Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅
‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!
Last updated 1 year ago
QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!
? https://Qashqadaryo24.uz
⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin
? Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin??
Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅
??Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
?Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
? UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646
?Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut
Last updated 2 months ago
1.?To daunt, to scare, to intimidate - hadiksiramoq, xavotirga tushmoq/solmoq, tahlikaga tushmoq, qo'rqitmoq, do'q-po'pisa qilmoq, cho'chitmoq
2.?To load, to put in, to fill, to pack - yuklamoq, to'ldirmoq, (narsalarini) joylamoq, tayyorlamoq, solmoq, yuklarini joylashtirmoq
3.?Decade, a period of ten years - o'n yil, o'n yillik
4.?To surpass, to excel, to exceed - oshib ketmoq, o'tib ketmoq, yaxshiroq bo'lmoq/bajarmoq, ortiq bo'lmoq, afzal bo'lmoq, ustun chiqmoq
5.?To assemble, to put together - yig'ilmoq, yig'moq, to'planmoq, to'plamoq, jamlamoq, jamlanmoq
6.?To render, to make, to cause to be - biror holatga tushmoq, biror holatga tushirmoq, sabab bo'lmoq
7.?To grow accustomed, to become used to - odatlanib qolish, odatlanish
8.?To advance, to move forward, to progress - olg'a yurmoq, olg'a siljimoq, olg'a bormoq, oldinga harakat qildirmoq, ildamlamoq, yaxshilanmoq, rivojlanmoq
9.?To dismiss, to set aside, to think no more of - ahamiyat bermaslik, e'tiborsiz qoldirmoq, miyasidan chiqarib tashlamoq, xayolidan chiqarib tashlamoq
10.?Software, program essential to the operation of computers - dastur, kompyuter dasturi, dasturiy ta'minot
11.?Pace, speed - shiddat, jadallik, sur'at, tezlik
12.?To rival, to compete, to vie - raqobatchi bo'lmoq, musobaqalashmoq, bellashmoq, bahs olib bormoq
13.?To alter, to change - o'zgarmoq, o'zgartirmoq, o'zgartirish kiritmoq
14.?Progenitors, ancestor - o'simlik yoki hayvonot turining ajdodi, ajdod, ota-bobo, bobo-kalon
1.?To lay, to put - yotqizmoq, qo'ymoq
2.?Proprietor, owner - xususiy mulk egasi, mulkdor, ega, egalik qiluvchi
3.?To furnish with, to put furniture in - jihozlamoq, mebellar bilan yasatmoq
4.?Permanently, continuously, constantly - bir umrga, uzluksiz ravishda, doimo, o'zgarmay qoladigan, muttasil ravishda
5.?To oblige, to force - talab qilmoq, zimmasiga yuklamoq, undamoq
6.?To construct, to build - qurmoq, barpo etmoq
7.?To knock down, to destroy, to pull down - vayron qilmoq, yakson qilmoq, buzmoq, qulatmoq
8.?To ship, to transport - yukni jo'natmoq, eltib bermoq, yetkazib bermoq, jo'natmoq
9.?Warehouse, store, stockroom - tovar ombori, mol ombori, sklad, katta ombor, ombor, omborxona
10.?To unpack, to take out, to empty - sumkadan olmoq, sumkani ochmoq, sumkani bo'shatmoq
1.?Sanctuary, place of safety shelter - boshpana, xavfsiz joy
2.?Giant, huge, enormous, gigantic - juda ulkan, bahaybat, katta, ulkan
3.?To take action, to take measures - chora ko'rish
4.?Survival, continuing to live - tirik qolish, omon qolish
5.?On the verge of, close to, on the brink of - bo'sag'asida, arafasida
6.?Reserve: Place or area for some special use or purpose - zaxiradagi joy, qo'riqxona
7.?To brood: (of a bird) to sit on eggs to hatch them - tuxum bosmoq
8.?Harpoon: A sharp pointed weapon thrown by hand to hunt whales and large fish - (katta baliq va kitlarni ovlashda ishlatiladigan uzin tig'li nayza) garpun
