Voice Media NZ

Voice Media - freedom of speech - independent publishers collaborating on a platform where free and critical thought is the first priority. VM has no algorithms and is supported by subscriptions. https://www.voicemedia.nz/register-Sales2
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Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Mod/CM hiring: https://forms.gle/HmEgyETipj7u3efg8

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

7 months, 1 week ago
**TOMORROW: Let Kids Be Kids | …

TOMORROW: Let Kids Be Kids | WCH Mind Health WebinarTune in 15 Nov at 8 pm UTC:
https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/mindhealthIn May 2023, Penny Marie spoke to her son's school Board of Trustees of her concern about the MOE’s Relationship & Sexuality Guidelines (RSE) and the MOH’s vaccine narrative being pushed in schools. The video of her speech was seen by thousands, and many people reached out to her with the same concerns.

Let Kids Be Kids was formed from these connections.

They are an evolving nationwide network of parents and grandparents who are finding their voices and supporting each other. Their intention is to protect our children’s minds bodies and spirits, raise awareness and empower parents and caregivers.

Hope to see you there!Time zone guide:
1 pm PDT
3 pm CDT
4 pm EDT
8 pm UTC
10 pm CAT
5 am JST (Nov 16)
7 am AEDT (Nov 16)
9 am NZDT (Nov 16)

The WCH Mind Health Committee hosts free webinars every month on our website. View them all here.

This webinar will also be live on Rumble, Facebook, Twitter, Gettr, and in the WCH Newsroom. Tell a friend!Follow: ➡️@WCH_org*📧 NEWSLETTER | 🌳LINKTREE🌐*WorldCouncilforHealth.org

8 months ago

Mum Appeals To Local Council For Support
Rachel asks for help with her local schools and public pools policies on gender. Southland District Council, New Zealand - Wednesday 25th October 2023.
This incredible mother's speech appeals to her local elected representatives to support the many parents in Southland who have raised concerns about the Relationship & Sexuality Education curriculum in schools throughout the country (and western world).



Mum Appeals To Local Council For Support

Rachel asks for help with her local schools and public pools policies on gender. Southland District Council, New Zealand - Wednesday 25th October 2023. This incredible mother's speech appeals to her l

**Mum Appeals To Local Council For Support**
8 months, 1 week ago
**Governing Into The Future!**

Governing Into The Future!
If we are going to look at governing into the future, first we should take a quick look back and see what should be changed.

We have had two terms (six years) of the Labour government with all of their issues, starting from Jacinda proudly preaching from the self-proclaimed pulpit of truth and ending up with proclamations from the lectern of lies. On Saturday 14th October New Zealanders overwhelmingly voted for change.


8 months, 1 week ago

Arita K, Scott Ritter & Andrei Martyanov

This interview gives you very good backgound on the Hamas, Palastinian and Isreali war. They also discuss the current war in Ukraine now that there is very little information coming through the media.


8 months, 1 week ago
**Israeli Government "Found" lost Pfizer Agreements!**

Israeli Government "Found" lost Pfizer Agreements!

Four agreements between Israel and Pfizer have been released via FOI lawsuit, still in a heavily redacted form. They prove that the Israeli government conducted forced experiments on people.

Read full article for free until Oct 26


8 months, 1 week ago

Let Kids Be Kids Founder Penny Marie is on Reality Check Radio 'Real Talk' with Rodney Hide.

We discuss the magnitude of the attempt to harm our kids via a political agenda that is govt funded, supported by the big media outlets, and set into legislation.

We say NO. Hear HOW we say no.


Reality Check Radio

Off Air - Reality Check Radio

Let Kids Be Kids Founder Penny Marie is on Reality Check Radio 'Real Talk' with Rodney Hide.
8 months, 1 week ago



'Error' means no-one who refused census will be prosecuted

Department had been 'proceeding down a process' towards prosecutions before discovering it had not met all the requirements of legislation.

Voice Media NZ
8 months, 1 week ago
**Open letter to the people of …

Open letter to the people of New Zealand

Tuesday 17th October 2023

If you resonate with this - we invite you to share these sentiments widely.

With aroha,
Penny Marie, Dr Rene, Tim L, Randall R and friends

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Gender Ideology In Schools, Pools & Kids Sports Teams
Rachel Jackson is a shining example of a mother who has found her voice and is making a strong stand for her children.

This is an important conversation, for all parents who have children in school, sports and public facilities. Please share to help other families.



Gender Ideology In Schools, Pools & Kids Sports Teams

Rachel Jackson is a shining example of a mother who has found her voice and is making a strong stand for her children. This informative conversation shows examples of what is in the RSE curriculum, ho

**Gender Ideology In Schools, Pools & Kids Sports Teams**
8 months, 2 weeks ago
**So Who Really Was First To …

So Who Really Was First To Reach New Zealand?
Ever known for throwing a curly one Winston Peters has come up with a doozy in this election.

In the recently televised Minor Parties debate he has bluntly said Maori are not the indigenous people of New Zealand.

That would be news to many New Zealanders who have been taught the opposite at both school and university.

For today the accepted academic and political mantra is still that Maori are the tangata whenua, the first and original occupants of this land. This, despite hefty evidence that says otherwise.

But such belief is a latecomer. For over a century past more fact-based views prevailed. Until a few years ago, that is, when MPs voted to re-interpret the Treaty of Waitangi to mean a ‘partnership’, not the ceding of sovereignty which it actually was. Their reason? Again, that Maori were here first.

What if Winston is right?
Read full story here, free until October 19.


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Last updated 2 weeks ago


Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Mod/CM hiring: https://forms.gle/HmEgyETipj7u3efg8

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago