Umar shares

Hey, welcome to the blog.

- I'm Umar, a.k.a: @JoshDeveloper,
- a Muslim, who tries to follow the righteous path,
- a Software engineer who builds (quite 😌️️️️️️) awesome apps,
- an owner of this blog, who shares his humble opinions, thoughts and so on.
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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 5 days, 1 hour ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 1 month ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Networking - jamiyatimizda yaxshi e'tibor berilmaydigan, ammo juda kuchli narsa.

Yaxshi insonlar jamlangan yerlarga boring, tanish orttiring. Kontakt almashing. Afsuslanmaysiz.



1 month, 2 weeks ago

Ўзни доно билган уч-тўртта нодон
Eшак табиатин қилур намоён.
Булар суҳбатида сен ҳам эшак бўл,
Бўлмаса «кофир» деб қилишар эълон.

Умар Хайём

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Афсус, умр беҳуда бўлмишдир барбод,
Бўлмадим ҳаромдан бир нафас озод,
Буюрганин қилмай юзим қародир.
Амрингдан ташқари ишларингдан дод!

Умар Хайём

3 months, 4 weeks ago

You are living someone's dream life...


4 months ago

Yo’g’ini qadrlaymiz, borini qadrlamaymiz.

O’sha yo’g’i bor bo’lsa ham, bori yo’q bo’lsa ham — baribir. Shunday qilaveramiz…


4 months, 1 week ago

Har narsa ne’mat. Ammo, har ne’matni ne’mat darajasida ushlab turish kamyob xususiyat.

Ba’zilarga boylik ne’mati beriladi, u bilan kibr qiladi, baxillik qiladi. Bu ne’mat u inson uchun falokat bo’ladi.

Ba’zi qizlarga go’zallik ne’mati beriladi. Bu bilan g’ururlanishadi, o’zlarini ko’cha-kuyda, ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda ko’z-ko’z qilishadi. Bu ne’mat ular uchun bir kun falokatga aylanadi.

Sanasak sanog’i yo’q….

Biz inson zoti qiziqmizda. Alloh bergan in’omlarini U zotning O’ziga osiy bo’lish uchun ishlatamiz…(


5 months, 2 weeks ago

Asking for the result from Alloh for what you have not done enough for is something you should go to fix.

Do what you can, then ask it as if you have done nothing.


5 months, 2 weeks ago

One of the things that men should not have is being dependent on someone to decide something. They have to develop independent and self-deciding character.


5 months, 2 weeks ago

Azizlar, yaqinlarimiz xayrli ish boshlashibdi.

Imkoni borlar qo'shilsa, go'zal ish bo'lardi inshaaAlloh.



5 months, 3 weeks ago

Bugundan tarovih namozlari boshlanarkan.

Alloh ibodatlarimizni qabul qilsin.

Bu fursatlarni boy bermaslik kerak.

Kirayotgan Ramazon muborak bo'lsin. Go'zal tarzda o'tkazish nasib qilsin. 🌙



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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 5 days, 1 hour ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated 1 month ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago