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Last updated 1 год, 9 месяцев назад
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Last updated 2 месяца, 1 неделя назад
This week on More Farmers More Food we will be looking at cereal farming and the grains that we grow in the UK
Stay tuned to find out more information over this weeks posts...
#morefarmersmorefood #mofo #pffa #peoplesfoodandfarmingalliance #cereals #grains #cerealfarming #farminggrains #ukfarming
??Vegetable Farming??
? vegetable production operations range from small patches of crops producing food for family use to highly organised and mechanised big scale farms
? somewhere in the middle are market gardens and small farms that produce assorted vegetables for local markets, direct gate sales and veg box schemes
? big scale vegetable farming requires attention to all production operations including insect, disease and weed control. This usually involves using a lot of chemicals, conformity and produces cheap and less nutrient dense food
? in recent years there has been a growing interest in organic vegetable farming which prioritises natural methods and avoids synthetic chemicals, promoting soil health and biodiversity.
?continued in comments....
Organic September is a month for celebration of organic products and practices that work with nature, not against it.
Why choose organic?
? reduced exposure to pesticides
? better for wildlife, better for the soil, better for the farm animals and better for you
? highest standards of animal welfare
? works with nature to support healthier soils, more wildlife and our world
? food as it should be
Whether you grow your own, use a box scheme, support a local small farm or buy organic produce, it takes one small change to make a difference to your health and our world ?
#organicseptember #pffa #peoplesfoodandfarmingalliance #organic #organicfood #organicproduce #organicmatters
? Humans have scavenged and eaten animal eggs for thousands of years.
? Chickens were domesticated in South East Asia by 1500 BC era so their eggs could be harvested for food.
? The most widely consumed eggs are those of fowl, especially chickens.
? Most hens are productive layers for 2 years before they decline in production.
? It takes approx 25 hours for the egg to reach the vent for laying. During that time period, the yolk will grow larger while being surrounded by the egg white (albumen) wrapped in membrane and encased in a shell. The colour pigment is deposited on the shell in the last steps of the process.
? Do you know any interesting chicken/egg facts? (which came first??)
#chickens #hens #eggs #whichcamefirst #eggfacts #eggproduction #eggfarm #eggfarms #pffa #peoplesfoodandfarmingalliance
As an FYI (if you’re on Apple) I’m not sure how true this is... but there’s a scandal with the CEO of telegram...
BREAKING - Telegram announced that Apple will remove the Telegram app from their phones without their joint notice. Telegram announced that to prevent this, apply to mentioned settings.
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There’s a step between 3 and 4.
Tap on iTunes and App Store Purchases
? This week on More Farmers More Food we will be discussing other types of dairy products.
? Dairy is a staple food in many countries making it one of the most common types of food in the human diet.
? Recently, dairy has taken an absolute battering with lots of negativity being promoted regarding its consumption.
? There appears to be a rise in lactose intolerance in humans. Milk contains about 5% lactose by weight and the processed dairy products contain much less. Some even suggest that by going back to raw milk (and it’s products) that this might solve the problems that consuming a dead food source has caused?
? Some claim that dairy products cause inflammation. But several large systematic studies have found that there’s little evidence for dairy having any inflammatory effect on the body. These reviews demonstrated a neutral to beneficial effect of dairy on markers of inflammation.
? So, what are your thoughts on dairy and our bodies?
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Last updated 6 месяцев, 1 неделя назад
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Last updated 1 год, 9 месяцев назад
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Last updated 2 месяца, 1 неделя назад