The Old Aryan Ways

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1 year ago

Great news, for Greece!

Greek City Times

Ancient Gods Rejoice! Hellenism Gains Official Recognition in Greece

Remember the gods of Olympus? They're officially back in business! In a landmark decision, the ancient religion of Hellenism was granted "known religion" status in Greece in 2017, finally emerging from the shadows after centuries of suppression. What does…

Great news, for Greece!
1 year ago

Happy Imbolg! Hail Brigid, the goddess of the dawn, childbirth, the crafts and much more.

1 year, 1 month ago

Today, this channel reached 1,000 followers. Thank you to everyone for bringing it so far. Me and the others running this channel are thankful for the chance we have been given to fight Abrahamism. Today is a good day for the channel.

1 year, 2 months ago
The Old Aryan Ways
1 year, 2 months ago
Winter solstice celebrations approaching for all …

Winter solstice celebrations approaching for all ethnic European folk

1 year, 2 months ago
Hail the gods, wights and forekind!

Hail the gods, wights and forekind!

1 year, 2 months ago
Wood is the most important resource …

Wood is the most important resource you could imagine.
If a tree dies, fungi will grow on it, and retain the moisture. In turn, it will give nutrients to the soil. Such is how perma-culture works. So, bringing few dead branches on your land may be a good idea. The process may take time, depending on weather situation, but it will beat buying fertilizer (which is about to become scarce)
Also, it's an invaluable resource for building (infrastructure, or a simple shelter).
On top of it all, it's a great combustible, as we all know. So, one single resource can feed you, heat you up, and shelter you from the elements. So, don't waste it. Even few tiny sticks can save your life.

1 year, 2 months ago

? Álfablót is an acient Old Norse tradition that has been held long before the christianization of Scandinavia. During Álfablót we show our gratitude and reverence to the soil for the harvest we received and honoring our ancestors, those who are no longer with us. Álfablót is a tradition in true ancestral worship, and occurs today, 27th of November this year - the second full moon before the original Heathen Juól. However, the Álfablót celebration is usually taking place during Halloween and All Hallows' Eve in Scandinavia, and according to the sources, this is a private blót for family and relatives. There are mainly two Icelandic sources about Álfablót: Austrfararvisur and Olof the holy Saga, where both sagas build on each other.

? Why is it called Álfablót?
"Alv/Álf" is a soil type formed during the advance of the ice sheet in the North - and has the same origin as "albis" or "white" in Latin. From there comes the very beginning of Álfablót. The Edda therefore talks alot about the God of soil Freyj, who rules over the crop and lives in Alfheim - whose kin was called "the álfs/elves". They were considered to be the spirits of the ancestors who lived down in the soil, right next to the dwellings of the living in the old courtyard fields - and it felt safe to have their dead right next to them. Álfablót is therefore also a sacrifice to the Elves.

? In Old folk lore here in the North it was claimed that the dead lived in their graves with the goddess Hel. During certain days of the year, such when Álvablót takes place - they are considered to be the most present, as the veil is as it's thinnest between the worlds. The days are turning shorter and darker now when we have entered winter time, a time of stillness and rest for a new upcoming season of rebirth. Pleasant Álfablót?

1 year, 2 months ago
The Old Aryan Ways
1 year, 2 months ago
We can start with ourselves & …

We can start with ourselves & our own future children. Our everyday lifestyle choices affect our epigenetics, & what type of DNA we pass onto our future generations. It affects us more than we realize whether we give birth to a sicker or weaker generation. We can start by lifestyle choices like not consuming mind altering substances, processed foods, bad media, not passing on generational trauma to our children, & living back to natural as much as possible. We don’t have to be 100% perfect either. Neither am I saying we abandon all technology or have to become straight Amish, but taking as many steps as you can to live more naturally now can help make a major difference.

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