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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Expectations are a curse for the one who holds them.
And if you’re a person like me, most people would never match the set expectations.
Remedy is to say Fuck you and take control of as many variables as you can and leave nothing to chance.
The greatest illusion of universe is the illusion of separation.
At a quantum level, every seemingly insignificant action you make can affect a completely different entity in the most unexpected manner.
Every word, thought, intention, action accounts for something.
You have to decide whether you want to be the cause, or the effect in this existence. When you’re the effect (most people are), you live in ignorance, you live a life full of blame games with zero responsibility. You live as the effect of someone else’s actions.
When you decide to be the Cause, you take up responsibility for absolutely every action and consequence of your life. This is empowering.
This transition wouldn’t be easy. Not a bit. But this is perhaps the most important change you would ever go through in order to live a life of meaning.
5) LAW OF RHYTHMAll things in the universe are moving in perfect rhythm, in a measured motion like a pendulum. Everything in existence is involved in a dance flowing and swinging back and forth.
Everything is moving in perfect rhythm. Our thoughts and actions are what create speed bumps and unnatural or off beat rhythms in our lives.
Learn to be flexible and move with the flow. Fear tends to create resistance. Resistance slows the speed of trust.
Stay focused on your vision and go with the flow.
We can learn to be flexible or choose, by default or not, to resist which leads to rigidity. It is when we are rigid that we are at risk of breaking.
Negative thoughts, emotions and actions can create speed bumps or unnatural “off beat rhythms” in our lives and business
6) LAW OF GESTATIONAll seeds, most importantly “thought seeds” have a gestation period before they manifest. It takes an appropriate amount of time for a thought, image or creation to move into its physical counterpart
It takes time for every idea, desire, profit, or life to become real of physical. In biology of humans, this is called as the Gestation period.
Do not expect your newly brewed idea to becoming reality in an instant. It takes time for the seed to mature and take its final physical form.
Applied to a difficult situation you would create your plan of action and then look for the optimum time to introduce the plan to those involved. In the interim, avoid or reduce anxiety by reminding yourself that you have a plan and push the matter aside until the right time approaches.
7) LAW OF TRANSMUTATION OF ENERGYEnergy is forever moving into and out of different forms. All energy fields are connected. Energy is constantly flowing
Energy is flowing into our consciousness constantly, we transform this energy into whatever we choose through our focus and action.
Energy is never actually created or destroyed. It simply moves from one form into another. The beauty of this is that your thoughts have the ability to transmute from the non physical to physical all the time.
The challenge of leadership lies in getting others to see your vision and feel the energy that drives you to make change in the world.
The power is always there. It is the channeling of your energy to others that creates challenges.
Master your mind and you can use this universal energy to get what you want by transforming this energy into physical belongings.
The End
Everything on this planet and beyond has been built and functions on certain fundamental laws. These laws are the ultimate truth. They cannot be challenged.
Everything we know has been derived from them. Be it Physical, Mental or Spiritual. Nothing can disobey these laws.
These are the 7 Laws of Nature.By understanding them, you are equipped with the ability to see universe from a completely different perspective. You get to see universe from its foundational principles. You get to see universe in the way it truly is.
Let’s begin.
1) LAW OF VIBRATIONEverything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
If you could put every physical object and life on a single spectrum, the only common metric you can use is Vibration. Everything has vibration. Every human and every object vibrates on a varying degree.
Unlike electrostatics, in the Law of Vibration, like attracts like. High vibrational energy attracts High vibrational energy and repels Low vibrational energy.
The most beautiful creations are vibrating (vibing) at a higher frequency, while the grossest creations vibe at low frequency.
When you took up the path of pursuing truth and self-exploration, you un-knowingly altered your vibration and essentially start to vibe higher.
When you hold grudges, resentment, hatred and jealousy, you start to vibe lower.
Always remember, High Vibration attracts positivity, good luck and opportunities and Low Vibration attracts, negativity, bad luck, and unpredictability.
2) LAW OF POLARITYEverything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
Reality exists in duality. There are phenomenons that may seem to be polar opposites, but in reality they’re just the extremes of the same thing.
Hot and cold are the same thing; temperature, but they vary only on their position on the temperature spectrum, where each takes up an extreme end.
Hermetic Teachings suggests we can change interchange the ends of these spectrums by raising our vibrations. Changing hate to love, dark to light, negativity to positivity is possible through high vibrational manifestations.
Another interpretation of Law of Polarity is that the ultimate truth always lies in between the extremes. It is never polar, it is the balance between the poles.
3) LAW OF RELATIVITYYou cannot define something without having something to compare it to. The existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another.
Every experience, situation, judgement is relative. There has to be a reference to compare the circumstances to.
1000$ may seem a lot to brokie, but is nothing for a millionaire. Same goes for problems. Not getting your favorite lunch may seem to be a problem to you, but there are people who’d kill for water.
Learn not to compare to others or to past experiences. Look at thing as they truly are, without judgment and you will avoid succumbing to feelings like you are not enough or you do not have enough.
Comparisons are never what they seem and are toxic to the soul.
Use this principle to assess the severity of your situation and feel urgency or gratitude as required.
4) LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECTEvery cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. For every action we take there is an effect, one that ripples through the universe, much like that of a beam of light moving forever in one direction.
This is perhaps the most important law of all because of how widely it can be interpreted.
Your each and every action will certainly have its effects, on you and the people around you. Parallelly every effect has a cause, nothing just “happens.“
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Neck Protocol
It was once widely believed that neck training was something reserved only for Fighters and Athletes.The Reason?A robust neck could help them avoid Brain Damage, Concussions, and worst of all, Deat...
528 Hz sound frequency induced testosterone
If you want me to wear a mask, defeat me in a 1v1, then will talk.
If not, suck deez nuts with your masks as blindfold
HOT TAKE: If you follow all the Machiavelli/Red Pill stuff that you read on Twitter, word-to-word.
You'll just end up being a pathetic spiteful human. No one's going to tell you this.
Aim for fulfillment and satisfaction, instead of greed and tyranny.
528 Hz sound frequency induced testosterone
Influence of various intensities of 528 Hz sound-wave in production of testosterone in rat's brain and analysis of behavioral changes…
Testosterone is a nuclear androgen receptor ligand that controls multiple pathways in brain. In addition to the active biosynthesis of steroids in classic steroidogenic organs such as gonads, adrenals and placenta, testosterone also produced in astrocyte…
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago