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Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago
Only for the street soldiers⚡️
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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 1 month ago
WARNING! Sensitive Content, Viewer Discretion is Advised
Mijn mede beheerder van de chat en ik zijn het niet helemaal eens over de rol van Hitler en de tweede Wereldoorlog.
Ik geloof namelijk niet dat Hitler een puppet was van de deepstate.
Of dat Hitler gefinancierd werd.
Dat soort leugens zijn grondig debunked.
Wat was er dan wel aan de Hand met Hitler.
Om een beginnetje te maken en jezelf los te maken van dit systeem dat volledig is gecontroleerd en verzadigd is met leugens ga je maar eens kijken naar deze documentaire en als je deze gezien hebt dan klik je op de link naar de nog veel uitgebreidere docu “Europa The Last Battle”.
Flat earth vs. Ball earth debate
FE: Is the horizon physical or an optical illusion of perspective?
B: Physical
FE: Thus, if you look at a boat disapearing over the horizon, is it physically disapearing or is it illutionary?
B: Physical
FE: Thus, the physical obstruction between you and the boat is the earth?
B: Yes
FE: To bring that boat back into view, you'd have to have a device than see through earth or over obstacles?
B: Yes
FE: Can a telescope see over obstacles or through the earth?
B: No
FE: Thus, if I look through a telescope and I see the boat that has already disappeared over the physical barrier called horizon, and the telescope cannot see over and obstacle nor through the earth. Is there still a physical barrier between the telescope and object?
B: Hmmm, No, light refracted.
FE: Was the light refracting just perfect at that time, with the perfect humidity and perfect temperature gradients to bend the light perfect so you can see the object again?
B: Hmmmm, Yes.
FE: Will these perfect conditions stay this way or change in time?
B: It will change
FE: When I do the same experiment later in time, when conditions changed, and get the same results, can it still be refraction?
B: I guess not
FE: Then refraction was not causing me to see the object that disappeared over the horizon?
B: I guess not
FE: Thus there was no curve, the horizon is illusion because of perspective and the earth must be a flat plain?
B: But the moon is a sphere!
FE: We are talking about earth, not the moon?
B: But there are satelites in space!
Flat Earther turns around and walks away, thinking of this advise from the scripture.
Prov23:9 "Don’t speak in the ears of a fool,
for he will despise the wisdom of your words."
Ps82:5 "They don’t know, neither do they understand.
They walk back and forth in darkness.
All the foundations of the earth are falling away"
Vrijheid voor iedereen! Ook voor jou?
Wij zijn ook te vinden op @klokkenluiders2 en mewe: https://mewe.com/join/klokkenluiders
Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago
Only for the street soldiers⚡️
Contact us via @LScontact?
Backup channel???
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 1 month ago