
Leetcode, c++/go/rust/python and anything related with my study and work.
Some daily life thoughts: @lifes_notes
Owner: @h0tmi
My articles: #pub
Some tags, that I use: #cpp #lecture #common #sources
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

2 months, 3 weeks ago -- tell how they have implemented a cache, which is kind of better than LRU due to hit rate analysis.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Pprof -- a tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data
Jobserver implementation -- explains the GNU make "jobserver" feature, which enables parallel execution of jobs by managing how many commands can run simultaneously.
Distributed locking -- discusses concerns about the Redlock algorithm for implementing fault-tolerant distributed locks with Redis
Pricing Options Using Monte Carlo Simulation -- a beautiful short video about trading using Monte Carlo algorithm, short, pleasant, useful

3 months, 3 weeks ago

redir cpp -- post about cpp and linux, a bit demagogy but had fun reading
metrics -- common knowledge about metrics distribution
cmu databases-- lateral explanation, some databases basic commands
Limit Order Book -- introduction to trading, basic knowledge
Highload.Fun -- pretty good competition platform where you can optimize your code untill it runs blazingy fast

5 months, 3 weeks ago -- TRIE explanation and some ideas where to use it -- a baseline to understand how concepts and metaprogramming works. Found it easy to understand but need more materials to actually understand. -- during my internship at YTSaurus and now in SaaS finally decided to read something about LSM trees. A little bit more then on wiki. -- need to know probabilistic data structure to fast determination if elements exists or no

1 year ago

Telegraph — Vanya wrote summarized artcile about bimap. Didn’t hear about this data structure before, got inspired by.

Oh my fibers — a good overview of fibers, can be used as an recap or an entering point.

1 year ago

ZED — ~~new text editor~~
I've tried it one evening just to understand that there is nothing better than nvim for me now.

This editor is cool, yes, but I don't know why should I use it instead of simple terminal + tmux + nvim. Maybe if I had no my own config it would be great to have c++ and etc. language server from the box, but that's all. The main idea that it provides fast start and it plays really fast starts to fall apart when you want to add some new features because you have to add it throw json config, then it doesn't metter where to add it in your own nvim config or in theirs json. I can assume that a lot of people really don't know how to use vim and this editor is going to change their mind. So if you are still using Clion or some other IDE feel free to try it.

1 year, 1 month ago

As a part of my new year’s goals list I want to start this every week posts in both of my channels(@lifes_notes @loopynerd) where I share with you some of interesting articles and videos that I’ve watched. Firstly I do it to stimulate the habit of writing, I really like to write something but sometimes just too tired or lazy for it. Then this is really cool to have all this stuff that I once upon a time read, so I can fast check on it if needed. And the last but not the least is the idea of giving something really interesting and helpful to others.

My favourite C++ leak — It’s interesting how you can get memory leaks without using new/delete, btw we had this problem maybe a month ago with a friend of mine.

Design of memory allocator(RU) — some basics about memory allocators, especially about dlmalloc and jemalloc, found it really useful for my course project, but the author sometimes got stuck on implementations, so 2x recommended.

Память – идеальная абстракция — polished and shortened part of the second part of the lecture above.

Trojan Source — during the CAOS course in my university I dug into unicode/ascii codes and this article about exploits in code using unicode, found interesting how you can execute any code, even pass the code review.

1 year, 4 months ago

#common #nvim #terminal
I really adore using terminal in my daily coding, because once you learned your shortcuts you become as fast as possible, but "It's not just shortcuts that unite us."
I put writing my own scripts in the back of my mind for a long time, and now the time has come. And I did this mistake a lot of times with learning tmux, vim, etc. Spend some of your time learning tools that you use every day, it will make your life a lot easier and save you a lot of time you can spend more wisely.
Simple script for creating environment for course solving.

1 year, 4 months ago

#common #cpp #sources
Haven't been here for a while. Summer passed really fast, June and July I 'd been working a lot, in August took 2 weeks and travelled around the Europe.

It appears that I can't post here only my articles and etc, caused by luck of my life experience. But I really want to share with you something interesting, and as an experiment I want just share here some article excerpts and etc.

My former colleague posted some interesting thoughts about compile time dependencies in cpp.
As part of my study in HSE now I'm actively reading a lot about cpp and here you can find a useful article about iterators.
And I started to learn concurrency taught by Lipovskiy, the beginning of course is solid and makes me think that it's gonna be really useful in my feature, but it's to soon to make any serious conclusions.

1 year, 7 months ago

Some minor news.
I again decided to move all my life thoughts, life hacks and notes(#life) to another channel(@lifes_notes). The reason for this is really simple, I personally prefer to read something about CS and work separately from things connected with life.

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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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