (and save transcripts) instead of calling companies when possible.
1 month, 3 weeks ago

LPT: If you spend lots of time sorting and looking for lost socks, then throw out all your old socks and buy pairs of matching ones. This will save you lots of time and energy that you can use to do important things.



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LPT: If you spend lots of time sorting and looking for lost socks, then throw out all your old socks …
2 months ago

LPT: Clean up the gunk that accumulates in the nooks and crannies of your washing machine with a piece of your dirty laundry every time you do a load so it doesn’t look like a disgusting dorm basement coin-op jalopy caked with hair and dried detergent

Spot-clean the inside corners of the lid, the corners of the housing overhanging the tub, and the rim of the tub proper underneath the housing. Use a wet tube sock over your hand, or your bathroom washcloth, then toss it in with the rest of the load and it’ll get clean with everything else.



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LPT: Clean up the gunk that accumulates in the nooks and crannies of your washing machine with a piece of …
2 months ago

LPT to evaluate opportunities & offers

It can be hard to figure out what we want when it comes to big decisions like renting an apartment buying a house, or evaluating a job offer.

I use a system I was taught back in 2004 to evaluate offers & opportunities, and I've applied it to lots of big decisions in my life. It's not my system, but it's damn effective. (This system is outlined in the book Getting to Yes, which helps people evaluate mediation settlements, and for which nobody but Jeff Bezos is receiving money for the mention. I was taking a class in negotiations when I learned about it, and it's the only thing I remember!)

First you make a list of everything you want.

So, if you're looking for a new job, you write down EVERYTHING you dream about - remote work, money, good people, cool projects, a big window, autonomy, etc. - you don't self-edit - just write what you want. All of it! You'll end up with a long list, which is great.

Now you need to start comparing the stuff on your list and cull it down to about 5 or 6 items. These are your numero uno most important things.

Now it gets interesting. You assign a score to each item out of a hundred, but the combined points of ALL items must equal 100. So, for example, if I were evaluating a job offer, it might look like this:

Money: 35 pts, People: 20 pts, Remote: 30 pts, Benefits: 10pts, Autonomy: 5pts = 100 pts

Sometimes when I do this, it's more like 7 pts for one thing, 11.5 for another, lol. You assign those 100 points however and wherever you wish.

Now I can score a job offer based on those numbers as my baseline...

If the money was decent but not the very best, it might score 25 out of 35

If the people were mean, they would only score 3 out of 20

If the job was fully remote - 30 points (yay!)

No benefits (!) - so 0 out of 10

But good autonomy, so 5 points

Overall, this job offer scores 63 out of 100. If I had another offer that scored an 83, the answer would be clear.

I've used this system with apartment hunting, house hunting when it was time to buy, job offers, and even when I decided to immigrate! Being able to quantify what's important to me has saved me from situations where I'm blinded by one big thing. Like a bay window in an otherwise crappy home (the bay window may be amazing, but it's only worth three points out of 100! Or job offers with amazing people but really low money, etc. etc.) Applying an actual score allows me to keep what I want, and how an opportunity compares, in perspective.

Anyhow, I've probably not done the system justice. The book is Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury, and it's an amazing system that has never steered me wrong. I love these guys; I'm so grateful to them! I've been using this system for 20 years now.

I always read in this sub how the LPTs are crappy. I hope this one really empowers people



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LPT to evaluate opportunities & offers
2 months ago

LPT: Clean the ceiling fan blades before changing its direction of rotation.

I forgot to do that. Now my room is covered with dust.




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LPT: Clean the ceiling fan blades before changing its direction of rotation.
2 months, 1 week ago

LPT: Clean your smoke alarm every six months

I just started working for a smoke detector call center and 90% of calls are for "nuisance alarms" on dirty units, and everyone says, "I didn't know I needed to clean them!" Here's your PSA.



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LPT: Clean your smoke alarm every six months
2 months, 1 week ago

LPT: Want to save the bees? Focus on wild and native bees species! (NOT HONEYBEES!)

Honeybees outcompete native wild bee species and reduce biodiversity among bee populations. Often when people think about saving the bees they think about hives and honeybees. To that, I say NO!

To actually provide for bees and the many wild bee species, follow these steps:

Step 1. Do NOT introduce european honeybees. NO HIVES.

Step 2A. Plant a diverse range of organic NATIVE flowering plant species.

Step 2B. Make sure the plant's flower period is as wide as possible, so plant some species that flower in early spring to provide for early bees and some that flower untill late in the year to prepare bees for winter.

Step 3. Some wild bee species nest in trees and (dead) wood, others in sand and stones. Provide them with both. Piles of wood/treestumps in a sunny spot, a chest filled with clay-ground on its side, open spots of ground (e.g. between plants) disturb the ground and piles of wood and stones as little as possible.

why organic plants? They are more resistant to diseases and they dont contain pesticides that kill the bees.

Why native plants? There are hundreds of wild bee species, and every bee specializes in certain types of plants. Due to evolutionary development native bees are adapted to native plants.

Bonus step. Do research on wild bee species and solitary bee species.



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LPT: Want to save the bees? Focus on wild and native bees species! (NOT HONEYBEES!)
2 months, 1 week ago

LPT: Use a anti nail biting nailpolish if you have a habit of biting nails

I have a habit of biting nails from a long time, whenever I gets lost in thoughts, uncosciously I starts biting nails, a few weeks ago I read somewhere that to fix this bad habit you can use a nail polish, So , I ordered one and it works, I have stopped biting nails now…



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LPT: Use a anti nail biting nailpolish if you have a habit of biting nails
4 months, 2 weeks ago

LPT: Every frozen pizza in the known universe cooks nicely if you preheat the oven to 420°

One temperature to rule them all.



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LPT: Every frozen pizza in the known universe cooks nicely if you preheat the oven to 420°
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Creating an innovative decentralized infrastructure for asset management & digital trusts programming

Official links: https://linktr.ee/ubdnet

Last updated 2 дня, 1 час назад

Last updated 1 месяц, 3 недели назад

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Last updated 1 месяц, 3 недели назад