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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
What's your favorite day of the week?
That's of course Sunday. Because that's the only day that I can have a lot of free time. I usually spend it with my family members or hanging out with friends. Sunday is also when I don't have to worry about getting up early unless there's an emergency.
Please describe your typical daily routine..
Well, I get up at 8 and I usually skip breakfast and go straight to work at around 9.30 and I have lunch with my colleagues at around 1 in the afternoon. I'll finish work at around 7 or 8, then come back home and go to bed at midnight.
Is there anything that you do every day?
There are lots of things that I do on a daily basis, one of which is to have some discussion about my job, family affairs and other things with my parents. No matter how late I go home, they will be always awake to ask how my day went. Even when I'm away, they call me.
family affairs= events and news related to family.
What do you usually do at weekends?
At the weekend I do shopping and I buy groceries for the week. In the afternoon, I usually have lunch with my family members and do things that need to be done, such as fixing things or working in the garden. In the evening, however, I go out with my friends.
Would you like to be a teacher?
Although teaching is one of the most honorable jobs in the world, I don't think I have what it takes to become one. This is simply because teaching requires a great deal of patience and hard work. Also, the pay is not that high for teachers in my country.
Do you think you could be a teacher?
Although teaching is one of the most honorable jobs in the world, I don't think I have what it takes to become one. This is simply because teaching requires a great deal of patience and hard work. Also, the pay is not that high for teachers in my country.
Did you have a favorite teacher?
I have had several teachers that left a lasting impact in my life. One of them is my English teacher at elementary school. I like and respect this teacher of mine because the lessons were generally fun and she used to seem enjoy what she did back then.
How did this teacher help you?
It is this teacher of mine who inspired me to learn English in the first place. I remember how she used to teach me to pronounce words in English and even when I made mistakes, she was always gentle unlike other teachers at schools who would get angry easily.
In what situations do you need to concentrate?
Well, whatever it is that I do, I always try to do it with absolute concentration but more than anything else, I'd say I need to be 100% concentrated when I'm Learning new things because there's this strange habit of mine that I let my mind wonder when I'm watching new videos or reading books and being concentrated in this situations can actually improve my productivity.
When is it difficult for you to concentrate?
Well, I'd say I'm quite easily affected by noise. And it's just because I grew up in a peaceful countryside where there were like very few cars and it was free from excessive Noise that we have in cities these days.
What do you do to improve your concentration?
Well, if I need to be concentrated pretty urgently, I'd say I just close my eyes and take a deep breath and I Try to continue what I was doing but on the other hand, if I'm not in a hurry, I may just take a nap for an hour or two.
Is it easy for you to do two things did the same time?
Well, it actually depends on what type of tasks that I'm trying to do I mean if the two things that I'm going to do are quite different and pretty simple like singing a song and performing a routine motor skill like doing The dishes. I'd say I nail them but on the other hand, if the tasks are much more complicated, like listening to music and reading a book, I cannot say that I'm much of a multitasker. Cuz My mind has to switch back and forth between the tasks which will delay the compilation of both and because of this I always try to avoid multitasking.
Don’t show off!!!
**? Hey guysQuick tip for speaking. A lot of people ask for study materials on how to get a high score for the speaking test.
Honestly, reading and listening how to speak isn't particularly useful. Practice is the real key to speaking.
That being said, just speaking like you do with your friends isn't always the best way to practice. I notice with my own class that they tend to talk in short phrases to each other. This isn't ideal.
The best way to practice with your speaking partner is to allow each other to give extended thoughtful ideas on whatever question they have. Having a 'chit-chat' isn't really the style that will help you when you come to take the test.
In summary, my speaking advice is to get a partner (stop worrying about 'speaking teaching' and perfect answers) and start having conversations where you give extended opinions across all sorts of topics.**#Speaking
Relatable? ?****
**“The” ni toʻgʻri talaffuz qilish!
"The thick thorn of the rose was the third thorn the thief thought about"**Audiolarni guruhda ulashing :)
**❤️ Video yoqqan bo'lsa like bosib qo'yish esdan chiqmasin!**
#motivationComfort zone kills you, no matter what excuse you make! Get out of your comfort zone and take risks! You want changes? Then, embrace reality, accept your weakness and work hard on yourself!
*? IELTS Speaking Band 9 | INCREDIBLE LEVEL + ANALYSIS*#Speaking#Band_9#Interview
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago