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Notifications: why less is more — how Facebook has been increasing both user satisfaction and app…
We are members of the Facebook Notifications Data Science team at Meta. We ran surveys on how users felt about on-site notifications…
The “some” keyword in Swift
If you have started writing your UI Code in SwiftUI, you surely have noticed the “some” keyword in the body variable of a View:
Emerge Tools Blog | ETTrace: Reliable iOS Profiling With Flame Charts
Remember this open source profiler the next time Instruments crashes.
Donny Wals
Tips and tricks for exploring a new codebase – Donny Wals
As a developer, joining a new project or company is often a daunting and scary task. You have to get aquatinted with not just a whole new team of people, but you also have to familiarize yourself with…
Holy Swift
Simplify Time Comparisons in Swift with RelativeDateTimeFormatter - Holy Swift
Learn about Swift's RelativeDateTimeFormatter and how it simplifies time comparisons. Dive into examples, customizations, and best practices.
Understanding Depth & Breadth-First Search in Swift
This essay reviews common techniques to explore data structures through a process called Traversal.
Greedy Algorithms
How often do you make a choice that affects you in the short term but may hurt you in the long term? Eating ice-cream rather than going to…
Preparing My App for Swift 6
How to enable Swift 6 mode for your Xcode projects & SwiftPM modules today. And what the migration experience is like.
Воскрешаем старый проект с помощью ChatGPT
Как и многие в последние месяцы я был очень заинтригован новой версией chatGPT 4 и ее возможностями в области программирования. Бесконечные видео и статьи о программировании простых игр и программ...
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