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#MarriageMondays **- No.14
Love Is Not A Mere Attraction**
إن العشق لا يقف على الحسن والجمال, ولا يلزم من عدمه عدمه, وإنما هو تشاكل النفوس وتمازجها في الطباع المخلوقة
[روضة المحبين ونزهة المشتاقين, ابن القيم ١/٦٨]
Love is not merely an attraction caused by physical attraction, and if one lacks (physical beauty) does not mean they would not find (love), but rather, it is a similarity of al-nufūs (ie: souls) and the outcome of its interaction with al-makhlūq (ie: the personality and inherent characters).
[Rawḍah al-Muḥibbīn wa Nuzhah al-Mushtāqīn, Ibn Qayyim 1/68]
قال ابن المبارك رحمه الله:
رب عمل صغير تعظمه النية، ورب عمل كبير تصغره النية
[جامع العلوم والحكم ص٧١]
Ibn Al-Mubārak (may Allāh have mercy on Him):
Many small deeds are magnified by intentions, and many big deeds are diminished by intentions.
[Jamī’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Hikam p71]
سفيان بن عيينه رحمه الله :ليس يضر المدحُ من عرف نفسه
[موسوعة ابن أبي الدنيا ٧/ ٣٣٠]
Sufyān bin ‘Uyaynah (may Allāh have mercy on him said):
Praise does not afflict the one who knows himself (knows his sins and shortcomings).
[Mawsūah ibn Abī Dunyā 330/7]
O Believer, Safeguard your TongueSheikh ‘Abdur-Razzāq ibn ‘Abdul-Muḥsin al-Badr حفظه الله:
O Believers, from the greatest of that which is obligatory upon the person is that he safeguards and is mindful of his tongue. Indeed, the tongue is the most dangerous of affairs and brings about the greatest harm if the person does not restrain it with the reins of the legislation, and he does not give due consideration and care to preserving it.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
إِذَا أَصْبَحَ ابْنُ آدَمَ فَإِنَّ الأَعْضَاءَ كُلَّهَا تُكَفِّرُ اللِّسَانَ فَتَقُولُ اتَّقِ اللَّهَ فِينَا فَإِنَّمَا نَحْنُ بِكَ فَإِنِ اسْتَقَمْتَ اسْتَقَمْنَا وَإِنِ اعْوَجَجْتَ اعْوَجَجْنَا
When the son of Adam enters into the morning all of his body parts rebuke the tongue and say: 'Have Taqwa of Allāh regarding us. For indeed we are in accordance with you. If you are upright, then we shall be upright, and if you are crooked then we shall be crooked’.
(Jami` at-Tirmidhī, 2407)
From the greatest of crimes of the tongue and the most despicable, severe, and the most heinous of them is mocking Allāh or any of His Names and Attributes; or any of His Ayat, Glorified and Exalted be He; or mocking the Messenger ﷺ or anything which has come from him; or mocking the reward which Allāh has prepared for the obedient or the punishment that He has prepared for the disobedient.
Mocking these matters is a nullifier of Islām and disbelief in Allāh, the Most High, the Magnificent. Indeed, mockery is a small statement or statements which perhaps emanate from a person, even if he may be talking idly or desiring to pass time; this is destructive to one's Dunyā and Hereafter.
How many a statement does one make not giving importance to it and by way of it he is destroyed in his Dunyā and his Hereafter?
[The Danger of Making Fun of the Religion p11]
Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله:
Longing for Allāh and the meeting with Him is like a breeze that blows through the heart and removes the blaze of this worldly life.
**قال احد الصالحين:
كنا نطلب العلم في المساجد
ثم فتحت المدارس فذهبت البركة
ووضعت الكراسي فذهب التواضع
ووضعت الشهادات فذهب الإخلاص**
One of the righteous said:
We used to seek knowledge in the masājid then the schools were opened, so the barakah departed; then, the chairs were introduced, so the humility departed; then, certificates were introduced, so the sincerity departed!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
By the grace of Allāh, lessons will resume at Masjid al-Imām Muqbil starting tomorrow Mon, 20th Shawwāl (29th April)
He Has Tested You To Manifest Your Tawwakul | Abu Fajr حفظه الله
The Pleasure Experienced by Pious People is Greater Than the Pleasure Experienced by Sinners
Sheikh ul-Islām ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله:
This is all witnessed by personal experience, but many people make the mistake of witnessing the enjoyments obtained by sinners and partaking in these pleasures, without ever knowing the sweetness of the pleasures obtained by the people of piety, and most people are ignorant of this fact, as if they are deaf and dumb, and this ignorance is due to a lack of witnessing real īmān and tasting its sweetness, with the addition of the ignorance of the mutakallimīn (people of rhetoric) regarding knowledge of the realities of what Allāh’s commands possess of benefit and rectification, and also the benefit and rectification for the believing slave that His creation possesses. Hence, their ignorance incorporates what He informed us of concerning His creation and commands, and that which His slaves fail to perceive of the reality of īmān and its sweetness, along wich the oppression present in the souls preventing them from the greatness of Allāh’s blessings, generosity, and pleasure, and placing them in Allāh’s punishment and anger.
[The Principles of Love and Desire p244]
Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥarīrī:
(True) sabr means that there is no difference in your behaviour in times of ease and times of hardship, and to be content at all times.
[عدة الصابرين وذخيرة الشاكرين ص ٤]
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