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racial experiments lain 🐳
1 month ago
racial experiments lain 🐳
1 month ago
racial experiments lain 🐳
3 months, 3 weeks ago
racial experiments lain 🐳
3 months, 3 weeks ago
racial experiments lain 🐳
3 months, 4 weeks ago


"There is no and cannot be an agreement with the Serbs. I know their history and their mentality well. There are few Bulgarian politicians who know Serbian history and the Serbian people well, but I have made the effort to get to know them. They are, I can say, hysterical. They are terrible megalomaniacs and their megalomania is based on hysterics. There are huge differences between you Croats and Serbs. First of all, you have a highly developed Western culture, while they belong to the East and Byzantium, on top of that, they are also poorly cultured. You are Catholics, and they are Orthodox, so the difference is clear. However, some people think that there is no difference between Bulgarians and Serbs, because we have the same religion and the same Byzantine culture. However, that is not true, because the difference is enormous. First of all, our culture is greater than theirs, then their mentality, as I said above, is just sick, they are people without any sense of reality, I would say they have an 'epic' mentality and that is a huge difference from us Bulgarians, who are sober, hardworking and very realistic. "

"As for the Serbs, this detail is interesting: several years ago, when I was an envoy in Brussels, there was a Serbian i. e. Yugoslav envoy there, the writer Lazarević. He himself told me that the mentality of the Serbs, or rather the people of Šumadija, was negative and that with such people the Serbs could not form a state, so it is precisely for racial reasons that the Serbs need to have Bosnia, where healthy minded people live. Therefore, Bosnia is needed not as a territory but as a source of people."

— Bulgarian diplomat, journalist and publicist Simeon Traychev Radev (1879-1967) in Sofia, November 27, 1941

("Bilješke o razgovoru s bivšim poslanikom, a sada opunomoćenim ministrom na raspoloženju, gospodinom Simeonom Radevom", Poslanstvo NDH u Sofiji: diplomatski izvještaji 1941-1945., Vol. 1, HDA, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 213, 215, doc. no. 55)


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