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Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

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2 months, 3 weeks ago
***⚠️*** I am looking for OSINT …

⚠️ I am looking for OSINT investigators interested in using SL Crimewall for their daily tasks.

?Just DM me!

#community #crimewall #sociallinks

3 months ago
Image of Ritu Gill

Image of Ritu Gill https://www.forensicosint.com/

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Week in OSINT #2024-21 - sector035 - I Seek You

This won't mean a lot to all the 'youngsters' reading my weekly articles, but on June 26, 2024 the good old messenger ICQ will stop working forever. When it was launched by Mirabilis back in November 1996, it pretty much became an instant hit, since it was the first centralized chat app that enabled one-on-one chats with people from all over the world. Several years after the launch, in 2001, it had over 100 million users, but after the acquisition of Mail.ru in 2010 the decline started. One of the reasons is probably the ever growing use of Telegram in Russian speaking territory, the popularity of WhatsApp, Messenger and other chat apps. During the last decade or so, the popularity went down even more, and from 42 million daily users in 2010, only 11 million monthly users were seen back in 2022. It was one of the first chat apps I used, besides MSN Messenger, and I still have some great memories of them. Thank you for some great times, ICQ. You will be missed...

5 months ago

Every Contact Leaves a Trace
The Internet now touches and intrudes on almost every aspect of our lives. There is a flood of data available that identifies individuals at our fingertips, sometimes apparent, but more often hidden. Conducting investigations in this new world has provided new opportunities as well as technical challenges, and has raised legal and ethical issues along the way. Now with the smallest piece of information, we can uncover crimes and corruption. Still, these same techniques can be used by malicious actors, authoritarian states, and even corporations for unethical and even nefarious purposes. In this presentation, Ken Westin will discuss real investigations and techniques he has used to track and unveil organized crime groups, white-collar cybercriminals, and disinformation and how these same techniques can be used against the innocent. Ken will also discuss why this Pandora's Box will continue to bring challenges to privacy, truth, and human rights and how we as a community can help to protect all three.

SANS Open-Source Intelligence Summit 2024
Every Contact Leaves a Trace
Ken Westin, Field CISO, Panther


Every Contact Leaves a Trace

The Internet now touches and intrudes on almost every aspect of our lives. There is a flood of data available that identifies individuals at our fingertips, sometimes apparent, but more often hidden. Conducting investigations in this new world has provided…

5 months, 1 week ago

Humans Are More Important Than Hardware
People - not technology - make the critical difference. The right people, highly trained and working as a team, will accomplish the mission with the tech available. On the other hand, the best tech in the world cannot compensate for a lack of the right people. OSINT professionals outfitted with the latest technology may at first gain a slight advantage, but they will soon fall behind any cohesive team that is focused and well trained. Humans with a strong sense of purpose and passion can work tirelessly, and their innate longing for justice and freedom can never be matched by a machine.

SANS Open-Source Intelligence Summit 2024
Keynote | Humans Are More Important Than Hardware
Jeff Tiegs, President, Skull Games


Keynote | Humans Are More Important Than Hardware

People - not technology - make the critical difference. The right people, highly trained and working as a team, will accomplish the mission with the tech available. On the other hand, the best tech in the world cannot compensate for a lack of the right people.…

5 months, 1 week ago

Online Cryptography Course
Instructor: Dan Boneh, Stanford University

Online cryptography course preview: This page contains all the lectures in the free cryptography course. To officially take the course, including homeworks, projects, and final exam, please visit the course page at Coursera.

Textbook: The following is a free textbook for the course. The book goes into more depth, including security proofs, and many exercises.

A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography by D. Boneh and V. Shoup (free)

5 months, 1 week ago

Enterprise Incident Response with Velociraptor: when tempo is allhttps://osintops.com/enterprise-incident-response-with-velociraptor

A pochi giorni dal termine del Matera DigiSec 2024, il primo evento realizzato da ONIF a Matera sui temi legati alla "Digital Forensics e alla Cybersecurity per la protezione dei dati e dei diritti", in particolare in ambito aziendale, possiamo certamente dire che sia stato un grande successo, in termini di partecipazione ma anche in termine di qualità degli argomenti trattati (lascio qui un ottimo articolo, con commenti e alcune foto della giornata).

Sono davvero grato ad ONIF per l'invito a partecipare in maniera attiva a questo evento, e per l'occasione ho deciso di illustrare un tool ancora poco conosciuto (purtroppo!) ma che invece fa parte degli strumenti di molti team di Incident Response e che forse meriterebbe maggior rilievo.

