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Last updated 1 month ago
Dr. Michael Nehls Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos, Anlagetipps, Kontoverwaltung.

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

1 month, 1 week ago

👆Having been a homeless now for the last 10 years due to the Collective Violence of the Evil People from the Evil Empire with their Collective Lies, their Collective Conspiracies, their Collective Terror and their Collective Torture, in this unbearable situation it is impossible to create more documentaries, as it needs some sort of a living place to do so, which I don't have at my disposal, nor is there enough solidarity enabling me a place to work. I know now, that most of you are just bored consumers, who just think of themselves in their cosy little comfortable lives filled with emptiness. I would have had so much more new and unknown information to reveal, which I will possibly take into my grave at the very graveyard, where I'm sleeping.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

👆The Evil People of the Evil Empire commit Collective Violence, Collective Murder, Collective Lies, Collective Conspiracy, Collective Theft and Collective Terror in order to premeditatedly crush the individual, crush entire families and crush small children. Collectively democratically the most evil people of this planet can do whatever they want, but individually I can't even openly and honestly express myself about it, needing to wrap my free speech into a fantasy tale with fantasy names and fantasy pictures like a fairy tale like a goddamn "once upon a time . . . . once upon". Or was it "once under"? Upon, under. Once under the dictate of the Evil Empire . . . .

1 month, 3 weeks ago

👆Ce monument nous montre, comment la Noblesse Pharaonique pousse les Peuples dans toutes ces Guerres sans Fin, car le Lion est le Symbole fort de nos Maîtres de la Noblesse Pharaonique, par qui l'Humanité est gouverné depuis 2.000 ans.

3 months, 1 week ago

?Our Masters who rule this world, who make all the wars and are behind all the terrorist attacks are the Masters of the Occult, who are crazy with numbers, ever returning dates, symbols and then turn it into a Parallel Reality, so it fits their idea of evil perfection; the dumb serfs who lose their lives in all this are just considered collateral damage.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

?The Knights Templars were 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etcetera sons of a King, a Duke, a Count or other Lord of a Castle, so they were officially Princes; and these Princes without a Kingdom created their own horizontal rule political system for their Principalities, which today is being called a Republic. Like any magician is having a hidden hand and a neutral hand, in the First Principality in the Alps the same technique is being practiced by its Evil Magicians, who always show the neutral hand to the world, while holding the Hidden Hand behind their backs. In order to understand the Two World Wars, it is crucially important to know and understand, what Adolf Hitler was doing in Paris on June 28th 1940, which in fact explains the real reason behind World War I and II, which the Masters keep entirely hidden away from their dumb European slaves for the obvious reasons; because if the slaves would know, nobody would go to war for them anymore. And as always another Swissy got the very important key position of Secretary General of the Council of Europe in Strasburg France on September 18th of this year 2024, without Swissyland even being a member of the European Community. How is this possible, you might ask; Well, I largely gave you the answer to that throughout all of my videos. Mr Per-Seth also met Donald J. Trump calling it "Donnie meets Swissy", where Donnie as usual giving away his usual Inversed Pyramid of Death hand sign, meaning he wants war. The SwiSSies have an international licence to kill, and this is, what the 007 James Bond movies is about; let me remind you, that the author Ian Fleming lived and studied in Lausanne SwiSSyland, at the same time and the same place the Prince of Darkness Bernhard also lived and studied in Lausanne SwiSSyland with Satanist Aleister Crowley also in SwiSSyland in Bern also at the same time. And around all three many people disappeared; I guess, these three friends all had an alleged licence to kill issued by The Principality.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

?I glued all the videos on Kerl Stürmer together in another part of the Swiss Beast series, which will make it easier for you, if you want to share this complete intel to others, so you don't have to send four separate videos but just have one package to send; especially now with the English finding themselves in this terrible dictatorship, this accumulated intel in just one video might help many English, Scots, Irish, Welshmen, Geordies and Londoners understand, who the enemy within really is, and where he comes from. At your service, Sirs and Myladies. I see terrible things happening around me, that I profoundly analysed relating as usual to history in order to predict the near future, which I present you in this video; yes Swissy, with your Octogon Pre Crime software for total control over humanity putting totally innocent people in high security prisons, only because the A.I. machine says so, well Swissy, me too I can predict your future and do my own Predictive Policing analysing your endless crimes against humanity, Swissy. The understanding of Politics is like a chess game for me and the Masters, while the dumb slaves only see the current situation of this imaginary chess board, can't even look over the table, where the chess board is and just complain without end, like in all those endless talk shows in the internet. Therefore for me mass immigration is our Masters' problem and not mine, since they deliberately imported them all. I therefore categorically refuse to make it my problem, for it's our Masters' problem, so they'll have to deal with it themselves. History repeats itself with the same players standing in their open military cars, making it so obvious, that the Nazis won World War II and now going for the final blow against us the "Barbarians" and the J-walkers; what was then is now, and what is now was then - as above, so below. Our Masters have no more fantasy and always use the same lies, the same propaganda, the same logos, the same secret handshakes, the same open cars and the same arrogance, with the latter leading to their inevitable downfall, as in "ARROGANCE IS THE MOTHER OF IGNORANCE". In England High Treason officially is against the Crown, but in the case of Prime Minister Kerl Stürmer the committed High Treason is by the Crown, with King Charles Al-WindSAR bin Arabiya, Monarc and Kerl Stürmer wanting the vertical rule feudal system back inside a worldwide Islamic Caliphate; remember how King Charles Al-WindSAR bin Arabiya knighted Kerl Stürmer in this conspiracy against the English Serfs.

Channel HomieLand Sickurity: "Snake & Pharaoh throughout the Ages" ?

Channel The Britisch Beacon: "Donald Trump Drops BOMBSHELL On Keir Starmer On Live TV!" (Starts at 25 secs). ??

3 months, 2 weeks ago

?In England High Treason officially is against the Crown, but in the case of Prime Minister Kerl Stürmer the committed High Treason is by the Crown, with King Charles Al-WindSAR bin Arabiya, Monarc and Kerl Stürmer wanting the vertical rule feudal system back inside a worldwide Islamic Caliphate; remember how King Charles Al-WindSAR bin Arabiya knighted Kerl Stürmer in this conspiracy against the English Serfs.

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Das ist Markus Krall!
Trading Coach, Investor & Marketing Experte. Für großartige Krypto-Deals und Investitionsmöglichkeiten.

Last updated 4 weeks ago

Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman

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Last updated 1 month ago
Dr. Michael Nehls Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos, Anlagetipps, Kontoverwaltung.

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago