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Senator Jacinta Price. Address to The National Press Club in full. 14 September 2023."If we keep telling Aboriginal people that they are victims, we are effectively removing their agency and giving them the expectation that someone else is responsible for their lives. That is the worst possible thing you can do any human being, to tell them they are a victim without agency. And that’s what I refuse to do"
Senator Hanson introduces the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Domestic Reserve) Bill 2023 14 September 2023
“Norway's sovereign wealth fund, built on revenue from the country's oil deposits in the North Sea, is now valued at A$2.17 trillion. That's almost $400,000 per Norwegian. It's easily twice as much as most Australians' superannuation balances, although that's probably an unfair comparison, because our super comes from our individual earnings. Norwegians contribute nothing personally. All that wealth comes from their natural resources and governments which have wisely created and invested in it
When I think about the wealth Australia could have generated from natural resources which dwarf Norways, I get very angry. This criminal waste of our natural wealth is an outrage. It's why I introduced my..Bill..The main parties voted against it faithfully serving their paymasters in the resources sector and continuing the betrayal of the Australian people”
Senator Hanson on The Voice to parliament and Marcia Langton's dismissal of the no voters as racist and stupid 13 September 2023“I rise to respond to Marcia Langton's dismissal of the no voters as racist and stupid. It has been further revealed that, at an event in Brisbane in July this year, she accused no voters of spewing racism. So much for the positive and respectful debate we have been promised by the Prime Minister and Noel Pearson”
“I call on those people out there who are concerned about handing out 'no' pamphlets. I say, 'Do it,' because, at the end of the day, you might get a little bitof abuse from people like Marcia Langton for an hour or so, but then again, if you don't do it, you're going to cop abuse for the rest of your life.”
Senator Babet on Novak Djokovic 13 September 2023
"His 24 grand slam titles are especially commendable given he has spent the last few years playing not just against tennis players but against governments around the world. The world's greatest tennis player was denied by the Biden administration the opportunity even to compete at the US Open in 2021 and 2022 because he was unvaccinated, but, as senators well know, it was not only the White House who trampled on his right to play his sport. It was also our own government here, the Morrison government, that acted very disgracefully, deporting Djokovic from these shores because he feared his unvaccinated status might risk public order.
A supposedly conservative government concerned about human rights abuses all over the world trampled human rights right here in Australia because of dogged ideology. It was embarrassing and shameful, a shameful period in our country's history, but freedom-loving Australians have not forgotten.”
Senator Roberts on the United Nations net zero pipedream 13 September 2023
“Their government was the one that printed over $500 billion out of thin air during the COVID mismanagement. That caused Australia's inflation problem. The Reserve Bank of Australia said they needed to raise rates to fight inflation by sending people with a mortgage broke trying to fix the inflation that the government caused”
“Big business loves high immigration, because it keeps wages down. With a million more arrivals into the country fighting for the available jobs, no-one has to put wages up. On top of that, the government's inflation is stealing everyone's purchasing power. Australians are getting hit with a double whammy”
“Anyone who has an original thought, acts on it and steps out of line is kicked out of the party. It's actually against the Labor Party rules to cross the floor. No matter how much you morally disagree with something, if you vote with your conscience you can kiss your job goodbye”
Senator Roberts on the Housing Australia Future Fund Bill. 13 September 2023“The government is going to build and own houses—not the people of Australia but the government. This is full-blown communism delivered express to your door. As the infamous Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has repeatedly told the world already, 'You will own nothing, and you will be happy”
“The Albanese Labor government has allowed one million people to arrive in this country in just one year. That's 460,000 in net migration and 540,000 students visas. Every one of those needs a bed and a roof over their head. That's not to mention the additional 200,000 other visas. That's 1.2 million. A population flood the size of Adelaide has hit this country in 12 months”
Senator Ralph Babet questions the government on the Pfizer contracts. 12 September 2023"In recent weeks, we've seen the public release of COVID-19 vaccine contracts in South Africa, including the Pfizer contract, following a High Court of South Africa ruling. These contracts have revealed very liberal indemnity clauses"
Senator Gallagher, Labor replies " I remind people that those contracts were signed at the beginning of a pandemic where there was a lot of uncertainty about what was happening, and there were also a lot of people who were unvaccinated dying from the COVID virus"
"there were a number of citizens that did have an adverse event and that there was a claims scheme put in place. Over $11 million has been paid to date under that vaccine claims scheme"
Senator ANTIC In 2023 the war on young men and masculinity continues unabated 12 September 2023"Instead of focusing on feelings in schools, focus on academic excellence, achievement and discipline. Secondly, stop vilifying boys and young men for their so-called toxic masculinity and promote the virtues of true masculinity, they being justice, prudence, temperance and fortitude"
"The point of all of this is to brainwash young boys into submissiveness and a reliance on feelings instead of a reliance on assertiveness and reason. An assertive and principled man is dangerous to these social engineers. Our society needs more, not less, masculinity. We must raise men who are strong, resilient, courageous, decisive, principled and disciplined and who see it as their duty to provide for their families. If we want to see this, we must remember that it is the duty of the parents, not the public schools, to raise well-formed children. Schools should stick to reading, writing and arithmetic"
Senator Hanson on Native Title 11 September 2023"Today more than half of Australia is under native title and if all pending claims are factored in, up to 62 per cent of our country will be under it. That's almost two-thirds of this continent claimed by less than two per cent of the national population. I say less than two per cent because native title claimants must meet a higher eligibility threshold than just anyone who ticks a box to claim they're Indigenous. Only about 430,000 Australians meet this definition, as opposed to the 812,000 people who claimed Indigenous heritage at the 2021 census. I remind senators that this was a 25.2 increase on the 2016 figure, compared with an eight per cent rise in the overall national population"
"Australians who've had a gutful of native title. They're sick and tired of the explicit racial double standards underpinning native title. Non-indigenous Australians must work, save and borrow in order to get title to land"
Big Pharma Vaccination Indemnity. The Australian Senate. 10 August, 2023.Senators Babet, Antic, Roberts, Canavan and Rennick asking for the indemnity exemptions offered by our government to big pharma to be abolished. They explain the harm caused to Australians via the human trial phase rollout of the mRNA/DNA genetic modification ‘unsafe and ineffective’ Covid injections.
Labor Senator Watt, replies, as always, NO!
As I have repeatedly said, there are but 5 good men and 1 woman in The Australian Senate. Willing to speak out on behalf of the Australian public.
This one is long at 1 hr 10 mins, but worth your time. You will not see it on the MSM or anywhere else for that matter. Shamefully it is also spoken to a near empty senate, nary a Labor, Liberal, Teal or Green Senator to be seen. Enjoy.
Senator Babet 0:00
Senator Antic 12:51
Senator Roberts 22:51
Senator Watt 37:53
Senator Canavan 40:46
Senator Rennick 55:48
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