Sto parlando del tool opensource Velociraptor, sul quale ho basato il mio breve intervento, dal titolo "Enterprise Incident Response with Velociraptor: when tempo is all".
Prima di essere assalito (giustamente) dai puristi della lingua, vorrei precisare che il termine tempo, come ho spiegato meglio durante l'intervento, è stato volutamente lasciato in italiano, poichè ne ho utilizzato l'accezione musicale del termine, universalmente riconosciuta, proprio perchè ho immaginato il responsabile della Incident Response come un direttore d'orchestra il quale, utilizzando sapientemente (ed in armonia, appunto) gli "strumenti" (tools) a disposizione, possa "condurre" ad una risoluzione dell'Incidente informatico.


Enterprise Incident Response with Velociraptor: when tempo is all

Nei Cybersecurity Incident il fattore tempo è la chiave. Uno strumento opensource come Velociraptor permette di fare un rapido check dei sistemi coinvolti

**Enterprise Incident Response with Velociraptor: when tempo is all**
5 months, 1 week ago

Trailblazer: Piercing the Veil of Vehicle Secrets with OSINT Alchemy
In the intricate web of our digital cities, vehicles are not just modes of transport; they're anchors that can tether individuals to vast amounts of personal data. During this presentation, we will embark on an OSINT journey, starting with the ubiquitous presence of CCTV systems. These surveillance tools, while essential for public safety, can also be a gold mine for those aiming to trace a vehicle's whereabouts. Through our step-by-step process, we will demonstrate how to track and secure a clear image of a targeted vehicle.

Once we've captured this image, the true investigative work begins. We will employ different online tools to help us extract pivotal details, such as a vehicle's license plate or type of vehicle. We will then showcase how this license plate can be possibly correlated with its respective Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) using various databases. The VIN, unique to every vehicle, is more than just a serial number. Through it, we will unearth details ranging from the vehicle's history to specifics about its owner.

As we delve deeper using the VIN as our investigative compass, we'll demonstrate how to extract a wealth of personal information such as ownership records, insurance data, and much more. Our journey doesn’t stop there; leveraging obtained details, we can explore an individual's social media presence, discern patterns in their visits, and gain a glimpse into their personal life. The knowledge acquired from this level of detail can potentially be employed to craft sophisticated attacks, including highly targeted phishing schemes, underscoring the critical importance of safeguarding such information.

Thus, by the end of our investigative journey, we will illuminate the extensive reach and depth of OSINT techniques. Participants will not only gain an insight into the intricate methods and tools used in such investigations, but also acquire a profound understanding of the pivotal role vehicles play as digital anchors in today’s interconnected societies. The startling realization of the amount and depth of information that can be accessed from seemingly mundane vehicle data will serve as a wake-up call, emphasizing the urgent need for strengthened data protection measures to counter the potential misuse of personal information in our increasingly digitized world.

SANS Open-Source Intelligence Summit 2024
Trailblazer: Piercing the Veil of VehicleSecrets with OSINT Alchemy
Sagar Tiwari
Shubham Kumar, Senior InformationSecurity Analyst, Transunion LLC.


Trailblazer: Piercing the Veil of VehicleSecrets with OSINT Alchemy

In the intricate web of our digital cities, vehicles are not just modes of transport; they're anchors that can tether individuals to vast amounts of personal data. During this presentation, we will embark on an OSINT journey, starting with the ubiquitous…

5 months, 1 week ago

The Impact of AI with OSINT

This presentation will explore the emerging impact of artificial intelligence, including generative AI, on open-source intelligence (OSINT) workflows. We will explore the evolution of AI as it relates to OSINT, and look at the future for how practitioners can do more with less using Gen AI techniques for tasks such as image analysis, creating your own OSINT tools, geo-spatial processing, and reporting. Analysts are more important than ever, and this talk will highlight the critical requirement for analysts to verify & validate information, whilst creating efficiencies with emerging technologies that will change how they interact with data in the future. Finally, this talk will explore bad actors & the evolution of disinformation in a deep-fake world with voice cloning, video & image generation along with tonally & grammatically accurate text-based replication.

SANS Open-Source Intelligence Summit 2024
The Impact of AI with OSINT
Chris Poulter, Founder & CEO, OSINT Combine


The Impact of AI with OSINT

This presentation will explore the emerging impact of artificial intelligence, including generative AI, on open-source intelligence (OSINT) workflows. We will explore the evolution of AI as it relates to OSINT, and look at the future for how practitioners…

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Week in OSINT #2024-07 - Bell¿ngcat Tech Series
Bell¿ngcat started a new video series on YouTube: Tech Series. The first video looks really promising already, and talks about the command line. This video is aimed at people that don't know what it is, and goes over all the basics. If you are scared of the command line, I highly recommend you to check it out!

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Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 6 days, 5 hours ago