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3 months ago

Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"The supplicant's saying: {There is no god but You, Glory be to You} لا إله إلا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
encompasses the meaning of the four words which are the best words after the Quran. These words encompass the meanings of Allah's Most Beautiful Names and Exalted Attributes, containing the perfection of praise. And his saying: {Indeed, I have been among the wrongdoers} includes acknowledgment of his true state. None of the servants can absolve themselves from this description, especially in the position of supplicating to their Lord."

Majmoo' al-Fatawa, 10/254

3 months ago

?In the book "Bada'i al-Fawa'id" by Ibn al-Qayyim, he mentions the reasons for the difference in the expiation of sins between fasting on the Day of Ashura and the Day of Arafah:
*1⃣*First reason:The Day of Arafah falls in a sacred month, preceded by a sacred month, and followed by a sacred month, unlike Ashura.
2⃣Second reason: Fasting on the Day of Arafah is a specific practice of our Sharia (Islamic law), unlike Ashura, thus its blessings are multiplied by the Prophet (peace be upon him).

3 months, 1 week ago

Trials and God's Decree..!

▫️Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was asked, "Didn't trials hinder you from the path?!"

▫️He replied, "By God, if it weren't for the trials, I would have doubted the path..!"

▫️Know that God does not test to punish, but He tests to purify and refine. And know that God does not test you with anything unless it is better for you, even if you think otherwise..!

▫️Calm your heart and trust in God's decree, for if it weren't for the trials, Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) would have been pampered in his father's embrace, but with trials, he became the honored ruler of Egypt..!

▫️And from exile, Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) returned as a prophet..!

▫️And from migration, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) returned as the conqueror of Mecca..!

▫️So, would your chest tighten after this!? For indeed, with hardship comes ease. He did not say, after hardship comes ease.

▫️Increase your prayers upon the Prophet, increase seeking forgiveness, and have good thoughts about God, and supplicate, and be glad with the near relief.

3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 1 week ago

?The true call is related to the extent of an individual's religious and psychological cultivation!?

?Those who work on themselves increase their enthusiasm and efforts. But those who approach critical tasks without proper foundation and knowledge will only add to the nation's burdens with their ignorance!?

3 months, 1 week ago

▫️Julia Belluz, a health correspondent for Vox, explained that despite the astonishing increase in the number of studies conducted on yoga over the past decades, research is often carried out on small samples of participants and with incomplete comparisons. ▫️She also revealed that some parents object to the potential benefits of yoga, arguing that they do not justify the funds that public schools spend on it, especially when these schools already suffer from underfunding.

▫️The biggest opponents of yoga cite its Hindu and Buddhist roots and the difficulty of separating its religious origins from the practice itself. Yoga encompasses many ideas and practices, some more closely related to its religious aspects than others.▫️

▫️Even in practices that seem devoid of religious beliefs, there are still hints of those roots. These can be found in simple elements such as the chanting of "Om," the Sanskrit names of yoga poses, and the "Namaste" greetings, which sparked controversy in the state of Georgia.▫️

These represent the Western opposition, defending their false and blasphemous beliefs! And today, Muslims are also turning away from their faith in defense of these idolatries!✉️

3 months, 1 week ago

✔️One of the common and erroneous beliefs held by those who are drawn to these superstitions is the term "meditation," which brings to mind the concept of reflection and contemplation on the creations of Allah, the Almighty.?

✔️However, meditation in yoga is different. In yoga, meditation means quieting the mind from thinking, which opens a wider field for the whispers of Satan to roam!?

✔️This state of stillness is a form of worship in Hinduism and Buddhism!*?***

✔️It has no connection with Islam!?

من الاعتقادات الشائعة والخاطئة ممن ينجرف خلف هذه الشعوذات، في مصطلح "التأمل" يأتي إلى ذهن الفرد أنه بمعنى التفكر والتدبر في مخلوقات الله عز وجل!

لكن التأمل في اليوغا غير ذلك، التأمل في اليوغا هو سكون العقل عن التفكير، مما يفتح مجالا أوسع لوساوس الشيطان في التجوال!

حالة السكون تلك هي عبادة الهندوس والبوذية!

ليس لها علاقة بالإسلام!

3 months, 1 week ago

While waiting :

Expect what is from Allah only , and what is from other than  Allah  , repent of waiting for sincerely ..!

That is the closest way to be honored, and not disgraced!


على قارعة الانتظار :
انتظري ما عند الله فقط، وما عند غير الله فتوبي من انتظاره توبةً نصوحًا..!
ذلك أدنى أن تكوني مكرمة فلا تُهاني!

3 months, 1 week ago

One of the pious predecessors said: "Indeed, sins are the pathway to disbelief. There is a fear that a persistent sinner might underestimate the sin, treating it as if it were permissible without any dislike or fear of its consequences, leading to the erosion of their inner faith."

The one who persists in sins and worships his desires easily falls into disbelief within himself, making his desires his god!

We certainly know that today's atheists did not become disbelievers except by following their desires and pleasures!

Therefore, anyone who believes that undermining a Muslim's faith happened directly and in no other way is ignorant and needs to study the biographies and conditions of those who came before!

If Satan had only one stereotypical way to lead humans astray, the previous nations would not have disbelieved!

Idols varied, but Satan's goal remained the same!

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