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Sharing pearls of wisdom with God's grace.

All treasures are within you.

Know yourself.

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9 months, 1 week ago

Answer to those who don't like me posting Osho/Sadhguru on this channel.
Most people only have second-hand knowledge of spiritual teachers, like Osho, Sadhguru etc. They hear something from a position of authority and blindly believe in it.

What people have said about them may not be true. The fact is, we don't know. We haven't interacted with them nor do we know them personally.

Spiritual teachers are more likely to be misunderstood unless they create an image that suits a layman's mind. A common person cannot truly comprehend what a gyaani/sage says or does.

For the mind knows a limited, business-minded perspective. It just knows survival habitual patterns. It doesn't know the depth of Being.

A seeker is required to go beyond the dual conceptual mind to really be in that position where he can discern who's who.

There are more chances that a true sage is misunderstood and misinterpreted owing to his straightforward nature, that directly hits the disciples' ego, which most people cannot stand.

As a sage begins to transcend the mind and the world, he doesn't fit into the definitions created by the common masses. He might appear insensitive, senseless, or even vulgar. The fact is he's too advanced for the society.

He's actually on the level where everything is embraced and loved, nothing is divided, since he's realised the true non-dual nature of the Soul.

That's why only a sage recognises another sage. You can't recognise a Guru unless you have lost your mind.

9 months, 1 week ago

On Fear

Fear is real as long as it's unobserved and unconscious.

Fear is always about losing something that we attach ourselves to. It can be our identity, a person, or a possession.

When someone realises he is going to lose something important, and valuable to him, it creates fear.

We fear not getting good experiences in the future. In fact, not getting the same experiences that made us feel good in the past. The mind seeks to recreate the pleasurable moments experienced in the past. This is mind's nature.

We, unconsciously, tend to cling to an image, a projected future. We want our future to be a certain way based on our past experiences.

Fear can only survive in you if you delve in the past. Once you become present, and be in the present only, fear can't prevail over you. It will simply vanish.

Face the fear, it will be gone.
It cannot survive in your presence.

9 months, 1 week ago

Words cannot convey love.

If somebody says 'I love you'.
Still there's duality in it. There's a me and a you. In duality, there's no clarity.

Love doesn't need expression.
It's complete as it is.

Love is the result of clarity. It's always beyond the level of conditioning.

As there's more awareness in you, light in you, depth in you, love is then an inevitable experience.

And that experience can't be taken away. This is spiritual wealth, the real treasure.

9 months, 1 week ago
Be still, make your inner space …

Be still, make your inner space sacred.

Immerse in silence, be present.

9 months, 1 week ago
Be present.

Be present.

Nothing more is needed.

You are enough in the Now.

Here, you are one with God.

9 months, 1 week ago
Yes, this is the only thing …

Yes, this is the only thing worth achieving. And this is the best thing you can do to yourself.

9 months, 2 weeks ago


Life is short.
Take risks...
be a gambler.

What can you lose ?

You come with empty
hands n go with empty

There is nothing to
lose. Just a little time
to be playful, to sing a
beautiful song.

Each moment is so



9 months, 3 weeks ago

A spiritual seeker will remain in entanglement until they learn to be receptive to their master, their guru.

As one recognizes one's powerlessness in the world, one becomes more humble and empty. Then, one becomes a true seeker - someone who seeks, who is thirsty for truth, the truth of their own existence.

Such a seeker will naturally detach from the world, as they truly see the lack of depth and meaning in worldly transactions.

A Gyaani clearly perceives life as a cycle of birth and death. They know that it's quite senseless to attach themselves to anything worldly, as it's transient and nothing more than a dream.

Humans are trying to hold on to what is actually ungraspable. We try to cling to experiences and situations, forgetting that they won't last, yet we keep craving the 'good' ones.

Every day, remind yourself of the transient nature of life and truly live the master's teachings.

Perceive life and life situations as they are; don't live in illusions. This is the essence of spirituality and enlightenment.

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Your wisdom is reflected by the people you worship, follow and admire.

Keep God in mind, you'll become godly.

Think negative, you will attract that more.

Whatever you think, you become.

Our mind is a magnet.

That's why affirmations are effective - they program the mind.

Be mindful of what you sow in your mind's space. You'll reap what you've planted thus far.

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Why is solitude recommended on a spiritual journey?

In order to find spiritual treasure you need to look within. For that you need a still mind and the ardent desire to find it.

But why look within?

Let's say you have something valuable in your pocket, but you forgot where you kept it.

Now you are searching everywhere, but in your pockets.

So what's needed at the moment? It's simple, you need to check all your pockets. That's how you find it.

That means, you need to seek the place where the object actually is.

Same is the case with fulfillment and everlasting joy. You need to connect with your true self on a very deep level, you need to know what you are.

That's why you need to be alone and discover your capabilities and limitless possibilities.

This is the way our sages and experienced seers guide us to find satisfaction and liberation in this very birth. This is because it's possible and very much attainable by anyone who has the right amount of desire to find it.

Most people misunderstand spirituality and think it's against their happiness. It's actually a journey of self-development. And I would say, it's the only way that leads you to the highest possible bliss and perfection.

All else is short-term, ephemeral entertainment for the mind.

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