9.?Conservationist: Person who dedicated himself to the prevention of loss, waste, damage of (nature) - tabiat muhofazachisi
10.?Game: Wild animals (hunted for sport or food) - ovlanadigan yovvoyi hayvon
11.?Even, equal - teng, bir xil, barobar, baravar
12.?Match, counterpart - teng narsa yoki odam
13.?Fatal, deadly, lethal - halokatli, o'limga olib boradigan / keladigan, halok qiladigan, o'limli
14.?To whale: To hunt whales - kit/kitlarni ovlash
1.?Worthwhile, meaningful, useful - arziydigan, arzigulik, foydali, arzirli, arziguday, sa'y-harakatga loyiq, puliga loyiq
2.?To turn down, to refuse, to reject - rad etmoq, qabul qilmaslik, yuz o'girmoq
3.?Conflict, argument, quarrel - bahslashmoq, tortishmoq, janjallashmoq, aytishmoq, gap talashmoq, bahs qilmoq, janjal qilmoq, pachakilashmoq
4.?To save face, to avoid losing one's dignity - hurmatini saqlab qolmoq, obro'sini saqlab qolmoq
5.?To compliment, to praise, to flatter - maqtamoq, yaxshi fikr bildirmoq, xushomad qilmoq
6.?To hassle, to annoy, to disturb, to pester - bezor qilmoq, g'ashiga tegmoq, bezovta qilmoq, joniga tegmoq
7.?Motive, reason, drive - sabab, bunga olib kelgan narsa, xohish, xohlash
8.?Tact, skill, delicacy - vaziyatdan oqilona chiqib ketish qobiliyati, nazokatlik, mahorat, mohirlik, nafislik
9.?Recipient, receiver - qabul qiluvchi, qabul qilib oluvchi, oluvchi
1.?To desert, to leave, abandon - tashlab ketmoq, voz kechmoq, yuz o'girmoq
2.?To scramble up, to climb - tirmashib chiqmoq, ko'tarilmoq
3.?Angle, position, perspective - boshqacha yondashish, o'zgacha qarash, pozitsiya, fikr, munosabat, nuqtayi nazar
4.?To limp, to walk lamely - oqsoqlanmoq, oqsamoq, cho'loqlanmoq
5.?To anchor, to moor - langar tashlamoq
6.?Deformity, abnormality, defect - notog'ri o'sish, nuqsonli rivojlanish, nuqson, kamchilik
7.?To moor, to make (a boat, ship etc) secure to (ground or buoys) by means of cables etc., to anchor - bog'lab qo'ymoq (kema, dirijabl kabilarni to'xtash joyiga), kemani bog'lab qo'ymoq
8.?Spot, location - biror aniq joy, nuqta, turgan joy, joylashgan joy, lokatsiya
9.?Odd, strange - g'alati, boshqacha, noodatiy, qiziq, antiqa
10.?Niche, place - o'rin, joy
11.?Sloping, leaning - og'gan, bir tomonga og'gan, qiyshiq, qiya
12.?Junk, litter - eski qayiq
1.?Magician, wizard, conjurer - sehrgar, jodugar, afsungar, ko'zboylog'ich, fokuschi
2.?To last, to survive, to endure - davom etmoq, bo'lmoq (biror muddat), ko'proq chidamoq
3.?To barge into, to enter, to make one's way in - dab-durustdan kirib kelmoq, kirmoq
4.?In search of, looking for - qidirib, izlab
5.?Instantly, at once, immediately - shu ondayoq, shu zahotiyoq, o'sha zahotiyoq, o'sha zahoti, birpastda, bir zumda
6.?Second-hand, not new - ishlatilgan, yangi emas
7.?Horrendous, terrible, awful - yomon, yoqimsiz, ko'ngilsiz
8.?To scrape together, to obtain with effort - qiyinchilik bilan to'plamoq, zo'rg'a to'plamoq
9.?Down payment, first installment - boshlang'ich to'lov
1.?Deterioration, worsening, decline - yomonlashish, yomonlashuv, pasayish, kamayish, tushish
2.?Impact, effect, shock, blow - ta'sir, natija, oqibat
3.?To forbid, to ban, to prohibit - taqiqlamoq, man etmoq
4.?To contribute, to add to - hissa qo'shmoq
5.?Eventually, finally - va nihoyat, axiyri, axiri, nihoyat
6.?To multiply, to increase, to reproduce - ko'paytirmoq, oshirmoq, orttirmoq
7.?Monk, priest - ruhoniy, rohib, kohin
8.?Nun, holly woman - rohiba
9.?Sect, cult - diniy oqim, sekta, mazhab
10.?Pious, religious - dindor, taqvodor
11.?To beg, to ask - so'ramoq (pul/ovqat/joy), tilanchilik qilmoq, yalinmoq
1.?Infant, baby - go'dak, chaqaloq
2.?To satisfy, to meet, to fulfill - qanoatlantirmoq, qanoatlanmoq, ko'ngli to'lmoq, qondirmoq, qonmoq
3.?In the course of, during, throughout - mobaynida, paytida, davomida
4.?To mistreat, to abuse, to maltreat - noto'g'ri munosabatda bo'lmoq, berahm munosabat qilmoq
5.?To be deprived of, to be without - mahrum bo'lgan, nasib etmagan, judo bo'lgan
6.?Tactile, related to the sense of touching, tangible - sezuvchan, teriga seziladigan, sezish mumkin bo'lgan
7.?Stimulation, motivation - qo'zg'ash, qiziqtirish, jumbushga kelish/keltirish, kuchayish, qo'zg'atish, kuchaytirish, undaydigan narsa yoki odam, qiziqtiradigan narsa, g'ayrat, shijoat, motivatsiya
8.?Tender age, young age - voyaga yetmagan, yosh
9.?Adoption, taking somebody to one's family as a relation - bola asrab olish
10.?To run the risk, to risk - xavf ostiga qo'ymoq, xatarga qo'ymoq, xavf-xatarga solmoq, tavakkal qilmoq, bo'yniga olib bajarmoq
11.?Orphanage, home for those who lost one or both of his parents - yetimxona
12.?To bring up, to raise, to educate - o'stirmoq, voyaga yetkizmoq, katta qilmoq, tarbiyalamoq
13.?Unaffectionate, not showing love - sovuq munosabatli, mehrsiz
1.?Wise, intelligent, clever - aqlli, dono, o'qimishli, zehni o'tkir
2.?Case, legal action, suit - sud jarayoni, sud ishi
3.?Sculpture, statue, monument - haykal
4.?Climax, event of greatest interest - kulminatsion nuqta, eng yuqori cho'qqi, avj, eng qizg'in palla
5.?Court, place where law-cases are held - sud
6.?To admit, to acknowledge, to confess - tan olmoq
7.?Above all, in particular, most of all - hammasidan ham, eng asosiysi, eng muhimi, avvalambor, ayniqsa
8.?To rape, to force sexual intercourse on - zo'rlamoq, nomusiga tegmoq, nomusiga tajovuz qilmoq
9.?Worth, giving a satisfactory, rewarding return for - qiymatga ega, arzigulik
10.?Heroine, leading actress - film yoki asar ayol qahramoni
11.?Imagery, images - ta'svir, ifoda
12.?Solid, hard, concrete - qattiq, sementli
1.?Ally, friend, partner - ittifoqchi, ittifoqdosh, tarafdor, sherik, hamfikr
2.?Coincidence, chance, luck - tasodif, omad
3.?To intersect, to meet, to overlap - kesishmoq
4.?Aboard, on board, on (the ship, train, bus) - (kema, poyezd, avtobusdagi) bort
5.?Clockwise, (moving) in the direction taken by the hands of a clock - soat millari/strelkasi bo'ylab
6.?Counterclockwise: (moving) in the direction opposite to that
taken by the hands of a clock - soat millariga qarama-qarshi yo'nalishda
7.?To sour, to spoil - yomonlashmoq, buzilmoq, yomonlashtirmoq, buzmoq
8.?To thin, to weaken - yupqalashmoq, siyraklashmoq, kamaytirmoq, yupqalashtirmoq, kamaymoq, siyraklashtirmoq, zaiflashtirmoq, zaiflashmoq, kuch-quvvatdan qoldirmoq, kuch-quvvatdan qolmoq
9.?Plot, plan, scheme - voqealar rivoji, ssenariy, sujet, reja, plan, sxema
Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅
‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!
Last updated 1 year ago
QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!
? https://Qashqadaryo24.uz
⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin
? Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin??
Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅
??Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
?Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
? UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646
?Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut
Last updated 2 months ago