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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
"Plotinus (Enn., III) instead deems homosexual loves to be shameful and abnormal, like diseases of degenerate persons “which do not arise from the essence of being and are not the outcome of the development thereof.” - Julius Evola, "Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex", Chap. 2, Footnote 43
"Others become bestial because of habit, such as certain men who take pleasure in plucking out their hair, biting their nails, eating coal and earth, and having sexual intercourse with males. People act in these ways from the condition of their bodily temperament, or from usage to which they have become accustomed since childhood." - Aristotle as quoted in St. Thomas Aquinas's "Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics", Book 7, Lecture 5
"Whether such matters are to be regarded jestingly or seriously, I think that the pleasure is to be deemed natural which arises out of the intercourse between men and women; but that the intercourse of men with men, or of women with women, is contrary to nature, and that the bold attempt was originally due to unbridled lust." - Plato, "The Laws", Book I
"Evidently this subduing discipline is still physical exercise, but in its own way. The haircloth of St. Francis corresponds in fact to the club of Hercules, and serves the same purpose. The monsters which are knocked down by the weapon which Hercules alone could wield torment the saint of Assisi also ; only, they are within him. He even tames the wolf, but without club or chains, by the mere exercise of his gentle meek-ness. These internal monsters are not, properly speaking, in the material body. If they were, the Saint would not need to worry about them any more than about the earth under his feet or the sack on his shoulder. But they are in that body which he feels; they are in that soul which, with the violence of its desires, the din of its harsh and fiercely discordant voices, distracts him from the ideal where his life is. They are in that soul which thrusts so many claims on him, that were he to satisfy them he would have to part company with his Lady Poverty, and become once more the slave of things which are not in his power, — of wealth, which heaps up and blows away; of Fortune, which comes as a friend and departs as an enemy. He would, in other words, return to a materialistic conception of life. His Lernaean hydra is in the depths of his heart, where hundred-headed instinct, with its hundred mouths, tears the roots of his holy and magnanimous will, eager to resemble the Saviour in love and self- sacrifice.
This monster is strangled with the haircloth, when the body is hardened and trained to self-denial, to suffering, to the repression of all animal passions which would keep man away from his goal. This discipline, far from debilitating the body, gives it a new strength, an endurance which enables man to live on a higher plane than he would if he followed natural impulses. For this more difficult manner of living, a robustness and a hardihood are requisite which are beyond the natural means of the body. The system of physical culture which gives this stupendous endurance is called asceticism." - Giovanni Gentile, "The Reform Of Education"
Cosas de la Democracia - Luis Fajardo
Since my previous channel was shut down, I have been trying to avoid political speech in my videos and left the niche for the thousands of copycats that have popped in my absence. But this video is a tribute, or rather a warning, to the current situation…
Jean-Marie Le Pen has been hospitalized please pray for him!
“For monarchy to work, one man must be wise. For democracy to work, a majority of the people must be wise. Which is more likely?” - Charles Maurras
When I speak to the Boomers, I am a Traditionalist Conservative
When I speak to the Ladies, I am a Sorellian Socialist
When I speak to the Bros, I am a Fascist
"Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God."- St. Ignatius of Loyola
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago