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Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Congratulations to our friends over at OSM for this!!!
This is a pretty good example of how the lore is considered sacred, because of the content found within them. I'm glad someone else gets it. Reconstructing the ancestral link in our Tradition is not done so by following new age practices. It is done so by…
This is a pretty good example of how the lore is considered sacred, because of the content found within them. I'm glad someone else gets it.
Reconstructing the ancestral link in our Tradition is not done so by following new age practices. It is done so by understanding the lessons of the past and applying them today. It's done by building families and clans which continue teaching the history of our people.
You can't call yourself folkish and claim to practice an ancestral tradition when your entire organization is built off of new age customs. And if you still don't understand what new age is - it is customs established during the 1960-70s counter culture movement that rely heavily on occultist ideologies. Which is specifically foind in the LHP teachings that helped create many of the Asatru customs such as chanting runes as Galdr, making up holidays such as Freyfaxi and Hexannatch while not even knowing the attested holidays. This is largely because these groups were replacing wiccan terms with Norse terms so they can say "I'm folkish". Practicing just any religion doesn't make you folkish, unless that religion is from your folk. If you practice a religion outside your folk your syncretists or universalists.
Having local communities can be great. But what exactly are you doing with your local community if you're continuing to teach them new age bullshit and call it ancestral? That is called subversion. Where you are actively working to undermine the ancestral culture while bastardizing the worldview that paved the way for the future. If you want to call yourself folkish, at least attempt to know the folk ways you're pretending to follow. "
- Kyle Davis
This is what happens when you can't beat people up anymore.
No Pagan - or Brit for that matter, should support this group after this. Disgusting.
Þórr-blót 2024June is here, and the warmth of the Strawberry Moon is finally upon us. In lieu of our usual Lithablōt, the Hearth of the Tideway will this year be joining our friends in the Hearth of Devon to celebrate their Þórr-blót.
Named for our Lord Thunderer, offerings of food and libation will be given to satiate His famed appetite. A stew of goat meat is to be prepared, to the delights of both man and the Lord of Goats; so sayeth Hovi (Gylfaginning 44). The bones will subsequently be burned in the bone-fire, as per our Germanic Midsummer tradition.
We offer thanks to be guests of our magnanimous host, Goði Rowsell, and look forward to seeing old and new friends like.
Hail the Gods!
Painting is a Van Gogh-inspired depiction of a bonfire gathering; a familiar site to Þórr-blót attendees...
Good afternoon, everyone!! My brand new Substack article is LIVE! In it, I share some of my hair care routine, some tips on foraging and preparing a very special plant, and some insights on community building as European women! ? I sincerely hope you enjoy!…
It would be a 9/10, but it lost a point by how messily it ends. I feel like the sections following (spoiler) Winston's arrest until the end of the book were written a little haphazardly. I understand it intentionally was likely intentionally breakneck to convey how quickly the boot can come down, but it nonetheless felt jarring to read.
8/10, infant mortality and a boot stamping on a face until the end of time.
Don't believe me on that last point?
Here are just a handful of ideals propagated by IngSoc in this book:
- The removal of children from their families (as opposed to be raised by the clan)- Propagandising of children in state education (no comment)
- Mass-surveillance of every aspect of life (including in the home; - the seat of clan identity)- The abolition of sex and sexual identity (rejection of sex as sacred and of divine sexual dimorphism)
- The abolition of the orgasm? (no comment)- The destruction of nature through urbanisation (no comment)
- The supremacy of the Party over the traditional family (subversion of the clan)
Despite its framing in the Christian context, the most egregious of all, however, has to be:
- The outlawing of religion and, with it, banning of the word "God" (a word which is Heathen in origin)
This is one interpetation and, if it is the case, would further extend to one of the names of Oðinn as Bǫlverkr (Bale-Worker). This is in line with High One's persona, as his knowledge of seiðr would leave him perceived as a worker of bale to many.
It is also important to note that the concept of evil did exist to our ancestors, and ironically describes the kinds of people who over-espouse Hávamál 127. Concepts of evil developed in the last half a century are not applicable to Germanic Heathen morality!
Völuspá 59-66
When Ragnarök ends, Óðinn’s son Víðarr lives through means of revenge for his Father, killing the Fenrisúlfr. Þórr’s sons Móði and Magni emerge victorious also. Soon after, Óðinn’s sons Baldr and Höðr return from Hel.
The Völuspá alludes to the descendants of our Gods eventually ushering in a new age, taking refuge in Gimli (Fire-shelter or Gem-roof).
The prophecy ends with Níðhöggr possibly carrying the wicked slain below, as the new age begins.
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