The Irish Inquiry

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1 year, 4 months ago

A Message To The President
We want to hand our petition to the President Michael D. Higgins. We intend on finding him on his travels around Ireland. We want to pack in as many signatures as possible before we find him. Please help us by sharing this video and also signing the petition and sharing it far and wide. Lets make sure Michael D. Higgins gets the message.


Sign the petition here:

1 year, 4 months ago

The Risen People: #Turnapin

In a tiny community in #Santry, the elderly residents  are resisting the resettlement of over 300 young migrant men into their community. Some residents are in their 80's, yet they rise at 5.30am to protest.

Another example of an Irish community being ignored by their elected representatives @cllrdessieellis, @RoisinShortall, @PaulMcauliffe and @Fingalcoco.

1 year, 4 months ago

We must talk about Albanian migration to Ireland. It was revealed by the UK Government's Home Office that more than 1,000 people have been returned to #Albania since December. Albanian authorities have confirmed that most of its citizens sent back home from the UK this year were convicted of crimes there. By the end of 2022, there were 21,000 Albanians living in the UK. This means a disproportionate number of Albanians committed crimes in the UK.

It is unclear how many more Albanian prisoners remain in prison there. Or how many criminals have yet to be apprehended. Albanian prisoners in the UK are offered incentives to leave. £1,500 to leave, along with a vastly reduced sentence. But many go back to the UK.

A large number who arrived in Albania on deportation flights last month said they were planning to return to the UK "within weeks or even days”.
"One man said he had already been back and forth to the UK three times. "It's not a problem for me," he said. "I'll go back whenever I want."" he stated."

None of this is to say being Albanian is synonymous with criminality, but it does add credence to the theory that a lack of background checks attracts those with a penchant for committing crime.

In 2022, an Albanian mafioso, Ndricim Qema, led his father's gang’s operation to smuggle compatriots to the UK through Ireland while charging them up to €10,000 each (his father directed his criminal operation in Ireland from Albania, through his son).

Despite operating a sophisticated profitable people smuggling scheme, this man (who has asylum seeker status) was living in Irish Direct Provision before being jailed for five years. Why wasn't he deported? He will probably serve half his sentence and still be looked after when he gets out. The left, NGO's and media would have thought of and portrayed this Albanian as a vulnerable refugee who was welcome here before it transpires, he put many lives at risk though illegal human trafficking. They would likely argue for him not to be deported and on the whole, they encourage this sort of serious criminality.

As for the non-criminal Albanians, it still has to be said that Albania (a post-communist, primarily Muslim country) is no longer a country at war, despite people from this country invariably referred to by leftists, MSM, quangos and government as refugees or asylum seekers. Those coming from this country are economic migrants. They have visa free passage through France and Belgium, and they travel to Ireland from these countries, breaking the Dublin regulation and sometimes destroying passports prior to border checks at Dublin Airport. Albanians have visa free entry to 82 other countries, besides France and Belgium. Ireland is not one of those countries.

@LeoVaradkar stated in 2019 that Albanians (along with Georgians) were a driving force behind illegal immigration into Ireland. He stated they often used illegal documents to come here. So why did @rodericogorman subsequently offer them an invitation and free housing in 2021? Migration from Albania has increased by 500% since that time.

One Albanian town of Krumë has seen 60% of the population leave. Local politicians there say more of the town's voters now live in east London than in Krumë. Albanians can vote in local elections in Ireland, regardless of how long they've been here, providing they are on the electoral register.

With the UK now cracking down on Albanians illegally living in the UK, how many more will hop across the water to Ireland?

It's not racist to say we need to halt Albanian migration (not least because they're white). It's a matter of being pragmatic, not prejudiced. We cannot cope with any more people. Least of all those from safe countries.


1 year, 5 months ago

Mayo County Councillors: Corrupt or Compassionate?

Join us tomorrow from 1pm. The meeting will run all afternoon. County council meetings are open to the public. You're free to enter anytime, even if it's just for a few minutes.

The People Have The Power! Make It Count!

1 year, 5 months ago

OPINION PIECE: Now we have some reliable statistics. A survey carried out by Ukrainian Action in Ireland indicates that 24% of Ukrainians wish to return home as soon as it is safe to do so. 41% want to stay here permanently and 32% are still making up their minds. The 24% of Ukrainians who want to return home a soon as it is safe to do so probably represent real refugees and it was good that we were able as a nation to give them temporary respite,as for the rest of them I will let you decide! No such survey was ever undertaken of migrants seeking International protection,there is no need to,we all know that 100% want to stay here. But the government is slowly becoming aware of the public backlash,the many demonstrations throughout our land,the reluctance of accommodation providers to renew contracts and the understandable preference that these providers have for accommodating Ukrainians in preference to people from non European cultures. Also there are at least six hundred undocumented migrants sleeping in tents throughout Dublin. The Department of Integration seems to have a plan,maybe other branches of government are putting pressure on to decompress this growing powder keg that is ready to explode in violence. The new plan is to bribe the Ukrainians to leave so that accommodation spaces can be found for the international protection applicants. Last week a paper by the Department of Justice was put forward to cabinet outlining different approaches by different EU states to ‘insensitive voluntary returns’. Protection has been guaranteed to Ukrainians until March 2024 but it is widely believed that deadline will be extended. Ukrainians are entitled to a wide range of generous allowance from job seekers allowances to child welfare benefits. The proposal is to continue to pay those allowances if the ‘refugee’ returns to the Ukraine. Irish social welfare rates would represent a very decent salary in the Ukraine. This is all paid for the Irish taxpayer without consultation let alone gratitude. But the real purpose is to free up accommodation for people seeking international protection,the economic migrant,the undocumented and unvetted males overrunning our land. Because of this it is more important than ever to be vigilant,to ask questions if vacant buildings are being refurbished. To confront accommodation owners who are happy to place their neighbours at risk of violence for personal greed. This is not scaremongering,a wealth of peer reviewed academic articles have consistently shown that sexual violence against women and children comes disproportionately from migrant communities. I will attach a Swedish report to the end of this ‘opinion piece’. Our govt has failed us,our government has betrayed us and our government must be removed,every way and any way for betraying democracy by not serving the electorate but instead by serving their globalist political masters for personal advantage and personal benefit. They must go now.

1 year, 5 months ago

Biggest paper in the UK condemns Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar T.D. for authoritarian Hate Speech Legislation.

The Telegraph

Leo Varadkar’s treatment of the Irish public is utterly shameless

Going ahead with this draconian crackdown on so-called ‘hate speech’ shows contempt for ordinary people’s views

Biggest paper in the UK condemns Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar T.D. for authoritarian Hate Speech Legislation.
1 year, 5 months ago

Mayo County Council bows to public pressure on open border policy

1 year, 5 months ago

Which of these realities do you choose for your child?

Do you choose open borders, unvetted strangers and mass immigration over their safety, freedom and innocence?

Take a look at a potential reality that may come to pass if you sit back and do nothing.

And remember, even if the bombs don't come to pass.... not all wars are kinetic.

1 year, 5 months ago

OPINION PIECE: The new Social Personal and Health Education Programme ( SPHE) is due to be rolled out this September for 12 to 15 year olds in the junior cycle. The final draft,after some minor modifications,runs to 26 pages and consists of 100 hours of ‘learning’ spread over three years. In September 2024 the updated Senior Cycle syllabus will be released and in September 2025 an updated syllabus for primary school children will also be released. The syllabus will be based around learning outcomes,where there is an expectation that the student will have a measurable knowledge outcome at the end of each module of teaching. For example one learning outcome will be to “appreciate the breath of what constitutes human sexuality and how sexual orientation and gender identity are experienced and expressed in diverse ways”. That certainly in clear enough. Another expected outcome is that the student should be able to “ recognise the factors and influences that shape young peoples self identity such as family,peers,culture,gender identity,sexual orientation,race,ethnic background…..” Again this is very clear,in both of these learning outcomes the young person is expected to approach these issues as a version of normality rather than as grossly abnormal and to be navigated away from. Rather than emphasising that boys will be men and girls will be women as the gold standard of normality ideas are introduced that sow the seeds of confusion in minds not yet equipped to deal with the inherent complexities that are to be delivered in a moral vacuum. When the draft document was released it attracted criticism from the Catholic Schools Parents Association and the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association. The former made the very reasonable point that policymakers are “seeking to promote an ideology that refuses to acknowledge basic biological facts in favour of a new gender self identity doctrine”. This document is very similar to the original draft,the word ‘cisgender’ which is a transgender ideological word for gender and birth sex aligning,is removed as is the sentence that gender identity is experienced along a spectrum. Otherwise nothing has changed. Genspect, an organisation representing parents,detransitioners and involved professionals is also critical of the new programme stating that the course promoted a “narrow minded gender affirmative approach and assumes that everybody,parents, students, school staff believes in the gender identity belief system”. This is another top down ideological driven agenda to change Irish society forever by moving education away from a system based on family values,parental participation and faith and replacing it with a homogeneous humanist base system with no respect for parental involvement, school ethos or free choice. Government party’s with Sinn Fein support and the support of other fake opposition party’s plus well funded NGO’s are driving forward an aggressive LGBQT and Transgender ideology that takes parenting away from parents and sets school curriculum and family against each other. This must be protested against,those whose agenda is to sexualise our young people must be denounced within their communities,denounced to their neighbours and at every opportunity confronted and opposed. There is no demand for the revised SPHE Programme,scrap it now.

1 year, 5 months ago

Hold The Line - A People's Movement

Meet the People who put their heads above the Parapet, holding the line against encroaching totalitarianism.

A short documentary featuring the faces behind the yellow boards, exploring what motivated them to feel 'honour bound' to #HoldTheLine.

#HTL #YellowBoards #HonourBound

This work is professional, voluntary and unpaid. Feel free to offer a contribution so we can invest in our next project!

In the Firing Line by LOUISE ROSEINGRAVE

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