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Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago
DAY9️⃣7️⃣POST9️⃣7️⃣ SERIES: THE IDEAL MUSLIMAH Topic: She works to support the religion of Allah Umm 'Umârah's jihad was not confined to the battle of Uhud. She was also present on a number of other occasions, namely the treaty of 'Aqabah, Al-Hudaybiyah…
POST 2️⃣
Topic: All the Decrees of Allāh ﷻ are Merchandise for the Believer?
As is established in the Sahih (of al-Bukhari) from their leader [Muhammad], the one followed [by them] - he by whom they will be called when all people will be called by their (followed) leader on the Day of Judgement may Allah make good mention of Him and send salutations of peace upon him, that he said, "How amazing is the affair of the believer. All of his affair is amazing. Allah does not ordain an affair for him except that it is good for him. If something pleasing comes to him, he is grateful and that is better for him. And if something harmful afflicts him, he shows patience and that is better for him,"
Related by Muslim (no. 2999), Ibn Hibban (no. 2896), al-Bayhaqi in Shu'ab al-Iman (no. 4487) through the hadith of Suhayb al-Rumi.
Friday strengthens your heart throughout the week, so do not waste its strength by neglecting it, otherwise your heart will become sick and die.
The Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever missed three Fridays out of negligence, Allaah will place a seal over his heart."
Sunan an-Nasa'i 1369
DAY9️⃣3️⃣POST9️⃣3️⃣ SERIES: THE IDEAL MUSLIMAH Topic: She works to support the religion of Allah At Uhud, the Prophet's cheek and upper lip were wounded and his tooth was broken. His daughter Fatimah (RA) washed his wounds, whilst 'Ali poured the water.…
The gatherings which you like today, the people to whom you want to spend time with, your desires which you can't resist. And the list goes on. All these things are temporary. If these are taking you closer to Allah then congrats because such blessings are for rare gems. Contrary to it, know the difference between enjoying your youth and destroying your aakhirat.
DAY 1⃣ POST 1⃣
Topic: All the Decrees of Allah Are Merchandise for the Believer?
Allāh ﷻ has made for his believing servant in every situation they encounter! goodnes from Himself. For they are constantly in receipt of bounty from their Lord respective of whether they encounter what they love or what they dislike"
And He made His ordainments and decrees which He ordains for them and decrees upon them as merchandise through which they may profit and as path through which they may reach him.
Love people around yourself. But make sure your mental peace, your eemaan level , your Deen and it's practical nourishment matters most. Keep giving a helping hand to them but don't forget yourself. Maintain space between each of your relations.
DAY9️⃣1️⃣POST9️⃣1️⃣ SERIES: THE IDEAL MUSLIMAH Topic: She works to support the religion of Allah Anas in Mâlik said: "The Messenger of Allah used to go out on military campaigns accompanied by Umm Sulaym and some of the Ansâr women; they would bring water…
Going to share some content on hard heartedness in sha Allah very soon. Stay tuned with us. Keep the Ummah in prayer.
Wow Post for every Amatullaah!
Writer: Anonymous
? When going through hardships and a tough time remember the story of Hajar عليه السلام, wife of prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام abul ambiya "The Father of Prophets". Her husband was a prophet and she gave birth to a prophet Ismael عليه السلام.
? Her struggle, her taqwa requires constant and sincere reflection❕
✨ Lesson one from the story of Hajar عليه السلام is TAQWA.
? Imagine standing all alone in a desert with a new born baby in your arms and you have ran out of food and water, all you see is sand as far as your eyes can see.
Visualize that and imagine how scared would you be.
That is how our mother Hajar felt….
? Although, regardless of who left her there and why, Hajar عليه السلام knew that Rizq is from Allah, and that Allah would never forsake or abandon her.
? That's the message I take from it. That as an amatullah I know for a fact that Allah will never forsake or abandon me as long as I take action and put my trust in Him.
The character of Hajar عليه السلام is what we should aspire to. Her sense of faith and reliance on Allah and her perseverance in what seemed an utterly hopeless situation is the lesson.
She raised her son Ismael عليه السلام, alone in the desert, without any family around and in such a way that Ismael was still obedient to the very father who left him in the desert.
❓Did she or Ismael throw a fit when Ibrahim عليه السلام showed up years later and said Allah wants me to slaughter you son?
? Hajar عليه السلام trusted that Allah would provide, and she sought out that provision.
? Today as a result of that call to Allah, billions of Muslims from around the world and across generations…commemorate her sunnah of running from safa’a to marwah while performing Umrah and Allah gave this Ummah the well of Zam-Zam because of her tawakkul and taqwa in Allah❣️*
✨ These two blessings showcase how immense her tawakkul and yaqeen in her Rabb was. Her tawakkul in Allah was so strong that Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه comments on the blessing of zamzam and says "??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????’???'? ??????! ??? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ?????."
✦ ???????? is the reason we have Zamzam.
✦ ???????? is the reason the dates fell from the tree to feed Maryam عليه السلام during her labour pains, because a pregnant woman in pain cannot shake a tree.
✦ ???????? is the reason striking the staff split the sea for Musa عليه السلام.
? Let's remember she is our mother. Her example is the best example to emulate. Her trials elevated her. During her lowest points she had the highest level of eeman and faith.
? When things get tough, we need to stop whining. Instead focus on duas, ask Allah that he gives you tawfeeq, sabr and tawakkul that is unmatched and doesn't waver.
? The second lesson is about being okay with not witnessing your true legacy in this temporary lifetime. So, what do I mean by that? When we talk about legacy, did Hajar عليه السلام witness her entire legacy in her lifetime?
?? ??? ??? ??? ❕
? Hajar عليه السلام had zero idea that billions of Muslims across generations would commemorate her sunnah while performing umrah.
Similarly, don’t worry if your legacy is not visible in a few years or even in your lifetime. If you are sincere and you do good deeds for the sake of Allah alone, Allah will bless you with a good legacy and inshaAllah the fruition, result and reward will be visible be on the day of judgement.
Some legacies are visible in our lifetime and some will inshaAllah be visible on the day of judgment.
? ???’? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??????.
Just focus on the sincerity of your intentions and perform many good deeds.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago