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In a recent round of estimates I asked the Environment Department for their workings as to how net zero is calculated. I am still waiting on their reply but will attach links to some of their references.
In recent decades has been a lot of arguing over the rate of emissions but I have seen very few people actually question the quality of the measurements.
I know of at least one well respected scientist who thinks that Australia is net zero four times over and I have to say I find it hard to believe how Australia isn’t already there given the vast size of our country relative to our population.
More at:
*“Australia’s most polarising Covid era premiers have been awarded the nation's highest honour, with both recognised for their health policies despite one presiding over one of the world's longest lockdowns and a botched hotel quarantine program that led to the deaths of more than 800 people, and the other having closed the borders of his state for almost two years.
Victoria's representative on the 19-member body that considers nominations for the awards - the Council for the Order of Australia - is Department of Premier and Cabinet secretary Jeremi Moule. While The Australian is not suggesting Mr Moule has in any way acted improperly, his position on the council is likely to raise questions over the potential for a conflict of interest, given he was appointed to his $700,000-plus role as Victoria's most senior public servant by Mr Andrews.
Melburnians were subjected to six lockdowns totalling 262 days, with the restrictions at times extending to 8pm curfews and bans on children using playgrounds.
Victoria's longest lockdown, which lasted 111 days from July to October 2020, was sparked by infection-control breaches in the hotel quarantine program established by the Andrews government. The hotel quarantine leaks ultimately led to the deaths of 801 people, including 642 in aged-care facilities.”*
So now it’s “honourable ” to have stripped away people’s basic rights?
Tyranny and corruption all rolled into one. Jobs for the boys all round.
What a joke. Why handsomely paid bureaucrats and politicians get these awards is beyond a joke.
They should go to genuine volunteers in the community, not tyrants.
"The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has just overturned a lower court decision on the legality of vaccine mandates.
Case: 22-55908, 06/07/2024, Health Freedom Defense Fund v. Los Angeles Unified School District
This US Court of Appeals decision should set an international precedent.
The court agreed with what I’ve been arguing for over 3 years, that you can’t mandate a medical intervention on the basis that there might be some alleged benefit to the person treated, when the medical intervention doesn't prevent infection nor transmission and therefore provides no health benefit to others.
In his concurring judgment, Nelson J noted "the common-law rule that forced medication was a battery".
The United States courts of appeals are considered the most powerful and influential courts in the United States, after the Supreme Court. Because of their ability to set legal precedent in regions that cover millions of Americans, the United States courts of appeals have strong policy influence on U.S. law.
Moreover, because the Supreme Court chooses to review fewer than 3% of the 7,000 to 8,000 cases filed with it annually, the U.S. courts of appeals serve as the final arbiter on most federal cases.”
While this is a U.S. case which is not binding in Australia, it will hopefully influence the courts here, at least on an indirect basis.
The U.S.A. has always been much more sceptical about government than here in Australia. And rightly so.
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Bang on. ?
“Two native title claims have been determined for more than 7800q km in Central Queensland more than 10 years after the applications were first filed.
The Barada Kabalbara Yetimalara People now have Native Title over 7512q km of land stretching from Sarina down to Rockhampton that encompasses five regional council jurisdictions after the Federal Court of Australia handed down its decision this month.
They also now hold Native Title over 294sq km of land and waters north of Rockhampton, with the applications first filed in July of 2013.
The determination allows the Barada Kabalbara Yetimarala People "the right to possess, occupy, use and enjoy the lands and waters of the application area(s) as against the whole world, pursuant to the traditional laws and customs of the claim group."
The National Native Title Tribunal states the native title claims gives the Barada Kabalbara People the right to move about on or travel over the areas; to camp and erect temporary shelters; and to hunt, fish and gather on the lands or have access to, take and use natural resources from the lands for personal, domestic and non-commercial communalpurposes.
The Barada Kabalabara Yetimarala People can also hold meetings, conduct ceremonies, maintain places of importance and areas of significance, teach, live, and be buried on or bury native title holders on the grounds within the native title boundaries.”
Which part of “the will of the people” do bureaucrats and left wing politicians not understand?
Last year Australians voted unanimously against a Voice to Parliament. They do not want segregation in this country.
Furthermore the original Native Title decision stressed that aboriginals had to prove continuous association with the land. Yet governments via an underhanded bureaucracy are completely ignoring this precedent.
This land belongs to all of us. Public land is just that, public. It should not be given away based on race.
Finally, how much money is being wasted on Native Title legalities. At a time there is a shortage of frontline workers, the Queensland government should not be wasting money on this division.
“Labor has earmarked $3bn from the government’s $15bn national reconstruction fund to support agricultural methane reduction and other clean tech initiatives.”
What a waste of money. How many houses could you build for $3 billion dollars?
A clear case of negligence. Will AHPRA do its job?
So a Health professional has given the Shingrix Vaccine to a 17 year old who has died from it.
Shingrix was never tested or recommended for a 17 year old.
This is straight out negligence plain and simple that resulted in the death of a teenager.
“Tunnelling problems are plaguing the $12 billion Snowy 2.0 hydropower project, with a boring machine previously bogged in soft ground now wedged in hard rock and struggling to move.
The tunnel boring machine named Florence had been making slow progress in recent weeks as it cut through hard rock at the Tantangara site, one of several drilling locations in Kosciuszko National Park.
The ABC understands that earlier this month, Florence was mistakenly turned too sharply from a straight line into a curve, causing part of the cutting head to become wedged. Further boring compounded the problem, with the machine making only incremental movements since.
Multiple sources have told the ABC the situation is more serious than has been publicly acknowledged by Snowy Hydro and could take weeks or even months before normal drilling resumes.”
Would have been easier and cheaper to build a new base load power station.
Quote from:
“The New South Wales government is considering dropping the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health workers in the coming weeks.
Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant and NSW Health are consulting with staff, unions, and local health districts about the proposed change.
Health Minister Ryan Park told 2GB's Ben Fordham the consultation would continue during the next few weeks.”
Not yet confirmed but I’m not sure why this would leak if they weren’t considering it.
Good luck to those NSW public servants who want to return to work.
We need all of our front line workers back where they belong. Helping the community.
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