Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago
DUMP Garena Delta Force Mobile V1.203.37100.52
// SFG 3 v1.4.5 UE4.27.2
GEngine: 0xC4A2AE8
GWorld: 0xC4A69D8
GUObjectArray: 0xC32E718
FNamePool: 0xC2EA440
GNativeAndroidApp: 0xC193EC0
CanvasMap: 0xC476DE8
LineOfSightTo: 0x9DB501C
- AActor: 0x9B1F860
- UObject: 0x7ED3A00
SIMPLE Unity Il2Cpp Api Wrapper
(Header Only)
Depends on KittyMemory
#include "MiniIl2Cpp.hpp"
int main_example()
// LoadClass("Namespace.Class")
LoadClass clsPlayerController = LoadClass("PlayerScript.PlayerController");
// GetMethodPtr("Method", parametersCount);
void *updateMethod = clsPlayerController.GetMethodPtr("Update", 0);
HOOK(updateMethod, hook_Update, orig_Update);
return 0;
ADR/ADRP and ADD/SUB decode function
uintptr\_t DecryptInsn\_ADRP\_ADD(uintptr\_t ins\_addr, uint32\_t add\_off = 4)
uintptr\_t page\_off = ((uintptr\_t)ins\_addr & ~(uintptr\_t)(4096 \- 1));
int64\_t adrp\_pc\_rel = 0, add\_pc\_rel = 0;
uint32\_t adrp\_insn = 0, add\_insn = 0;
driver\->read((ins\_addr), &adrp\_insn, sizeof(uint32\_t));
driver\->read((void*)(ins\_addr + add\_off), &add\_insn, sizeof(uint32\_t));
if (!adrp\_insn || !add\_insn) {
printf("failed to read insn addr\n");
return 0;
// decode adrp/adrl
if ( (adrp\_insn & 0x9F000000) == 0x10000000
|| (adrp\_insn & 0x9F000000) == 0x90000000
) {
int64\_t imm\_val = ((int32\_t)((adrp\_insn >> 5) & ((1 << 19) \- 1))) << 2; // immhi
imm\_val |= (int32\_t)((adrp\_insn >> 29) & ((1 << 2) \- 1)); // immlo
if ((adrp\_insn & 0x9F000000) == 0x90000000) {
uint64\_t msbt = (imm\_val >> 20) & 1;
imm\_val <<= 12;
adrp\_pc\_rel = ((((uint64\_t)(1) << 32) \- msbt) << 33) | imm\_val;
} else {
if (imm\_val & (1 << (21 \- 1)))
imm\_val |= ~((1LL << 21) \- 1);
adrp\_pc\_rel = imm\_val;
if (!adrp\_pc\_rel) {
printf("failed to decode adrp/adrl imm\n");
return 0;
// decode add/sub
int32\_t addimm12 = (int32\_t)((add\_insn >> 10) & ((1 << 12) \- 1));
auto shift = ((1 << 22) & add\_insn) >> 22;
if (shift)
addimm12 <<= 12;
add\_pc\_rel = addimm12;
if (!add\_pc\_rel) {
printf("failed to decode add uimm\n");
return 0;
return page\_off + adrp\_pc\_rel + add\_pc\_rel;
ADR/ADRP and LDR/STR decode function
uintptr_t DecryptInsn_ADRP_LDR(uintptr_t ins_addr, uint32_t ldr_off = 4)
uintptr_t page_off = ((uintptr_t)ins_addr & ~(uintptr_t)(4096 - 1));
int64_t adrp_pc_rel = 0, ldr_pc_rel = 0;
uint32_t adrp_insn = 0, ldr_insn = 0;
driver->read(ins_addr, &adrp_insn, sizeof(uint32_t));
driver->read(ins_addr + ldr_off, &ldr_insn, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!adrp_insn || !adrp_insn) {
printf("failed to read insn addr\n");
return 0;
// decode adrp/adrl
if ( (adrp_insn & 0x9F000000) == 0x10000000
|| (adrp_insn & 0x9F000000) == 0x90000000
) {
int64_t imm_val = ((int32_t)((adrp_insn >> 5) & ((1 << 19) - 1))) << 2; // immhi
imm_val |= (int32_t)((adrp_insn >> 29) & ((1 << 2) - 1)); // immlo
if ((adrp_insn & 0x9F000000) == 0x90000000) {
uint64_t msbt = (imm_val >> 20) & 1;
imm_val <<= 12;
adrp_pc_rel = ((((uint64_t)(1) << 32) - msbt) << 33) | imm_val;
} else {
if (imm_val & (1 << (21 - 1)))
imm_val |= ~((1LL << 21) - 1);
adrp_pc_rel = imm_val;
if (!adrp_pc_rel) {
printf("failed to decode adrp/adrl imm\n");
return 0;
// decode ldr/str
if ((ldr_insn & 0x3B000000) == 0x39000000) {
ldr_pc_rel = (int32_t)((ldr_insn >> 10) & ((1 << 12) - 1));
ldr_pc_rel <<= (int32_t)(((ldr_insn >> 30) & ((1 << 2) - 1)));
if (!ldr_pc_rel) {
printf("failed to decode ldr/str uimm\n");
return 0;
return page_off + adrp_pc_rel + ldr_pc_rel;
- AArch64-Decoding
- getting address by reading adrp and add instruction values
- adrp and adrl instructions in arm assembly
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago