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2 days, 3 hours ago
**9 signs that a turning point …

9 signs that a turning point is coming in your life

As we reach a certain age point, we begin to prepare for a "midlife crisis. We anticipate unbearable agony and a joyless old age. Do we really expect a sad turn of events, or there is an alternative story? Psychologist Lubov Revenko tells how to recognize the onset of a turning point in life and believe in a bright future.

  1. You are asking existential questions.
  2. You act in the heat of the moment.
  3. You feel like you are losing your mind.
  4. You no longer remember when you slept soundly through the night.
  5. The future seems bleak and uncertain.
  6. Boredom is overwhelming you more and more often.
  7. You have a constant feeling of irretrievable loss
  8. You are obsessing over your appearance.
  9. You stop taking care of your appearance

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3 days, 13 hours ago
**The law of conservation of energy**- …

The law of conservation of energy- Accept what cannot be changed
- don't relive the past over and over again
- don't try to please everyone
- not be jealous
- close an uninteresting book on time
- not borrow money from friends
- not lie
- don't lose faith in yourself
- don't blame yourself for your decisions
- meditate

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3 days, 13 hours ago
**"Real men don't cry."**By constantly suppressing …

"Real men don't cry."By constantly suppressing emotions, you form a sense of resistance. So imperceptibly unexpressed, hidden deep emotions are transformed: aggression into permissiveness, fear into indifference, hopelessness into detachment.
Negativity literally accumulates in your body, and at one moment the emotions become more than you are - there is a breakdown.

Recipe for a cure for resilience:1. Feel your emotion.
2. Give it a name.
3. Fix it on paper.

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1 week, 2 days ago
**The 3 triggers of procrastination, and …

The 3 triggers of procrastination, and what to do about them1. The task is difficult.

You can postpone completing a difficult task as long as you break it down into smaller items, you will not succeed.

But when you do, it will change from a large and unsolvable to several less dangerous tasks that you will already be able to cope with.

  1. A Boring Task

Many people's lives are set up in such a way that they mostly do boring, uninteresting tasks. And they literally force themselves to do it every time.

You have to teach yourself to make the process enjoyable, at least in part. Put on your favorite music, change the environment, make or buy yourself a coffee.

  1. Don't contain rewards.

Why try to do something if you won't get any reward for it? There are several solutions here, and they lie everywhere a little at a time.

Try to dilute that with processes that make you feel good. And as for rewards - reward yourself for every point accomplished.

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1 week, 2 days ago
**Making up for our deficiencies**To avoid …

Making up for our deficienciesTo avoid becoming dependent on those who do it for you.

🔸Care deficit.
It's great to make up for deficits by taking care of yourself. Revisit your beauty rituals, it's time to get busy doing things that make you feel good. Simply put, take good care of yourself!

🔸Material deficits.
A very common story in relationships. Only when a girl can take care of her own well-being, give it to herself, does her man begin to take care of it. It's like an example to him.

🔸Attention deficit.
It will be made up for by talking to people. Meet people, talk about yourself, do social networking, and you're sure to close this deficit!

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1 week, 5 days ago
**How to forgive a grudge: 12 …

How to forgive a grudge: 12 useful tips - learn now

It seems almost impossible to overcome the inner pain and even think about forgiving the offender. However, it is necessary to do it. We share tips to help forgive the abuser.

  1. Acknowledge the injustice done
    2 Recognize the feelings you feel about the injury
  2. Ask yourself how you cope with the resentment
    Let the situation go even though you continue to feel anger and resentment
  3. Accept: forgiveness does not mean that the injustice is insignificant
  4. Leave the responsibility to the offender, but treat him or her with compassion
  5. Be prepared that forgiveness is not a one-time action, but a process
  6. Accept that you will view the world negatively for some time.
  7. Imagine that the abuser's identity is not just about what he or she has done.
  8. Think back to how you yourself once behaved badly
  9. Remember that you are not alone
  10. Realize that your suffering was not meaningless

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2 months, 1 week ago
**The law of conservation of energy**- …

The law of conservation of energy- Accept what cannot be changed
- don't relive the past over and over again
- don't try to please everyone
- not be jealous
- close an uninteresting book on time
- not borrow money from friends
- not lie
- don't lose faith in yourself
- don't blame yourself for your decisions
- meditate

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2 months, 1 week ago
**"I need to think about it." …

"I need to think about it." 3 rejection strategies for introverts and shy people - coaching tips. Part 1

When a loved one asks for help, refusing is never easy. It is doubly difficult if you are an introvert or shy by nature. Coach shares tips on how to say "no" and not offend anyone.

    Don't rush your answer, try to buy time to make a decision. Use the phrases:

"I need to think about it."
"Give me a minute to make a decision."
"As soon as I formulate an answer, I'll let you know right away."
"I'll give you the answer by... (name a time)."

This is a good time to reflect on the answer. Approach the problem carefully, thoroughly, and thoughtfully.

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2 months, 2 weeks ago

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9 months, 3 weeks ago
**9 internal attitudes that will make …

9 internal attitudes that will make you a loser

Some people succeed at whatever they set their mind to, while others are forced to settle for little - even though they often work just as hard as the former. Are luck and other external circumstances to blame? Sometimes. But much of our success depends on our internal attitudes - by realizing which ones doom us to failure, we can free ourselves from the loser's complex.

  1. "Mom says I'm like my father."
  2. "Grandma dreamed of becoming a pianist."
  3. "It won't make a difference anyway."
  4. "I'm so used to it."
  5. "I'm not allowed to be wrong."
  6. "That's when I'll be..."
  7. "Everything has to be perfect."
  8. "You have to be satisfied with little."
  9. "I've done my best."

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