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6 months, 3 weeks ago
6 months, 3 weeks ago

Hows this for a clear, simple yet so difficult? solution! This is possible, although if the masses level of suffering / awakening will dictate, Can we prevent history repeating itself? This is 2nd tier (Spiral Dynamics) thinking, in a world that is abundant:

It is possible to totally remove poverty and everybody can live a middle class life and up with a chance to reach his/her (only two gender) full potential. In every country in the world.
There are 5 steps in the Palsvig plan:

  1. Remove the privilege of creating money from the Talmud following tribe.
    And instead of spending the entire money creation on fomenting wars against Israel’s enemies, lock downs, forced vaccinations, illegal immigration and overall corruption spend it on infrastructure and a monthly citizen dividend just like any shareholder would get a dividend. We ALL own a share of the money creation. It does NOT belong to Rothschild et al. This money will be spend buying goods and services from each other in perpetuity creating wealth beyond imagination, because no economist (I wonder why) has studied the multiplication effect of the economy aka what happens if the government instead of robbing people actually pay them every months.

2 REPLACE income tax and corporate tax with a 1% levy/tax/fee on all digital transfers of money.
I repeat: totally remove income tax and corporate tax.
Instead charge 1% every time a corporation or human being digitally transfers money.
I mean EVERY time. Including all bank transfers. Of course also credit/debit cards and mobile pay.
This will lead to taxation of the multinational corporations for the first time in human history.
When people don’t pay tax, many more people would be inclined to start their own business, this will create wealth beyond belief, once people instead of sitting on their hands in the public sector trying to figure out ways to administer, tax and make new atrocious bureaucratic time wasting laws and regulations that does nothing but stifle the will to set up a business and create wealth and abundance. The system is designed to destroy wealth creation.

3 prohibit usury for human beings. Create mortgage institutions that lend out interest free mortgages to human beings but not to corporations.

4 remove real estate tax on every human beings primary residence. And introduce a progressive real estate tax that increases the more properties a person or corporation owns. This will help transfer the wealth back to the middle class from the globalist mafia.

5 make a currency conversion like the one the deeply corrupt Russian government did in 1991 on behalf of CIA, Harvard University and banksters from Wall Street. Just reverse. The globalists stole the entire savings of the Russian people overnight by making a new ruble and calling the old one worthless by decree. We can do the same. Make a new USD, new EURO, new CHF etc etc. And this time normal civilian human beings will be allowed to convert their old money for new money one to one. HOWEVER those who have made their money from trafficking children, dealing drugs, laundering money, poisoning the wells, opening the gates, profiting from wars and the like will not be allowed to convert their ill gotten old money for new money.

This is my 5 step plan that with 100% certainty will create abundance beyond belief.

6 months, 3 weeks ago
7 months ago
***??*** Brevetto della NASA per il …

?? Brevetto della NASA per il sole artificiale (1966)

US3239660A - Sistema di illuminazione che incorpora una sorgente luminosa virtuale.

?? NASA patent for artificial sun (1966)

US3239660A - Lighting system incorporating a virtual light source.

?? Patente da NASA para sol artificial (1966)

US3239660A - Sistema de iluminação que incorpora uma fonte de luz virtual.



7 months ago

Natural Living Family with Dr. Z & Mama Z

Top 10 Antibacterial Essential Oils to Prevent & Treat Infections

Here we examine 10 of the top antibacterial essential oils on the market today and how they can be used to help you and your family...

LivingLawSociety (old)
7 months ago
LivingLawSociety (old)
9 months, 3 weeks ago
LivingLawSociety (old)
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Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago