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8 Monate, 4 Wochen her

Master Java programming in 15 days with Free Resources ??

Days 1-3: Getting Started
1. Day 1: Install Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer and set up your development environment.
2. Day 2: Learn the basics of Java syntax, variables, data types, and how to write a simple "Hello, World!" program.
3. Day 3: Dive into Java's Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, including classes and objects.

Days 4-6: Control Flow and Data Structures
4. Day 4: Study control flow structures like if statements, loops (for, while), and switch statements.
5. Day 5: Learn about data structures such as arrays and ArrayLists for handling collections of data.
6. Day 6: Explore more advanced data structures like HashMaps and Sets.

Days 7-9: Methods and Functions
7. Day 7: Understand methods and functions in Java, including method parameters and return values.
8. Day 8: Learn about method overloading and overriding, as well as access modifiers.
9. Day 9: Practice creating and using methods in your Java programs.

Days 10-12: Exception Handling and File I/O
10. Day 10: Study exception handling to deal with runtime errors.
11. Day 11: Explore file input/output to read and write data to files.
12. Day 12: Combine exception handling and file I/O in practical applications.

Days 13-15: Advanced Topics and Projects
13. Day 13: Learn about Java's built-in libraries, such as the Collections framework and the java.util package.
14. Day 14: Explore graphical user interfaces (GUI) using Java Swing or JavaFX.
15. Day 15: Work on a Java project to apply what you've learned. Build a simple application or program of your choice.

Here you can find Java Programming Books & Notes for FREE: ?


Introduction to Programming in Java

Java Tutorial for complete beginners

Java Developer: Realistic Approach

Project Ideas for Java

Free Website to Practice Java

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9 Monate her

Essential Python Libraries to build your career in Data Science ?*?***

  1. NumPy:
    - Efficient numerical operations and array manipulation.

  2. Pandas:
    - Data manipulation and analysis with powerful data structures (DataFrame, Series).

  3. Matplotlib:
    - 2D plotting library for creating visualizations.

  4. Seaborn:
    - Statistical data visualization built on top of Matplotlib.

  5. Scikit-learn:
    - Machine learning toolkit for classification, regression, clustering, etc.

  6. TensorFlow:
    - Open-source machine learning framework for building and deploying ML models.

  7. PyTorch:
    - Deep learning library, particularly popular for neural network research.

  8. SciPy:
    - Library for scientific and technical computing.

  9. Statsmodels:
    - Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python.

  10. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit):
    - Tools for working with human language data (text).

  11. Gensim:
    - Topic modeling and document similarity analysis.

  12. Keras:
    - High-level neural networks API, running on top of TensorFlow.

  13. Plotly:
    - Interactive graphing library for making interactive plots.

  14. Beautiful Soup:
    - Web scraping library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.

  15. OpenCV:
    - Library for computer vision tasks.

As a beginner, you can start with Pandas and NumPy for data manipulation and analysis. For data visualization, Matplotlib and Seaborn are great starting points. As you progress, you can explore machine learning with Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.

Free Notes & Books to learn Data Science:

Python Project Ideas:

Best Resources to learn Python & Data Science ??

Python Tutorial

Data Science Course by Kaggle

Machine Learning Course by Google

Best Data Science & Machine Learning Resources

Interview Process for Data Science Role at Amazon

Python Interview Resources

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9 Monate her

30-days learning plan to master Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and prepare for coding interviews. ### Week 1: Foundations and Basic Data Structures Day 1-3: Arrays and Strings - Topics to Cover: - Array basics, operations (insertion, deletion, searching)…

9 Monate her

30-days learning plan to master Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and prepare for coding interviews.
### Week 1: Foundations and Basic Data Structures

Day 1-3: Arrays and Strings
- Topics to Cover:
- Array basics, operations (insertion, deletion, searching)
- String manipulation
- Two-pointer technique, sliding window technique
- Practice Problems:
- Two Sum
- Maximum Subarray
- Reverse a String
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Day 4-5: Linked Lists
- Topics to Cover:
- Singly linked list, doubly linked list, circular linked list
- Common operations (insertion, deletion, reversal)
- Practice Problems:
- Reverse a Linked List
- Merge Two Sorted Lists
- Remove Nth Node From End of List

Day 6-7: Stacks and Queues
- Topics to Cover:
- Stack operations (push, pop, top)
- Queue operations (enqueue, dequeue)
- Applications (expression evaluation, backtracking, breadth-first search)
- Practice Problems:
- Valid Parentheses
- Implement Stack using Queues
- Implement Queue using Stacks

### Week 2: Advanced Data Structures

Day 8-10: Trees
- Topics to Cover:
- Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees (BST)
- Tree traversal (preorder, inorder, postorder, level order)
- Practice Problems:
- Invert Binary Tree
- Validate Binary Search Tree
- Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

Day 11-13: Heaps and Priority Queues
- Topics to Cover:
- Binary heap (min-heap, max-heap)
- Heap operations (insert, delete, extract-min/max)
- Applications (heap sort, priority queues)
- Practice Problems:
- Kth Largest Element in an Array
- Top K Frequent Elements
- Find Median from Data Stream

