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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

1 year, 3 months ago
On this day in 1115 **Magnus …

On this day in 1115 Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney
Was executed in Egilsay Orkney

Magnus had to rule jointly with his cousin Haakon from 1105 to 1114.

Eventually however, the followers of the two earls fell out, and the sides met at the Thing (assembly) on the Orkney mainland, ready to do battle. Peace was negotiated and the Earls arranged to meet each other on the island of Egilsay at Easter, each bringing only two ships. Magnus arrived with his two ships, but then Haakon treacherously turned up with eight ships.

Magnus took refuge in the island's church overnight, but the following day he was captured and offered to go into exile or prison, but an assembly of chieftains, tired of joint rule, insisted that one earl must die. Haakon's standard bearer, Ofeigr, refused to execute Magnus, and an angry Haakon made his cook Lifolf kill Magnus by striking him on the head with an axe. It was said that Magnus first prayed for the souls of his executioners.

Magnus was made a Saint in 1898 by Pope Leo XIII

1 year, 3 months ago

The long-awaited Episode 8 is up on Odyssey now!

-We discuss the issue of white face in media.
-Super Mario Bros field report.
-Serious discussion about the dangers of the blackpill and how to combat it.
So, get ready to overdose on some white pills and tune in!


Explore a whole universe of videos on Odysee from regular people just like you!

The long-awaited Episode 8 is up on Odyssey now!
1 year, 3 months ago
While Kerr may not be correct …

While Kerr may not be correct in saying they have learning difficulties, the so-called "trans community" is certainly rife with mental illness.

A lot of the people being encouraged to become "trans" by gender reassignment professionals actually have a range of mental illnesses that are not being addressed by the medical community. They should be offered help, not pushed into mutilating their bodies.

The "trans" ideology is very harmful to the most vulnerable, and those that actively promote it are toxic and in many cases aggressive in their determination to spread this madness.

Hopefully, the attempts to push through the gender recognition bill by Yousaf will fail. A total waste of up to half a million pounds of tax payers money.

Join us in opposing this madness

1 year, 3 months ago
On this day Walter Wingate, a …

On this day Walter Wingate, a Scottish poet, was born on 15 April 1865, in Dalry in Ayrshire, the fourth son of David Wingate, who himself was known as ‘The Collier Poet’, having achieved some local fame for his own poems and songs. He attended Hutcheson’s Grammar School in Hamilton and, at the age of 16, went to Glasgow University from where he graduated with honours in mathematics before the age of 20. He turned to teaching, obtaining an appointment in St. John’s Grammar School in Hamilton as mathematics master, a position he continued to occupy until his untimely death at the age of 52.

During his life Wingate contributed poems to the Glasgow Herald and Evening News, to magazines, and to the anthologies of the Glasgow Ballad Club, but never had a book of his own published. In his editor’s note in the collection put together after Wingate’s death, (Poems, published by Gowans and Gray in 1919)

1 year, 3 months ago
Today a group of nationalists from …

Today a group of nationalists from our highly active North East branch met up to take advantage of the improving weather and deliver over 200 leaflets. To play your part and join us at our events get in touch at

1 year, 3 months ago
On this day in 1736 the …

On this day in 1736 the Porteous Riots occurred in Edinburgh.

On 14 April 1736, Andrew Wilson and George Robertson were publicly hanged in the Grassmarket. However, when the body of Wilson was cut down by a sailor, Captain Porteous of the City Guard reacted by grabbing a musket and firing at the sailor. Unfortunately he missed and killed a man standing behind in the crowd. Porteous ordered the City Guards to fire on the enraged crowd, killing a further five people. In the ensuing riot, the hangman, Porteous, and the city guards sought refuge in the City Guardhouse on the Royal Mile where the situation worsened. This prompted the Lord Provost of Edinburgh to instruct Captain Porteous to call out the entire City Guard, furnish them with powder and shot, and ensure the guardhouse was not stormed by the rioters. This led to the death of 6 more people.

Porteous was later tried for murder and found guilty but received a royal pardon. A enraged mob stormed his cell, pulled him out and lynched him in the Grassmarket.

1 year, 3 months ago
On this day in 1719 a …

On this day in 1719 a force of 300 Spanish marines and Jacobite exiles landed at Loch Duich to take part in the 1719 Jacobite Rising.

They landed at Lochalsh in Mackenzie territory, and set up base in Eilean Donan. Here they learned of Ormonde's failure; as commander of Jacobite land forces, Tullibardine recommended retreat, which Keith prevented by ordering the frigates back to Spain.Left with few options, the Jacobites prepared to march on Inverness, with around 1,000 men, including 400 Mackenzies, 150 Camerons, the Spaniards and other small groups. Having brought arms and ammunition for 2,000, the excess was stored at Eilean Donan, guarded by 40 Spanish marines.

They had expected to be supported by a much larger landing of Spanish forces in southern England, but the Spanish fleet was affected by bad weather and never arrived.

The rising ultimately failed after the defeat of the Jacobite forces at the battle of Glen Shiel in June 1719.

1 year, 3 months ago
Yousaf plans to waste more taxpayer …

Yousaf plans to waste more taxpayer money trying to enforce a policy that the largest percentage of the Scottish public don't want.

You would think that the SNP would have more important things on their plate, with the chaos they have in their party, its lack of financial transparency, crisis in the NHS, the ferry fiasco, increasing lawlessness and crisis in the education system, to name but a few challenges facing Scotland.

But it appears that none of these matter to the SNP and they just want to pick a fight with Westminster to push through ridiculous legislation.

Of course they will hope that this legal fight will divert people's attention away from the very obvious problems within the SNP.

The people of Scotland must wake up and realise that the SNP does not have the interests of the indigenous population at heart. The SNP need to he told their time is up.

Real nationalism is needed to secure Scotland's future. Join real nationalists in fighting for that future.

1 year, 3 months ago
On this day in 1827 James …

On this day in 1827 James Augustus Grant was born in Nairn.

James Augustus Grant, 1st Baronet.
Lieutenant-Colonel James Augustus Grant CB CSI FRS FRGS was a Scottish explorer of eastern equatorial Africa. He made contributions to the journals of various learned societies, the most notable being the "Botany of the Speke and Grant Expedition" in vol. xxix of the Transactions of the Linnean Society. He married in 1865 and settled down at Nairn, where he died in 1892. He was buried in the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral. Grant's gazelle, one of the largest gazelles in Africa, was named after him.

1 year, 3 months ago
On this day in 1273 Dervorguilla …

On this day in 1273 Dervorguilla of Galloway founded the cistersian sweet heart Abbey outside Dumfries.

The abbey, located on the banks of the New Abbey Pow (river), was founded by Dervorguilla of Galloway, daughter of Alan, Lord of Galloway, in memory of her husband, John de Balliol. After his death, she kept his embalmed heart, contained in a casket of ivory and silver, with her for the rest of her life, and it was buried alongside her when she died. In line with this devotion to her late husband, she named the abbey Dulce Cor (Latin for Sweet Heart). Their son, also John, became King of Scotland, but his reign was tragic and short.

Under the first abbot, Henry, the abbey was built in deep-red, local sandstone in the Early English style. It was founded as a daughter house to the nearby Dundrennan Abbey; thus this novum monasterium (new monastery) became known as the "New Abbey ".

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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago