Community chat:
Last updated 5 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago
? The Diamond drop rate increases during the #PuffSim Activity #3 period
⏰ Aug 29
? Diamonds can be converted into IGO Points & redeemed for PUFF tokens at TGE
? Join as many Adventures as possible to accumulate Diamonds for more
Time to venture!
Download #PuffTown & #PuffGo Apps
*? Follow us*: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global
?Crypto Spin is Now Live!?
Get ready for the official launch of Crypto Spin.
?Collect as many keys as you can to unlock incredible prizes, including USDT and a massive amount of TapCoins!
➡️Start now
Puffverse exclusive community IGO event is here ?
Strap in to explore by completing the following requirements to be eligible for IGO Points ?
? Each winner wins 10 IGO Points each
? IGO Points = The voucher to redeem $PUFF tokens
Simple steps to EARN:
2️⃣Download #PuffTown & #PuffGo Apps
3️⃣ Sign up for a new account using Email to create/import on-chain wallets
4️⃣ Submit your registered Email here:
? PuffGo account = PuffTown account
⏰ Ending in 7 days
?Let curiosity & valuable rewards lead the way to venture into the Puffverse
?To learn about Puffverse, kindly follow:
? Maximizing #PuffSim assets for peak profits in #Puffverse ?
? Coins aren't just for show – they boost levels, enhance rewards, and bring essential resources to your Puffs. Each upgrade gets you closer to those high-stakes battles and missions.
? Diamonds are the real game-changers! They fuel the rise of your Puffs' Stars and can be converted into IGO Points, a crucial step toward securing those valuable PUFF tokens at TGE.
? IGO Points = PUFF tokens at TGE. The more you earn, the more you can claim!
?In my recent adventures, focusing on accumulating Coins and Diamonds has significantly boosted my gameplay experience and rewards. The rush of upgrading my Puffs and watching them excel in battles and missions is unmatched. Dive in, optimize your assets, and watch your profits soar! ?
#Puffverse #NFTGaming #PlayToEarn #RoninBlockchain #PlayToAidrop
*? Follow us*: Website | Twitter | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global
Zenix Launcher - Buy & Get Reward Event! ? | Zenix Launcher ? X Bitchemical Lab & AI ?
Exciting news for all investors! When you purchase Bitchemical Lab & AI on Zenix Launcher, you'll not only secure your investment but also earn additional rewards! ??
For a limited time, we're offering a special reward program:
- Buy Bitchemical Lab & AI during the IDO Sale on Zenix Launcher
- Get an extra 2% bonus in Bitchemical Lab & AI Tokens, based on your purchase amount!
It's our way of saying thank you for choosing Zenix Launcher and being part of the Bitchemical Lab & AI revolution! This offer won't last long! Visit the IDO Sale link now: IDO Sale Bitchemical Lab & AI on Zenix Launcher
For more information, visit:
Website Bitchemical Lab & AI ?
Website Zenix Launcher ?
Don't miss out on this chance to be part of the Bitchemical Lab & AI revolution! ?*?***
*?*Program Hibah Peserta Pertama
Stonfier! Pada bulan Mei, kami mengumumkan program hibah: sebuah proyek yang menjanjikan dapat menerima hingga $10.000 untuk mengimplementasikan produk Web3.
Sejak saat itu, tiga proyek luar biasa telah bergabung dengan kami!
? TONTRA — solusi bot perdagangan cepat di Telegram. Selain swap, bot menganalisis portofolio Anda: melacak kapitalisasi pasar, laba setelah biaya, likuiditas, dan perubahan harga token.
? Dompet NEST — dompet multirantai dengan kustodian mandiri dengan alat analisis laba yang komprehensif. Berkat protokol, Dompet NEST sekarang memungkinkan perdagangan token ekosistem TON.
? Coba Dompet NEST multirantai ?
? TonBubbles — platform analisis keuangan token waktu nyata di TON. TonBubbles juga menawarkan swap dan farming, dengan integrasi yang lancar dengan yang menyederhanakan interaksi dengan token.
? Jelajahi pasar TON dan peluang TonBubbles ?
Apakah Anda sedang membuat proyek DeFi Anda sendiri? Mari berkenalan! Kami siap mendukung tim atau pengembang yang menjanjikan, menyediakan semua alat yang diperlukan, membantu masalah teknis, dan mengalokasikan hingga $10.000 untuk mewujudkan proyek impian Anda. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang program hibah dan ajukan permohonan — mungkin lain kali kami akan menulis tentang Anda!
DEX | Telegram DEX | Onboarding | Guide | Blog | All Links
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ Bittime Jadi Top 3 Exchange di Indonesia hanya dalam 1 tahun!
Airdropnya Tinggal 8 hari lagi selesai ?
Garap 3 JT $PLPA (Token Platform Bittime) GRATIS Sekarang! Jangan sampai nyesel ?
Daftar ?* *(biar dpt tambahan poin)
- Login & Download App
- Klik " Banner Palapa "
- Deposit / Trading
- Buka Kotak
- Done
??BWB meluncur di Launchpad Bitget??
Akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu datang juga!
Jangan lewatkan perhitungan kepemilikan BGB dan USDT di Bitget Launchpad untuk token BWB yang akan dimulai dalam dua hari lagi!
*⚠Detail Launchpad:*
• Token: BWB
• Total suplai BWB: BWB
• Pool launchpad untuk holder BGB: 5.000.000 BWB
• Pool launchpad untuk holder USDT: 5.000.000 BWB
• Nilai tukar: 1 BWB = $0,15 (harga swap BGB akan diumumkan setelah periode perhitungan kepemilikan berakhir).
• Batas individu untuk holder BGB: 50.000 BWB (1% dari pool)
• Batas individu untuk holder USDT: 25.000 BWB (0,5% dari pool)
?Periode perhitungan kepemilikan
1 Juni 2024, pukul 10.00 – 4 Juni 2024, pukul 10.00 WIB
?Selengkapnya klik <di sini>
Jangan sampai ketinggalan ya!
Belum punya akun Bitget? Daftar di sini:
? UPDATES| Meme cow fairlaunch ?
We started off great by collecting 141 Solona in the first 45 minutes. Congratulations. You can still participate in Fairlaunch.
? Let's buy on here :
?Telegram |? twitter | ? website
#sale #gempad #presale #launch #fairlaunch
? Bittime × Palapa
? Total Hadiah 3,000,000 $PLPA
? Register : (pake ref link biar dpt tambahan poin)
- Login & Download App
- Klik " Banner Palapa "
- Deposit / Trading
- Buka Kotak
- Done
Udah dapet berapa Palapa? Gassin yok ? Token Exchange nih ?
Community chat:
Last updated 5 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago