Реклама=> @sadovod_rulit
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/79096859191
Чат => https://t.me/sadovod
Clan: @notmeme
instagram https://www.instagram.com/abu_movie
Bot : @film_vaqti24bot
Reklama uchun: https: @reklama_filmvaqti24
Uygʻonib ketganim bekorgamas ekandaa oʻzi 🫠
As long as you can say “Mom, make dua for me” - everything in your life is great, the rest is unimportant.
No one is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities.
Kechqurun uyqu kelmaydi
Ertalab uygʻongim.
nima qilish mumkin😭
Qanchalik sof qalbli, samimiy, oq koʻngil inson boʻlsangiz ham, bir kun kelib hammaga oʻzidek muomala qilishga majbur qiladi hayot.
I never leave when things get tough, I leave when things get disrespectful.
Kayfiyatim yomon(
qor yogʻsa edi xursand qilib
sovuqda plash kiyvogan man:
Реклама=> @sadovod_rulit
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/79096859191
Чат => https://t.me/sadovod
Clan: @notmeme
instagram https://www.instagram.com/abu_movie
Bot : @film_vaqti24bot
Reklama uchun: https: @reklama_filmvaqti24