Day 14: Hash Tables
- Topics to Cover:
- Hashing concept, hash functions, collision resolution (chaining, open addressing)
- Applications (caching, counting frequencies)
- Practice Problems:
- Two Sum (using hash map)
- Group Anagrams
- Subarray Sum Equals K

### Week 3: Algorithms

Day 15-17: Sorting and Searching Algorithms
- Topics to Cover:
- Sorting algorithms (quick sort, merge sort, bubble sort, insertion sort)
- Searching algorithms (binary search, linear search)
- Practice Problems:
- Merge Intervals
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Sort Colors
- Find Peak Element

Day 18-20: Recursion and Backtracking
- Topics to Cover:
- Basic recursion, tail recursion
- Backtracking (N-Queens, Sudoku solver)
- Practice Problems:
- Permutations
- Combination Sum
- Subsets
- Word Search

Day 21: Divide and Conquer
- Topics to Cover:
- Basic concept, merge sort, quick sort, binary search
- Practice Problems:
- Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- Pow(x, n)
- Kth Largest Element in an Array (using divide and conquer)
- Maximum Subarray (using divide and conquer)

### Week 4: Graphs and Dynamic Programming

Day 22-24: Graphs
- Topics to Cover:
- Graph representations (adjacency list, adjacency matrix)
- Traversal algorithms (DFS, BFS)
- Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra's, Bellman-Ford)
- Practice Problems:
- Number of Islands

Day 25-27: Dynamic Programming
- Topics to Cover:
- Basic concept, memoization, tabulation
- Common problems (knapsack, longest common subsequence)
- Practice Problems:
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Maximum Product Subarray

Day 28: Advanced Topics and Miscellaneous
- Topics to Cover:
- Bit manipulation
- Greedy algorithms
- Miscellaneous problems (trie, segment tree, disjoint set)
- Practice Problems:
- Single Number
- Decode Ways
- Minimum Spanning Tree

### Week 5: Review and Mock Interviews

Day 29: Review and Weakness Analysis
- Activities:
  - Review topics you found difficult
  - Revisit problems you struggled with

Day 30: Mock Interviews and Practice
- Activities:
  - Conduct mock interviews with a friend or use online platforms
  - Focus on communication and explaining your thought process

Top DSA resources to crack coding interview

? GeekforGeeks

? Leetcode

? DSA Steps

? FreeCodeCamp

? Coding Interviews

? Best DSA Resources

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9 Monate, 1 Woche her

30-days learning plan to cover data science fundamental algorithms, important concepts, and practical applications ??

### Week 1: Introduction and Basics

Day 1: Introduction to Data Science
- Overview of data science, its importance, and key concepts.

Day 2: Python Basics for Data Science
- Python syntax, variables, data types, and basic operations.

Day 3: Data Structures in Python
- Lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples.

Day 4: Data Manipulation with Pandas
- Introduction to Pandas, Series, DataFrame, basic operations.

Day 5: Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn
- Creating basic plots (line, bar, scatter), customizing plots.

Day 6: Introduction to Numpy
- Arrays, array operations, mathematical functions.

Day 7: Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
- Handling missing values, data normalization, and scaling.

### Week 2: Exploratory Data Analysis and Statistical Foundations

Day 8: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Techniques for summarizing and visualizing data.

Day 9: Probability and Statistics Basics
- Descriptive statistics, probability distributions, and hypothesis testing.

Day 10: Introduction to SQL for Data Science
- Basic SQL commands for data retrieval and manipulation.

Day 11: Linear Regression
- Concept, assumptions, implementation, and evaluation metrics (R-squared, RMSE).

Day 12: Logistic Regression
- Concept, implementation, and evaluation metrics (confusion matrix, ROC-AUC).

Day 13: Regularization Techniques
- Lasso and Ridge regression, preventing overfitting.

Day 14: Model Evaluation and Validation
- Cross-validation, bias-variance tradeoff, train-test split.

### Week 3: Supervised Learning

Day 15: Decision Trees
- Concept, implementation, advantages, and disadvantages.

Day 16: Random Forest
- Ensemble learning, bagging, and random forest implementation.

Day 17: Gradient Boosting
- Boosting, Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM), and implementation.

Day 18: Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Concept, kernel trick, implementation, and tuning.

Day 19: k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
- Concept, distance metrics, implementation, and tuning.

Day 20: Naive Bayes
- Concept, assumptions, implementation, and applications.

Day 21: Model Tuning and Hyperparameter Optimization
- Grid search, random search, and Bayesian optimization.

### Week 4: Unsupervised Learning and Advanced Topics

Day 22: Clustering with k-Means
- Concept, algorithm, implementation, and evaluation metrics (silhouette score).

Day 23: Hierarchical Clustering
- Agglomerative clustering, dendrograms, and implementation.

Day 24: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Dimensionality reduction, variance explanation, and implementation.

Day 25: Association Rule Learning
- Apriori algorithm, market basket analysis, and implementation.

Day 26: Natural Language Processing (NLP) Basics
- Text preprocessing, tokenization, and basic NLP tasks.

Day 27: Time Series Analysis
- Time series decomposition, ARIMA model, and forecasting.

Day 28: Introduction to Deep Learning
- Neural networks, perceptron, backpropagation, and implementation.

Day 29: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Concept, architecture, and applications in image processing.

Day 30: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
- Concept, LSTM, GRU, and applications in sequential data.

Best Resources to learn Data Science ??

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11 Monate her

Free Programming and Data Analytics Resources ?*?***

Data science and Data Analytics Free Courses by Google

? Free Data Analytics Courses by Microsoft

  1. Get started with microsoft dataanalytics

  2. Introduction to version control with git

  3. Microsoft azure ai fundamentals

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  1. Fundamentals of AI by Microsoft

  1. Introduction to AI with python by Harvard.

? Useful Resources for the Programmers

Data Analyst Roadmap

Free C course from Microsoft

Interactive React Native Resources

Python for Data Science and ML

Ethical Hacking Bootcamp

Unity Documentation

Advanced Javascript concepts

Oops in Java

Intro to Version control with Git

Python Data Structure and Algorithms

Free PowerBI course by Microsoft

Data Structures Interview Preparation

? Free Programming Courses by Microsoft

❯ JavaScript

❯ TypeScript

❯ C#

Join @free4unow_backup for more free resources.


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11 Monate, 1 Woche her

Complete Roadmap to become a web developer in two months:

Week 1-2: Basics of Web Development
1. HTML & CSS: Learn the fundamentals of building web pages with HTML for structure and CSS for styling.
2. Responsive Design: Understand how to make your websites responsive to different screen sizes using media queries.
3. Basic JavaScript: Start with basic JavaScript concepts like variables, data types, and operators.

Week 3-4: Intermediate Web Development
1. DOM Manipulation: Learn how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) with JavaScript to dynamically change website content.
2. Intermediate JavaScript: Dive deeper into JavaScript with concepts like functions, arrays, objects, and control flow.
3. Version Control: Learn Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.

Week 5-6: Frontend Development
1. Frontend Frameworks: Learn a frontend framework like React, Vue.js, or Angular. Focus on one and understand its fundamentals.
2. Package Managers: Learn how to use npm or yarn to manage dependencies for your projects.
3. CSS Preprocessors: Explore tools like Sass or Less to enhance your CSS workflow.

Week 7-8: Backend Development
1. Server-side Programming: Learn a backend language like Node.js with Express, Python with Django or Flask, or Ruby on Rails.
2. Databases: Understand basics of database management systems like MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL.
3. APIs: Learn how to build and consume APIs to connect your frontend and backend.

Additional Tips:
- Practice regularly by building projects. Start with simple ones and gradually increase complexity.
- Utilize online resources like tutorials, documentation, and forums like Stack Overflow and GitHub.
- Network with other developers through online communities and attend webinars or meetups.
- Stay updated with industry trends and best practices by following blogs and podcasts.

5 Free Web Development Courses by Udacity ??

Intro to HTML and CSS

Intro to Backend

Networking for Web Developers

Intro to JavaScript

Object-Oriented JavaScript

Free Web Development Resources: ?

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11 Monate, 1 Woche her

Best way to prepare for Python interviews ??

  1. Fundamentals: Strengthen your understanding of Python basics, including data types, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming concepts.

  2. Data Structures and Algorithms: Familiarize yourself with common data structures (lists, dictionaries, sets, etc.) and algorithms. Practice solving coding problems on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank.

  3. Problem Solving: Develop problem-solving skills by working on real-world scenarios. Understand how to approach and solve problems efficiently using Python.

  4. Libraries and Frameworks: Be well-versed in popular Python libraries and frameworks relevant to the job, such as NumPy, Pandas, Flask, or Django. Demonstrate your ability to apply these tools in practical situations.

  5. Web Development (if applicable): If the position involves web development, understand web frameworks like Flask or Django. Be ready to discuss your experience in building web applications using Python.

  6. Database Knowledge: Have a solid understanding of working with databases in Python. Know how to interact with databases using SQLAlchemy or Django ORM.

  7. Testing and Debugging: Showcase your proficiency in writing unit tests and debugging code. Understand testing frameworks like pytest and debugging tools available in Python.

  8. Version Control: Familiarize yourself with version control systems, particularly Git, and demonstrate your ability to collaborate on projects using Git.

  9. Projects: Showcase relevant projects in your portfolio. Discuss the challenges you faced, solutions you implemented, and the impact of your work.

  10. Soft Skills: Highlight your communication and collaboration skills. Be ready to explain your thought process and decision-making during technical discussions.

Best Resource to learn Python

Python Interview Questions with Answers

Freecodecamp Python Course with FREE Certificate

Python for Data Analysis and Visualization

Python course for beginners by Microsoft

Python course by Google

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