Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 1 year ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Assalamu Alaikum
Dear Benefactor
📚As you know, the Holy Quran is a book of guidance and light that always shines in the darkness of human life, revealing the path to truth and perfection. Along with the importance of reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran, understanding and implementing the precise and profound instructions of this divine book also play a fundamental role in individual and social spiritual growth
🖌Many people, due to economic, cultural, or social limitations, are deprived of the opportunity to access this invaluable treasure and benefit from its vital concepts
✨Therefore, it is necessary to facilitate the printing and distribution of the Quran among the needy, integrating the widespread benefit from the instructions of God's word so that the gist and spirit of this elevating scripture may find their way into the lives of people
🌟In this regard, Astan Quds Razavi intends to launch a campaign during the holy month of Ramadan for gifting Qurans to relevant institutions in need around the world
🤲With the support of esteemed benefactors, there are hopes that in the first phase, 10,000 copies of the Holy Quran will be printed and distributed
⭐️For the printing and distribution of each copy of the Quran, a cost of $4 has been anticipated within this program, which means that the printing and gifting of 10000 Qurans requires $40000 overall
🌎If you wish to participate🤚 in this benevolent initiative, please respond✍️ to the following number on WhatsApp:
🔰Astan Quds Razavi 🔰
The Prayer for Imam Mahdi (AJ)
Recitation of the prayer for the well-being of Imam Mahdi (AJ) by Ayatollah Khamenei
Leader of the Revolution:
When you recite “Allahumma Kun Li-Waliyyik”, you are actually connecting with your Imam, who has said: Pray for us, and we will pray for you.
⏱Time is a thief!
◾️Something that can be said about time is that it is a thief. Imam Sadiq (as) said this. Now what does this mean? Imam Sadiq (as) said, "If one is given an opportunity but he delays because he is waiting for a complete opportunity to be given to him, time will steal this opportunity from him since time is a thief. This is the way time is. It expires.” [Tuhaf al-Uqul, vol. 1, p. 381
◾️This is the nature of time. If you have an opportunity to do a good deed, do not postpone doing it at all. Satan tells you, “Do it at a better time.” This is one of the cursed Satan’s tricks. When you get a chance to do a good deed, to repent, to supplicate God, to worship, to visit your relatives, or to do any other good deed, Satan says, “Leave it for a better time.”
◾️Tell him, “When an opportunity arises for sinning, you don't say, ‘Wait for a better time.’ You say, ‘Now that you have this opportunity, commit this sin.’ But when I want to do a good deed, you tell me to leave it for a better time!?”
◾️Imam Ali (as) often said in his speeches, “Now! Now! Make use of today. No one has seen tomorrow. Don't deceive yourself with your dreams. Don't leave anything for tomorrow. Yesterday has passed, learn from it and pass on. Look at your present time.” He repeatedly emphasized that you should think about now and not think that you will have a chance tomorrow.
◾️He said, "Make use of what is left of your life. Don't say tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Because those who were before you were destroyed due to relying on their dreams and their delaying.” [Kafi, vol. 2, p. 136] Time is a thief that steals opportunities. Whatever happened before has passed! Leave it. In this way you will be cheerful. Half of some people’s sorrows are about their past, and the other half of their sorrows are about tomorrow. Use your time, mind and spirit for today, your most important asset.
◾️At another time, he said, "O people, now, now! Make use of this time now before you regret." [Amaali, Tusi, vol. 1, p. 684] It is wrong for a person to delay doing the things he should do or to delay doing a good deed that he can do now to do it tomorrow.
You - the young men and women are the ones who will achieve the goals, hopes and dreams of the martyrs
A message from our beloved Shaheed Sayed Hassan Nasrallah (ra), to the youth.
How will we honor the invitation????
#Missing You From The core of my heart SAYED?
You left very soon Sayed?
We have said that the Resistance is alive and will stay alive.
Gaza has won.
Imam Khamenei
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful
History of Sayyida Susan grandmother of Imam Mahdi (atfs)
Part 5️⃣
Who is Sayyida Susan (as)?
It is also the same with the names Ali, Fatima, Khadija, and so on. There are angels guiding these names.
Importance of connecting with Imam (that is connection), we should take lessons from this woman Sayyida Susan, we should have good connection with Imam because he's the guide or path to which our needs and everything will be answered, we shouldn't have anyone we tell our needs while we know it's only Allah that provide them, but there are sometimes that we tell others in order to get advices and we should find someone who is God-fearing and depends on Allah.
The most important thing is that we should tell our Imam our problems and needs we should seek help with his prayers because he is closer to our Lord than us ,and his closer to us, he's our true love, he loves us without anything in return, with his Mercy and compassion(Allah).
He loves us more than our parents. He have mercy on us more than them, so no one helped us out of problem like he does. But we shouldn't forget him and ask for help, he is the door of Allah, because Allah swore that he will answer any prayer that comes through them that's why we should hold our Imam who loves us. MashaAllah
To be continued...
Continue following us more about the history of Sayyida Susan grandmother of Imam Mahdi in Sha Allah
On behalf of the school of ma'arifatun-nafs by Teacher Nafisa Sadiq, who organized This Maulud of Sayyada Fatima (as)
✅ میں ایرانی لوگوں کے ایثار و فداکاری سے حیران ہوں....
✅ جب میرے ایک دوست نے مجھے یہ تحریر بھیجی اور میں نے اسے پڑھا تو میری آنکھوں سے آنسو جاری ہوگئے۔ ? جب انہوں نے اپنی چھوٹی سی سونے کی انگوٹھی #ایران_ھمدلی کی مہم کو دی تو بچی کی والدہ نے اس عظیم واقعہ کو بیان کیا۔ وہ کہتی ہے کہ اگر تم ہمارے پورے گھر کی چھان بین کرو گے تو تمہیں ایک گرم سونا بھی نہیں ملے گا۔ نہ مجھے اور نہ ہی میری بیٹیوں کو سونے میں دلچسپی ہے اور یقیناً ہمارے پاس پیسے بھی نہیں ہیں۔
✅ جب سے میری شادی کا سونا چور نے چرایا ہے، میں نے ایک یا دو بار پیسے لگائے، ہزاروں تومان جمع کیے اور سستی بالیاں اور انگوٹھیاں خریدیں، جو میں نے #زیارت_اربعین کے لیے بھی فروخت کیں۔ یہاں تک کہ میری ماں نے میری بیٹی کو بہت چھوٹی بالیوں کا ایک جوڑا تحفہ دیا۔
✅ جس دن ہم مہتاب گرلز کی "گولڈن کائنس" مہم میں جانا چاہتے تھے،
میری بیٹی نے اپنی ایک بالی اتار کر کہا:
ماں میں یہ مقاومتی محاذ کو دینا چاہتا ہوں۔ میرے پھول سے ایک پھول کھلا۔
میں نے پوچھا: کیا تمہیں یقین ہے، میری بیٹی؟
اس نے جواب دیا: ہاں، مجھے یقین ہے۔ میں نے اسے گلے لگایا اور اس کے لیے دعا کی۔"
40days without you Oh beloved leader ?
This is how the mother of a Hezbollah martyr received the news of her son's martyrdom
What patience and faith
Flag bearer - the struggle continues... ❤✌
Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 1 year ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago