Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
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please don't forget that israel's genocide in palestine is also driven by the desire to exploit palestine's natural resources. beneath the land and off the coast of occupied palestine lie billions of barrels of oil and a significant potential for natural gas. palestinians aren't allowed to drill for oil or frack for gas; their occupiers are. on october 29th, just weeks after initiating the genocide in gaza, the israeli government approved 12 more permits to continue searching for off-shore oil and gas reserves. israel seeks to exterminate the palestinian people so that they can extract and trade the land's natural resources uninhibited. the imperialist military industrial complex always has and always will rely on the genocide of MENA peoples to enable the west's massive overconsumption of oil. resisting the empire is a climate justice issue.
Save me uncino nel film di Peter Pan del 2003, save me...
Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
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⚡️ ????? ⚡️