advertising :- @Adsmen007
Fan Page Malu Trevejo ??
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
ARZON ACCAUNT O’zbekistondagi Rasmiy resellerlar bilan xamkor bo’lgan eng ishonchli va arzon akkaunt savdo kanal ‼️
Rs: @xitman_store_admin
Menejer : @xitman_store_admin
Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago
[ ?Premium Content Channel ?]
Join ✅ Now This backup channel ?
Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
Woww we are almost 700 holders now! LFG!!
The week is coming to an end, Friday is coming, and all the holders were asking us the same question: "How will the revenue share work ❓ "
So the rules are simple, we will benefit our beloved bot users, a.k.a. the holders that carry more than 0.2% of the supply.
So if you hold more than .2% you are ready for it, and you don't have to do anything till the airdrop, no stake, no claim, no anything. We will airdrop ETH to your wallet on Base chain. Simple as that. ?
So get ready, because your first paycheck is coming, the first of many!
ps.: dashboard coming soon, so you can track how much you will receive every week. ?
Join $FTF ? | Lets Farm ?
We are developing a new tool for our community ?
New users monitor!
With new users monitors you will be able to see everyone that is registering on LIVE. And of course holders will be able to quick snipe shares from our monitor. :da_target:
This tool will be available for everybody, you don't need to hold coins to use, but only holders will be able to directly snipe.
This will be a huge advantage for us, because it will onboard tons of newcomers to our community and possible new holders.
Join $FTF ? | Lets Farm ?
- Farm Module!
- Spam buy shares added!
- Speed issues fixed!
- Snipe and Sell Shares!
- New Menu (View your points and rank thru the bot)
- Enchanced user experience!
- Monitor and Find users!
- Fully modular settings!
GitBook is now updated! ✅
Hearing our community, we decided to let the full version access to holders of 0.5% supply instead of 1%. Making it more acessible for you guys ?
As we mentioned here in TG revenue share will begin after the final product is delivered, so starting NOW the new taxes (2%) will be fully distributed as revenue share for holders, more details coming soon. ?
Join $FTF ? | Lets Farm ?
advertising :- @Adsmen007
Fan Page Malu Trevejo ??
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
ARZON ACCAUNT O’zbekistondagi Rasmiy resellerlar bilan xamkor bo’lgan eng ishonchli va arzon akkaunt savdo kanal ‼️
Rs: @xitman_store_admin
Menejer : @xitman_store_admin
Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago
[ ?Premium Content Channel ?]
Join ✅ Now This backup channel ?
Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago