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1 year, 2 months ago

Sayed al-Khoei's Opinion on the Jurist's Purview - Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Mu'hammad al-Sanad

1 year, 2 months ago

The Correct Understanding of Time & Place's Impact on Islamic Rulings - 'Allamah Sheikh Ma'hmoud al-'Ali al-Ba'hrani

Published by: @qanatsadad

1 year, 2 months ago

At Your Command - Grand Ayatollah Sayed Mu'hammad 'Ali 'Alawi Gorgani

1 year, 2 months ago

Medical Confidentiality: An Islamic Perspective - Ayatollah Sheikh 'Hasan al-Jawaheri

Published by: @qanatsadad

1 year, 3 months ago

For an Islamic Government - Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Nouri al-Sa'edi

Published by: @qanatsadad

1 year, 3 months ago

Was the World Created for the Infallibles (a)?

✒️ Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Jawad al-Tabrizi [*]

Translated by: @qanatsadad

The creation of the world and those in it, as well as the creation of the Hereafter and those in it, is all of the will and action of God. And because God is All-Wise and does not create anything in vain, then the objective of creating the world and what it consists of is for people to know their Lord and reach their [levels of] perfection by obeying Him and seeking nearness to Him. And this requires grace from God by sending Messengers, bestowing Books, and appointing Trustees and Imams (a) for people to take from them the path of guidance.

Given the wisdom of creation is what is clear from God saying {And I did not create the jinn and the humankind except to worship Me}, then by adding this to Him saying {It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth}, it becomes known that the purport of creating the humankind and the jinn is to create those who know God and worship Him, and follow the guidance.

And those in the lead in this regard by God's knowledge are those who take the worldly life as a means to gain the pleasure of their Lord and dissolve in it, i.e. the Prophets, the Trustees and Imams (a) - and leading all in this respect are our Prophet Mu'hammad (s) and the purified Imams (a) after him. In this way, it is correct to say that they (a) are a final cause for people's creation. It is not in the sense that God needs said objective, but to give the emanation of existence considering what He knew ahead of time in terms of them being the perfect front-runners in fulfilling this objective; and God is the All-Knowing.

[*] Al-Anwar al-Ilahiyyah, p.94

1 year, 4 months ago

Is Attributing Sustenance to Prophet Mu'hammad (s), Associating Partners with God?

✒️ Sheikh Abu'l-Fat'h al-Karajiki [*]

Translated by: @qanatsadad

It is mentioned that Abu Hanifa was eating food with Imam al-Sadiq, Ja'far b. Mu'hammad (a), when al-Sadiq (a) said upon leaving his food: "All Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. O' my Lord, this is from You and from Your Messenger, may Allah's blessings be upon him". Abu Hanifa said: "O' Aba 'Abdillah, have you [just] associated a partner with God?" He (a) said: "Woe unto you. Allah says in His Book: {And they were not resentful except [for the fact] that Allah and His Messenger had enriched them of His bounty} and says in another verse: {If only they had been satisfied with what Allah and His Messenger gave them and said, "Sufficient for us is Allah; Allah will give us of His bounty, and [so will] His Messenger}". Abu Hanifa said: "By God, it is certainly as though I have never read these two [verses] in the Book of God or even heard them before just now".

[*] Kanz al-Fawa'id, p.196

1 year, 5 months ago

The Guardianship of Ahl al-Bayt (a) is a Manifestation of the Guardianship of God

✒️ 'Allamah Sayed Muneer al-Khabbaz [*]

Translated by: @qanatsadad

When we say that Ahl al-Bayt (a) have an ontological guardianship over all of creation, is this due to a particularity pertaining to Ahl al-Bayt (a) and [referring to] an independence [in said guardianship], or is it in a sense of extension? No, it is in a sense of extension - not in the independent sense. This means that their ontological guardianship is one of the manifestations of God's guardianship. In reality, it is God's guardianship - God manifested His guardianship in these holy and pure essences (a). Their guardianship is an image and reflection of God's guardianship.

An example is in the sun: when one says it extends to the Earth its light and temperature and [that] without which all living things on the face of the Earth would die, does this mean the sun does so at a degree of particularity and independence? Surely not, but rather that it is a sign of God's ability. The sun has no originality or independence; it is an image of the will and ability of God - {It is He who made the sun a luminance and the moon a light}. And just as the sun is a sign of His power and the excellence of His creation, likewise the guardianship of Ahl al-Bayt (a) is a manifestation of His guardianship and the implementation of His will.

[*] Ahl al-Bayt (a) Math'har al-Rububiyyah, 14/2/1431

1 year, 5 months ago

The Third Testimony: "Ashhadu anna 'Aliyyan Waliyyullah"

✒️ Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Mu'hammad Taqi Bahjat [*]

Translated by: @qanatsadad

The third testimony is not of the legal parts, but rather of the generally recommended acts that are ascertained [as being so] in cases which they - the adhan and iqamah - are among the clearest examples of; and it is impermissible to say it - [i.e. the third testimony] - with the intention that it is a legal part. As for intentionally abstaining from saying it after it has become common in public minarets, or despite the triumph of most Shi'a, or in their locations when there is no [duty of] concealment of faith - [i.e. taqiyyah] - from those who are ignorant: this is diminution after wholeness. In fact, some dispraised, moreover wicked, and furthermore prohibited classifications can be drawn from doing so should abstinence [from saying the third testimony] become the norm.

[*] Al-Burhan al-Qate', p.13

1 year, 5 months ago

Asking the Infallibles Directly?!

✒️ Grand Ayatollah Sayed Abu'l-Qasim al-Khoei [*]

Translated by: @qanatsadad


Is it permissible to directly ask the infallibles (a) for a child, or sustenance, or safety and preservation, etc. - not because they create or give sustenance but because they are the means to God and the intercessors on His behalf in fulfilling needs; and because they do not commit an act except by His permission, for they ask Him and He creates, and they ask Him and He gives sustenance; and no request or supplication of theirs is rejected due to their status relative to Him and their guardianship over us, while God has said: {and seek the means of nearness to Him} and {they seek the means of nearness to their Lord}?


There is nothing wrong with doing so under that intent.

[*] Sirat al-Najat, v.1, p.466

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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago