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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
When our community in the PNW was in need with a loss of one of our own, Dave Martel was there to help. We wish to return the same generosity as Dave gave to our community a continent away.
Dave Martel's family is going through a very challenging health issue that may devastate their family. While they go through these hard times, we ask our kinfolk to do what they can to help out. Dave is a good man and a strong voice for heathens and our community, and we need to show that we help our own when in need. Let your deeds ring out in support of this great family!
Hail the Gods!
Hail Dave and his family!
Venmo: bigdavemartel
Cash app: $DaveMartel
Let a man never stir on his road a step without his weapons of war; for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise of a spear on the way without.
In teutonic theology, there is no concept of an omniscient God.
Happy Mothers Day to all of you beautiful women who bear us in your wombs, nurture us to health, and prepare us for the world. Through your selfless sacrifice of raising our children, we continue to exist and thrive with each successive generation. Hail the mothers!
The values that we promote and live by are Honor, Honesty, Wisdom, Piety, Courage, Loyalty, Independence, Generosity, and Kindness. We acknowledge these virtues as holy and beloved by the Gods. These values are the foundation of our great deeds, which is the mark of the honorable among us. We shall continue on this path by following our sacred tradition, creating healthy families and communities for a thousand generations to come.
We are honored to have among our number many people who have gone through great trials and suffered many hardships. The diverse history of our congregation affords us the opportunity to see the world from a diverse perspective. Our past does not define our future. That being said, hardships and mistakes give us many opportunities for growth and development. We know that a natural part of life is making mistakes. The only way to honor ourselves and our communities is to make right our wrongs and build forward. We believe that we must earn forgiveness through action.
We are made up of individuals from all walks of life. The PNWWP has strict codes of conduct by which our membership must abide by as active members of our community. We adhere to the beliefs and traditions of our ancestors.
As spiritual leaders of our faith, we recognize that individuals in our society often come from diverse paths with histories that are not always pleasant. We believe that everyones situation is unique and there are many contributing factors that have resulted in creating wreckage. For some, this is a direct result of children not being raised in healthy family environments. Some were raised in traditional and wholesome families and rebelled against that model only to realize what they walked away from when it seemed too late. We recognize that much of modern society is sick and dying. Brother is pit against brother and father against son. Morals and virtues that have been honored and valued since time immemorial are now cast aside for immediate gratification and quick fixes.
Nothing of value is got without effort. For those who have not had the opportunity to learn moral values important for navigating the world around us, we are here to guide you to the lore left to us by our ancestors. We realize the devastation and degeneration that permeates in our society. Substance use and mental illness often result in single parent homes or foster care systems. Those growing into adulthood in these environments often are left without experiencing the essential bonds of family. Many people grow up without guidance or direction or the wrong guidance, resulting in incarceration. Without the tools or resources necessary to grow into healthy men and women making positive choices, sometimes the wrong choices are made.
As a part of PNWWP's effort to build healthy communities, we facilitate mentoring and working together among our communities to build each other up. those who seek our spiritual path are able to heal and become whole through the living tradition of our ancestral faith. We are obligated and duty bound to create a space conducive to building healthy families. we know through community that we can break the cycle of destruction that has hurt so many among our folk in the broader communities that surround us.
While we believe men and women from among our folk deserve a path forward, one where they can stand in our circles with honor, we also recognize that there are certain acts to which we believe to be unredeemable. The safety of our sacred community must be protected above all else. We exclude all men and women who have committed acts resulting in harm toward women, children, and vulnerable populations. Some examples are child molesters, sex offenders, abusers of both women and children. Those who would abuse and victimize the most precious among us will never share the same path that we at the PNWWP walk.
Our duty to our gods demands that we work towards helping others heal, become whole, and connect to the tradition that we follow. This is our responsibility to our folk and our ancestors who forged the very paths we walk upon today. Our obligation to our families is inherently the honor of each of us individually. It is our duty to bring honor to our names.
The First Great War
The Great War between the gods also brought about a great war among the Teutonic tribes. This war was instigated by the deceptions and trickery of Gullveig Heid, which resulted in her first death.
The Vanas demanded wereguild, as was the custom for her death, but Odin refused to pay compensation and hurled his great spear as an act of war in the assembly.
The vanas, led by Njord, storm Asgard with strategy, which resulted in the momentary defeat of the Aesir and the banishment of Odin to the lower world of Mannheim. The Vanas assume control of Asgard, Odins high name taken over by Ull, they (Ull i.e. the Vanir) demand great recompense in offerings to the Gods by men during their reign.
The Tuetonic tribes side with their progenitors, some siding with Svipdag-ING, Others with Hadd-ING who sought to avenge the death of his father Halfdan by Svipdag. Gudhorm, the half-brother of both Svipdag and Hadding, accepts a peace offering from svipdag and joins Svipdags forces when Svipdag calls the Swedes and Danes to rise against Hadding in battle.
Aided in battle by Odin and the Aesir, Hadding rises against the forces called forth by the Vanir, and a great battle among the Teutonic tribes ensue.
While Odin was in Mannheim, and Asgard was under the control of the Vanir, Odin was unable to call forth his armies of the Dead who previously died fighting valently in battle.
It was by deceipt and trickery of Gullveig and Loki, which brought about this conflict in the first place, and though Aided by Odin and Thor (whom had lost his hammer previously), Hadding and his forces were defeated. The Swedes led by Svipdag (Freyas husband) and Gudhorms forces led by Loki.
Loki attempted to capture Hadding. However, Hadding is able to escape through the forest. Depressed and down trodden after losing this battle, Odin sends Heimdal to assist Hadding.
After some time has passed, Hadding grows in strength and raises a great Army and is eventually able to revenge his Father's death by slaying Svipdag. However, during the interim, the Asa and Vana gods have reconciled, and Odin has reassumed his throne in Asgard.
It was during the banishment of Odin and the wars among the gods and teutonic tribes that the Jotun grew strong and used their great powers to cause chaos and destruction. Odin learns of the devices of the Jotun and their plan to attack the Vanir and asgard, warns the Vanir accordingly and reclaims his honor by this act, and assumes the throne once more, as the Vana know that only with Odins help can they defend Asgard and fight off the Jotun.
The dispute between the Asa and the Vana over the killing of Gullveig Heid is resolved, and her reincarnated form is banished to the ironwood where she is to remain unharmed until Ragnarok, breeding monstrous halflings to cause disorder and chaos among men and Gods.
With the Vana and Asa gods reconciled, they are able to meet the attacking Jotun in battle and weaken their horde so much that the Jotun remain weakened until ragnarok, when a new fimbulwinter shall begin and the might of the Jotun shall grow in strength and then will rise against the gods and man, led by Surt destroying the world with fire.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago