Silence DoGood, MBA

God. Jesus. Holy Spirit. Family. Country. Silver Standard Supporter, Truth, Freedom, Father of 5, Blessed by God đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™ŒđŸ»
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5 Monate, 3 Wochen her

"Deferred Maintenance"?
"Code Violations"?

Get your story straight! It could seriously be from a movie script ... City and Government officials work with mainstream media in covering up the gang takeover of an American City, as the Great exposure (Exodus) begins...

[email protected]


Venezuelan Gang Takes Over Colorado Apartment Building

#NationalNews #Venezuelangang #shorts Contact me here: www.propertyprospector.comWelcome to The Property Prospector, your ultimate destination for real estat...

"Deferred Maintenance"?
5 Monate, 3 Wochen her

Who was given full and exclusive access and never stated that any roadblocks were preventing he and his team to review.

John Solomon another whom was given full and exclusive access to Jan 6th info has been nearly silent on the matter.

Whereas people like Rudy Guiliani and Chanel Rion (the 1st and only people) to travel to Ukraine to get investigate BEFORE Biden running for President in 2020. If memory serves they traveled to Ukraine in secret back in 2019.

This is not about name dropping but showcasing the difference.

[The System] (the system of Egypt) will sacrifice anyone and anything at whatever time is significant in order to move their agenda(s) forward.

Almost every country in the world has been a participant. Just note how they followed the decrees of US NIH and CDC during Covid and how all the named persons claimed MANY false statements to be true. Even President Trump stated how the Covid Vaccines were safe and saved lives.

It is not ok to FIGHT simply out of hate but instead the only way to fight is for something. What are YOU fighting for?

Even today people do not realize the greatest Psychological Operation (PsyOp) has been to group everyone into categories of HATE. Yes even Religions have been used to foster and exacerbate the flames of HATE for so very long.
Hate does one thing very well as it holds the follower in both denial and distraction.
? talk about Messages. Doesn’t this just ring the bell of what Christ Jesus was preaching as He walked amongst humankind in the form of a man?

The main thing that has stood true throughout all of this fighting has been the fact God has NOT abandoned us. That this is ? ALL about The Children.

From the fake Economy to the fake science to the fake education system to the fake wars. Make NO mistake about this People are being hurt and killed all to keep this charade going.

The Hate begets pain and pain begets fear and fear WILL lead all to a Digital God. The infiltration is NOT only physical but spiritual as well.

God has NEVER lied

God has warned MANY times on the danger of False Idols

There are MANY false idols and even after This Season of Exodus is completed and The System of Egypt is destroyed for good The System of Babylon is still in play and that is left for another Season to follow named Revelation (Apocalypse).

Yes this penny in my own life was just another confirmation in a string of confirmations given by The LORD. Salvation only comes from The LORD as does each and every God Given Right that establishes SOVEREIGNTY.

The pressure is finally gone that has been wracking my Body, Mind and Spirit for some time as He is my refuge but in order for me to enter Truth must be shared or why would there ever be need of His Witnesses.

I have been trusted and faithful with little things and thus we know what comes next. God is good ALL the time and in every season He has a purpose for The Sovereign Individual as well as The Community.

Think that a fake penny cannot be in a digital form? Just be aware that nothing is achievable without participation. The audience went along with Covid lockdowns and now towns have lost small businesses everywhere while Starbucks has been popping up everywhere. Their use of Symbols has infested the communities across the earth which has always had but one agenda (“
on Earth as it is in Heaven
”) to make YOU believe there is No Heaven and No GOD so that Digital will be your salvation.

5 Monate, 3 Wochen her

I have just passed through my “Jonah” moment.

Which began earlier this week as something Prophetic happened (again) as a confirmation of things to come as well as those that have passed unnoticed.

I have been of a heavy heart for sometime over the difference between reality and the perception or “sell” of it across the board.

Like many I have been praying for correction of my own sight if needed and to be centered on Truth. How eles could I be an Honest Witness to His Works if I were to give into my own emotions and understandings.

Some have heard me call out years ago that US Inflation began in April of 2021 and US Recession began with The Withdrawal from Afghanistan in August of 2021.

Everything has been fake and exposures have continued for nearly a decade at least. I have remained steadfast that we are living through a Season of Exodus since Passover of 2020 (shown to me in Dec 2019).

Well by accident I discovered a noise in my dryer this week (Monday) mind you the only items I had put in were a pair of yoga socks, a towel and a pair of shoes. But i found a worn penny (see the picture).

This worn penny after prayer (because I do not wish to share publicly anymore) was a signifier that ALL has been as fake as the value of this penny. Yes this coin that is meant to have the value or 1/100th of a US Dollar does not even meet its face value in truth.

Notice how all of the raised edging (copper plating) has been worn off to show it’s Zinc base.

Through prayer I have been asking for more confirmations of things to come and much has been shown.

Well this fake penny offered by The US Government (see the attached link) has no real value. The death of The US Dollar is only one aspect of the system of Egypt where everything has been fake.

From The Economy, through Education, to Health and yes even Government itself.

The real war is and has been The IMF vs BRICS+ this whole time where The IMF represents the “interests” of The World Bank in which The Central Banks do their bidding.

Did you think the end of The PetroDollar was just a coincidence during THIS Season of Exodus (world wide)?

The many attempts to push fake agendas through have had mixed results as some have fallen prey while others remained still and prayed.

My one and only fear has been can we stave off violence from occurring on the streets and within the homes. Note, I have shared of my time within NATO being deployed to Bosnia (former Yugoslavia in the mid 1990’s). This civil war was massive and mostly unreported on by Media though most countries had a Military presence “boots on the ground” because of this being the region where both WWI and WWII began.

Even today neither Ukraine nor Israel have had such an impact yet media is covering those as if they were WWIII.

Nearly everything thy has been reported on has been fake narrations. Where they even rewrite definitions of dictionaries in order to continue the “sell” of propaganda.

I have warned many times on the dangers of a Digital Society. Digital is the fake that has already been exposed on steroids.

The words and empty promises of today betray all that was used in the past to even “sell” you into agreeing. Like this penny it is all fake.

So if a Government by The People and for The People can “sell” you into participation how is this any different than any other enslavement?

I promised God that whatever He shown me and wherever this take me that I will be honest and obey.

It has not been easy calling attention to things that buck the believed system. But I have remained honest for ONE reason and purpose because The LORD “never” uses deceit!

Just notice how all are celebrating people like Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson.

Elon whom held high level contracts with both US DOD and CCP at the same time.

Tucker whom to date has not disclosed anything that was not already public information pertaining to Jan 6th.

6 Monate her
Silence DoGood, MBA
6 Monate her

Let them do it. Go ahead. You think his mug shot was a big deal just wait till this happens. The military will have their 80% support if this happens. They are getting more desperate by the day?

6 Monate her


Mail in ballot request stats:
Aug. 29, 2020 requests: 806,561
Aug. 31, 2024 requests: 80,240


6 Monate, 1 Woche her

Nigel Farage has cautioned that Elon Musk may be in trouble following the arrest of Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app.

GB News

Nigel Farage sounds the alarm over Elon Musk arrest as he issues free speech warning

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, has been arrested in France

Nigel Farage has cautioned that Elon Musk may be in trouble following the arrest of Pavel Durov, the founder and 

6 Monate, 1 Woche her

Ephesians 2
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Only Jesus Christ saves. Our works would never be enough, all would fall short without Him.
A question to ask yourself. Have I done all I could do to be saved today? Is there a day that I don’t sin? As being in a fallen state, after Adam and Eve partook of the fruit, there is not a day we don’t sin, nor is there anything we can do to save ourselves. All that is good about us, all good that we can do is from God, that none can boast. He does ask us to do works, “faith without works is dead”, follow His gospel and teachings, do good unto others, that they become apart of you, “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.” It is only by grace that you are saved! Glory be to God!


6 Monate, 1 Woche her

BREAKING: The U.S. Navy will temporarily put 17 vessels out of commission due to a "manpower shortage" that hampers the effective operation of ships throughout the fleet.


8 Monate, 3 Wochen her

Absolutely not a vaccine by definition. Here are some sections of a paper I wrote up. The legal filing for the mRNA jab.

Right out of Modernas’ 2018 SEC filing. “No mRNA drug has been approved in this new potential category of medicines, and may never be approved as a result of efforts by others or us. mRNA drug development has substantial clinical development and regulatory risks due to the novel and unprecedented nature of this new category of medicines” (p.8). The filing of Pfizer and Moderna with the SEC doesn’t say vaccine; it’s listed as gene therapy technology. Even the FDA doesn’t consider it a vaccine. In Modernas’ 2020 SEC documents it says, “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA” (p.70). True vaccines give you dead or attenuated (weakened) virus or pathogen.

This shot is something completely different. Because this shot is so different and the effectiveness is not like traditional vaccines, the CDC recently changed the definition of a vaccine around August 2021. Here is their original definition followed by the new one and their definition of immunity. “Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose. Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose. Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.” Their new definition does not include immunity to a specific disease and nor does this C19 shot prevent infection when exposed. Ask yourself, why did they change the definition, and why promote this as a vaccine?

Because they knew the masses would line up and take it without thinking, they have been conditioned for so long.


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